Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.
Showing posts with label Lenya Heitzig. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lenya Heitzig. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2009

First Wild Card Tour: Live Deeply and Live Relationally

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Check out my review of Live Relationally and Live Deeply.

Today's Wild Card authors are:

and the books:

Live Deeply: A Study in the Parables of Jesus

David C. Cook; New edition edition (June 1, 2009)


Live Relationally: Lessons from the Women of Genesis

David C. Cook; New edition edition (June 1, 2009)


Lenya Heitzig is an award-winning author and popular Bible teacher. After beginning her ministry as a single women’s counselor with Youth With a Mission, Lenya married Skip and together they started Calvary of Albuquerque, one of the fast growing churches in the country. The author of Holy Moments and coauthor of the Gold Medallion-winning, Pathways to God’s Treasures, Lenya currently serves as Director of Women at Calvary, overseeing weekly Bible studies and yearly retreats. Lenya and Skip live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Visit the author's website.

Penny Pierce Rose is the award-winning author/coauthor of several books and Bible studies, including the ECPA Gold Medallion winner, Pathways to God’s Treasures. She has served on the board of directors for the Southwest Women’s Festival and develops Bible study curriculum for the women’s programs at Calvary of Albuquerque. Penny, her husband, Kerry, and their three children, Erin, Kristian, and Ryan, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Visit the author's website.

Product Details:

Live Deeply:

List Price: $14.99

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: David C. Cook; New edition edition (June 1, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1434799867

ISBN-13: 978-1434799869

Live Relationally:

List Price: $14.99

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: David C. Cook; New edition edition (June 1, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1434767485

ISBN-13: 978-1434767486



Root Determines Fruit

Matthew 13:1–23

Lenya adored Mrs. Johnson, her elementary school teacher, because she had the ability to bring Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to life. Lenya’s sister would anxiously wait for her to arrive home to retell the story in every detail. Penny loved nothing more than spooky bedtime tales from her granddaddy. She’d lie awake at night, jumping at every sound, wondering whether the boogeyman was real. All our kids loved trips to the library for story hour.

Since ancient times, storytellers have enthralled audiences with tales both entertaining and instructive. In 300 BC, Aesop, the Greek storyteller, featured animals like the tortoise and the hare in his fables vividly illustrating how to solve problems. The Brothers Grimm gathered fairy tales like Hansel and Gretel in nineteenth-century Germany to teach children valuable moral lessons. Baby boomers were mesmerized when Walt Disney animated their favorite stories in amazing Technicolor.

However, throughout history no one has compared to Jesus Christ as a storyteller. Rather than telling fables or fairy tales, He told parables. A parable is a short, simple story designed to communicate a spiritual truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. It is a figure of speech in which truth is illustrated by a comparison or example drawn from everyday experiences. Warren Wiersbe simply says, “A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.”1 Throughout this study we’ll learn from the stories Jesus told, comparing them to our lives and putting His eternal truths into practice.

Day 1: Matthew 13:1–3 Floating Pulpit Day 2: Matthew 13:3–9 Fertile Parable Day 3: Matthew 13:10–13 Few Perceive Day 4: Matthew 13:14–17 Fulfilled Prophecy Day 5: Matthew 13:18–23 Four Possibilities


Floating Pulpit

Lift up…

Lord, I love to gather with Your people and listen to Your Word. Help me to be a faithful hearer, not only listening to what You say but obeying Your commands. Thank You for being in our midst. Amen.

Look at…

Jesus proved Himself to be the promised King—the Messiah of Israel—through His impeccable birthright, powerful words, and supernatural deeds. Despite His amazing miracles and the many ways He fulfilled prophecy, the religious leaders rejected His lordship. Knowing the religious leaders had turned on Him, Jesus directed His attention to the common people. Matthew 13 tells how Jesus stepped onto a floating pulpit on the Sea of Galilee and spoke in parables to explain how the gospel—the good news of salvation—would inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on earth.

The parable of the Sower is one of seven parables Jesus taught to describe what His kingdom would look like as a result of the religious establishment rejecting Him. This parable was a precursor to the Great Commission that Jesus would give His disciples after His death, burial, and resurrection: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). There is no evidence that the religious leaders stayed to listen to Jesus’ simple stories. Yet after this teaching session, the resentment of the religious leaders only deepened.

Read Matthew 13:1–3.

On the same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea. Matthew 13:1

Explain what Jesus did on this day in His ministry.

Matthew 13:1 is the continuation of a critical day in Jesus’ ministry. Briefly scan Matthew 12; then answer the following questions to learn more about this “same day.”

What day of the week is referred to here?

What miracles did Jesus perform on this day?

Describe Jesus’ encounters with the religious leaders.

