Title: Touching Wonder: Recapturing the Awe of Christmas
Author: John Blase
Publisher: David C. Cook
My thoughts: This was a wonderful little book that really made the Christmas season human. It takes the birth of Jesus, as written in Luke 1, 2, and makes it read as if you are right there. You see different perspectives in history ranging from Elizabeth, Mary's cousin, to the shepherds who came the night Jesus was born.
Each chapter starts out with a portion of Luke using The Message version. The author than restates that part of Luke as explained above. He ends the chapter with a prayer, really putting the humanness of today into what we have just read.
I am probably not doing the best job of describing what a wonderful little book this is. Small enough to tuck in your purse, it disguises the weight of the message that it brings - The Lord is come!
About the author: John Blase's work includes Living the Questions and Living the Letters Bible-study series, the Worldviews reference book (TH1NK), Real Life Stuff for Couples, and The Message Children's Bible. A former pastor, John currently edits by day and writes by night. He and his wife, Meredith, have three children and make their home in Colorado.
Touching Wonder
Publisher/Publication Date: David C. Cook, September 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4347-6465-2
127 pages