Title: Acne for Dummies
Author: Herbert P. Goodheart, MD
Publisher: Wiley Publishing
First sentence: Benjamin Franklin said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes," to which I would add a third certainty - acne.
My thoughts: I wanted to read this book as I have two teenage daughters struggling with acne. I was one of the more fortunate teenagers who only got the occasional pimple, so I don't know how to help them. I have one taking oral antibiotics, which has cleared up her face, but hasn't really touched her back or upper arms. With it being summertime she is loath to wear any kind of tank top or sleeveless shirt.
With this book I mainly concentrated on those areas of interest to me going forward with my girls. These areas included understanding teen acne, myths vs reality, and when to use topicals or call in an expert.
Some of the big myths - 'chocolate causes acne (or sugar or dairy)' hasn't been proved or disproved. Dr. Goodheart just recommends that if your convinced some type of food is making your acne worse - then stop eating it. There are other myths that are also discussed like stress and makeup.
This book is very inclusive in that it covers teen acne to adult acne to disorders that might cause acne. It also covers topical treatments, common sense and prescription drugs. The book ends with some great web site references, tips for healthy skin and things you should never do (like looking in the mirror too much!) It goes into what it terms "technical stuff" which, while interesting, I didn't feel was always necessary.
Acne for Dummies, like the name would suggest, addresses this topic with common sense and a touch of humor for that which can be a very sensitive subject for some teenagers. It would be a good reference book for those beginning to deal with acne as an adult or maybe as the parent of a teen.
About the author: Herbert P. Goodheart, MD, has been in the private practice of dermatology for over 25 years. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and a member of the Greater New York Dermatological Society. For 20 years, Dr. Goodheart was an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Dermatology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, and is now an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Dermatology at the Mount Sinai College of Medicine in New York City.
Dr. Goodheart is the author of Goodheart’s Photoguide of Common Skin Disorders, Diagnosis and Management, a clinical guide to assist the primary care provider and dermatologist-in-training in the identification and treatment of common skin disorders. The book, which is in its second edition, was a unanimous choice for first prize in dermatology at the annual British Medical Association Book Awards for 2004. He also is a contributing editor of Women’s Health in Primary Care, a medical journal for physicians and other healthcare professionals.
Dr. Goodheart’s monthly column, “Dermatology Rounds,” provides information on the wide spectrum of skin disorders affecting women.
Acne for Dummies
Publisher/Publication Date: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated, January 2006
ISBN: 978-0-471-74698-3
292 pages
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