Author: Tricia Goyer
Publisher: Multnomah
First sentences: I never thought I could meet God here. In my home. In my mess. In the midst of my ordinary suburban life.
My synopsis: How true are those sentences in your life? I can't tell you how often I could use that reminder - that God is with me. Like when I am struggling and often losing my patience trying to get my 4-year old to brush his teeth. Or after telling my 14-year-old daughter to again, stop texting and pay attention. Or even when my 16-year-old decides that she is the boss. Just knowing that I don't have to wait until Sunday to draw closer to God should be a blessing - but in our hurry-scurry world it, unfortunately, is not my first thought.
The author at one point says that she believes God sometimes allows us to reach those low points, because that is when we need Him the most and rely on Him the quickest. She takes us through her story - the good and the bad - from having an abortion at 15 to interviewing veterans of WWII and writing their story. She has three children and shares both the rewards and the challenges she has faced in raising them - those situations where she feels she could have done things differently, but realizes that regardless - God still loves her - even when she feels she can be a better wife, mother, person...
My thoughts: I found this book to be full of hope - to know that God is in the midst of my struggles with me - even when I am mired down with dirty laundry and Hot Wheel cars! To know that God has a plan for my life - and while I may not be able to see the big picture right now - He sees it - and as long as I am pliable - like play dough - he will continue to take me down the path that He has had for me all along. This book was a quick read - and it was well worth it!
Enter my giveaway for Blue Like Play Dough ending August 5th - or purchase it from Random House.
Blue Like Play Dough
Publisher/Publication Date: Multnomah, July 2009
ISBN: 978-1-60142-152-4
208 pages