What did He teach about becoming a member of His family?

According to Mark 3:6, what did the Pharisees begin to do on this fateful day?

And great multitudes were gathered together to Him, so that He got into a boat and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore. Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: “Behold, a sower went out to sow.” Matthew 13:2–3

Explain why Jesus got into the boat.

How many people stayed to hear Jesus’ message?

What method of teaching did Jesus use in speaking to the


What types of things did He teach in parables?

Galilee was an important region to Jesus. Fill in the following table to learn more.

Scripture Galilee’s Significance

Matthew 4:18–21

Matthew 17:22–23

Matthew 26:31–32

Luke 1:26–28

Luke 2:39–40

Acts 10:36–38

We’ve learned that many people came to know Jesus in Galilee. Journal about the place where you encountered Jesus and how meeting Him affected your feelings about that location.

Jesus was “moved with compassion” for the multitudes that followed Him. Circle below to indicate how you respond to the many people who are lost and looking for a shepherd.

Eager to share the gospel

Impatient with their ignorance

Anxious to get away

Concerned for their eternity

Frightened by their unruliness

Other __________________

Journal a prayer asking God to supernaturally fill you with compassion for the multitudes that don’t know Him.

The multitudes crowded around Jesus, so He turned a boat on the Sea of Galilee into a floating pulpit. In his book Fully Human, Fully Alive, John Powell tells about a friend vacationing in the Bahamas who was drawn to a noisy crowd gathered toward the end of a pier:

Upon investigation he discovered that the object of all the attention was a young man making the last-minute preparations for a solo journey around the world in a homemade boat. Without exception everyone on the pier was vocally pessimistic. All were actively volunteering to tell the ambitious sailor all the things that could possibly go wrong. “The sun will broil you! … You won’t have enough food! … That boat of yours won’t withstand the waves in a storm! … You’ll never make it!”

When my friend heard all these discouraging warnings to the adventurous young man, he felt an irresistible desire to offer some optimism and encouragement. As the little craft began drifting away from the pier towards the horizon, my friend went to the end of the pier, waving both arms wildly like semaphores spelling confidence. He kept shouting: “Bon Voyage! You’re really something! We’re with you! We’re proud of you!”2

If you had been there as the boat was leaving, which group on the pier would you have been among: the optimists or the pessimists? More importantly, if you had been in the crowds along the Sea of Galilee, would you have joined the Pharisees seeking to harm Jesus or the crowd eagerly listening to the stories Jesus told?

Listen to …

The best leaders … almost without exception and at every level, are master users of stories and symbols.

—Tom Peters


Eve--Trouble in Paradise

Genesis 2:18-3:24

The first trouble in paradise was man's aloneness. For six consecutive days--as God created light, the cosmos, the land and sea, the stars and planets, the creatures in the sea and sky, and every living thing that moves, including the ultimate creation of man--God declared, “It is good.” But there was one thing that wasn't good: Man did not have a companion. So God created the perfect mate for Adam. She would be the counterpart for him physically, spiritually, intellectually, and socially. She was intended to complete him. She was more than a mate--she was a soul mate.

We know this woman as Eve. Although the Bible does not describe her, there is no doubt that she was the most beautiful woman who ever lived. Why? She was God's masterpiece. The Divine dipped His paintbrush into the palette of dust and clay and breathed life from His wellspring of inspiration to form a portrait of perfection. Just imagine a woman with a face more beautiful than Helen of Troy, a body more statuesque than the Venus de Milo, a personality more captivating than Cleopatra, and a smile more mysterious than the Mona Lisa. She ate a perfect diet, so her figure was probably flawless. Because of an untainted gene pool, she was undoubtedly without physical defect. Due to the antediluvian atmosphere, her complexion was age-defying perfection. She was never a child, daughter, or sister. She was the first wife, the first mother, and the first woman to encounter evil incarnate. That's when real trouble in paradise began.

Day 1: Genesis 2:18-25 Paradise Found

Day 2: Genesis 3:1-6 Innocence Lost

Day 3: Genesis 3:7-13 Hiding Out

Day 4: Genesis 3:14-19 Judgment Pronounced

Day 5: Genesis 3:20-24 East of Eden


Paradise Found

Lift up …

Thank You, Lord, that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. You have created me in Your image to glorify Your name. May I fulfill Your will in my heart and home. Amen.

Look at …

We begin our study when God made man and woman. Though God created both humans and animals, this does not mean that they are on equal footing. People are made in God's image, setting us apart from animals in a profound way. We possess a soul. The soul refers to a person's inner life. It is the center of our emotions and personality. The word soul is first used in Genesis: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being [soul]” (Gen. 2:7). In other words, humans possess intellect, emotion, and will.

For instance, dogs aren't bright enough to realize they'll never catch their own tails; cows don't weep over the beauty of a sunset; and a female praying mantis can't keep herself from chewing her spouse's head off. People, on the other hand, have the ability to acquire knowledge and experience deep feelings. They also have the capacity for self-control. While animals act instinctively, we as humans should behave transcendently. We are God's special creation endowed with the gift of “soul-power.”

Read Genesis 2:18-25.

And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. Genesis 2:18-25

Explain the problem and solution God first spoke about in this passage.

Describe in detail the task God assigned to Adam.

Compare and contrast Adam to the rest of the living beings.

In your own words describe how God created woman.

a. When Adam met his mate he made a proclamation. What do you think “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” signified for Adam?

b. What did he call his mate and why?

Here we find the first mention of marriage in Scripture. Explain God's intent for marriage.

a. What else do you learn about the man and wife in this passage?

b. Why do you think this is relevant?

Live out …

a. God declared that man needs companionship. Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 and explain some of the reasons why it is better to have a mate to come alongside you.

Read the sidebar concerning “Threefold Strength” and talk about how you have experienced God's supernatural strength in your life and/or marriage.

Many women today struggle with the way they look, think, and feel. But when God made Eve from Adam's rib, this was not His intent. When He made you, He made you to be the person you are too. With this in mind, journal Psalm 139:13-14 into a personal psalm praising God for making you just as you are.

For You formed my inward parts;

You covered me in my mother's womb.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Marvelous are Your works. Ps. 139:13-14

Before the fall, Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed. It's probably difficult to imagine being unashamed about our looks, actions, or thoughts. But Jesus came to free us from condemnation (Rom. 8:1). Read the following Scriptures and talk about how we can either stand ashamed or unashamed before God.

Psalm 119:5-6

Isaiah 41:11

Isaiah 49:23

Jeremiah 8:9

It's safe to say that none of us is perfectly content with our frame. We all wish we were better, thinner, richer, healthier, smarter, or younger. We may think that if we were different in some way people would accept us, respect us, or love us more. Maybe we'd even love and respect ourselves more. Like Eve, we would walk in this world unashamed.

A recent University of Waterloo study determined that people's self-esteem is linked to such traits as physical appearance, social skills, and popularity. Research associate Danu Anthony noted that acceptance from others is strongly tied to appearances. Furthermore, the study found that self-esteem is connected to traits that earn acceptance from other people. “People state emphatically that it is 'what's inside' that counts and encourage their children not to judge others based on appearances, yet they revere attractive people to an astonishing degree,” Anthony says. “They say they value communal qualities such as kindness and understanding more than any other traits, but seem to be exceptionally interested in achieving good looks and popularity.” The bottom line is that people's looks and behavior are intimately linked to being accepted by others.3

As women of faith, we know that acceptance from others is not nearly as important as our acceptance of One Man--the God/Man Jesus Christ, the second Adam. Only by accepting Jesus Christ's sacrificial death will you be made whole: “You are complete in Him” (Col. 2:10).

Listen to…

The woman was formed out of man--not out of his head to rule over him; not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him; but out of his side to be his equal, from beneath his arm to be protected, and from near his heart to be loved.

--Matthew Henry

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Live Deeply and Live Relationally by Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose (Book Reviews)

Title: Live Relationally: Lessons from the Women of Genesis
Author: Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose
Publisher: David C. Cook

Title: Live Deeply: A Study in the Parables of Jesus
Author: Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose
Publisher: David C. Cook

I reviewed both of these books for TBB Media and First Wild Card Tours.

About the books: On the back of these books it says - "The Fresh Life series was created by women, for women - women who crave a profound experience of God's Word without an overwhelming commitment of time. With each lesson, you will come to a deeper understanding of the truths of the Bible and develop a deeper intimacy with God."

I began with the book Live Relationally and am really enjoying having the 20 minutes in the morning as my quiet time with God. Each lesson is divided into 5 days - but because this is my time with God - if something happens in the morning (like my son getting up early than usually) I just make up the time later in the day or on the weekend. The Live Relationally study has allowed me to take a deeper look at some of the women of the old testament - something that I have wanted to do for awhile. It is amazing how the trials and triumphs that they lived through are the same as you hear about or experience today. I am always looking for a good Bible study and feel that I have found one with these books. They would also be appropriate for a small group study. I have been delighted with the fact that they have finally got me to start journaling - another thing that I have been wanting to do for awhile!

Each lesson is structured as follows:
  1. Lift up (prayer)
  2. Look at (God's Word)
  3. Learn about (new insights)
  4. Live out (application)
  5. Listen to (quotes from other believers)
I am not yet done with the first book (each book contains 10 weeks of lessons) - but intend to continue on with Live Deeply when it is done. There are also two more books in the series - Live Fearlessly: A Study in the Book of Joshua and Live Intimately: Lessons from the Upper Room. I hope to continue on with those when I finish these two. I highly recommend this series for any woman who is looking to deepen her relationship with God backed with good Biblical teachings.

About the authors: Lenya Heitzig is an ECPA Gold Medallion-winning author and a popular Bible teacher. Lenya and her husband Skip, started Calvary of Albuquerque, one of the fastest-growing churches in the country. She is the author of Holy Moments: Recognizing God's Fingerprints on Your Life and coauthor of the four Bible studies in the Fresh Life series. She also contributed to the best-selling New Women's Devotional bible. Lenya serves as the director of Women at Calvary, overseeing weekly Bible studies and yearly retreats. Lenya and Skip live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Penny Rose is an award-winning author of several Bible studies, including the four books in the Fresh Life series. She was the general editor for the New Women's Devotional Bible, a finalist for the Christian Book Awards and contributed to True Identity: The Bible for Women. Penny thrives on teaching at conferences and retreats nationwide. She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with her husband Kerry, a pastor at Calvary of Albuquerque. They have two daughters, Erin and Ryan, and one son, Kristian.

Live Relationally
Publisher/Publication Date: David C. Cook, June 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4347-6748-6
288 pages

Live Deeply
Publisher/Publication Date: David C. Cook, June 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4347-9986-9
288 pages

Monday, June 1, 2009

ARC Arrivals: Live Deeply and Live Relationally

Live Deeply: A Study in the Parables of Jesus by Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose
Live Relationally: Lessons from the Women of Genesis by Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose

Publisher: David C. Cook

I received these books for a First Wild Card Tour on June 26th.

About Live Deeply: Twenty minutes a day to a better understanding of Jesus' parables. Have you ever read one of Jesus' parables and asked, "What is He talking about?" If so, you're not alone. Jesus' own disciples were also perplexed by the enigmatic stories Christ told.

Now you - alone or with your small group - can dig deeper into the meaning of these parables in lessons that conjure vivid imagery of the sights and sounds of ancient Israel. You will begin to uncover the parables' important meanings for your walk with Christ.

Gain a lifetime of valuable insights in this Fresh Life Bible study by authors Lenya Heitzig and Penny Rose. Each day's lesson is structured in five parts:
  1. Lift up (prayer)
  2. Look at (God's Word)
  3. Learn about (new insights)
  4. Live out (application)
  5. Listen to (quotes from other believers)
The Fresh Life series was created by women, for women - women who crave a profound experience of God's Word without an overwhelming commitment of time. With each lesson, you will come to a deeper understanding of the truths of the Bible and develop a deeper intimacy with God.

About Live Relationally: Twenty minutes a day to a fresh look at the women of Genesis. Quick - name your favorite Bible character! Is it a woman? Chances are it's not, even though women are central to God's story - and His plan. Genesis alone is peopled with women who experience death, marriage, divorce, rape and family tragedy. And if that sounds like something out of last night's prime-time TV, it just goes to show that the Bible has a message for you - today.

From the complicated Tamar to the often oversimplified Eve, Genesis is full of wives and mothers, slaves and owners, sinners and saints. . . and each woman's story will touch your heart.

Discover the vivid lessons and rich wisdom of Israel's founding mothers in this Fresh Life Bible study by authors Lenya Heitzig and Penny Rose. Lessons are structured as above.

About the authors: Lenya Heitzig is an ECPA Gold Medallion-winning author and a popular Bible teacher. Lenya and her husband Skip, started Calvary of Albuquerque, one of the fastest-growing churches in the country. She is the author of Holy Moments: Recognizing God's Fingerprints on Your Life and coauthor of the four Bible studies in the Fresh Life series. She also contributed to the best-selling New Women's Devotional Bible. Lenya serves as the director of Women at Calvary, overseeing weekly Bible studies and yearly retreats. Lenya and Skip live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Penny Rose is an award-winning author of several Bible studies, including the four books in the Fresh Life series. She was the general editor of the New Women's Devotional Bible, a finalist for the Christian Book Awards and contributed to True Identity: The Bible for Women. Penny thrives on teaching at conferences and retreats nationwide. She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her husband, Kerry, a pastor at Calvary of Albuquerque. They have two daughters, Erin and Ryan and one son, Kristian.

Live Deeply
Publisher/Publication date: David C. Cook, June 2009
ISBN-13: 978-1-4347-9986-6
288 pages

Live Relationally
Publisher/Publication date: David C. Cook, June 2009
ISBN-13: 978-1-4347-6748-6
288 pages


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