Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Good Father by Diane Chamberlain (Book Review and Giveaway)

It is so exciting that this tour is ending with a live chat with the author!  I haven't looked far enough ahead to see if I will be at work or not, but if not, I know who I will be chatting with!

Title: The Good Father
Author: Diane Chamberlain
Publisher: MIRA

About the book: Four years ago, nineteen-year-old Travis Brown made a choice: to raise his newborn daughter on his own.  While most of his friends were out partying and meeting girls, Travis was at home, changing diapers and worrying about keeping food on the table.  But he's never regretted his decision.  Bella is the light of his life.  The reason behind every move he makes.  And so far, she is fed. Cared for. Safe.

But when Travis loses his construction job and his home, the security he's worked so hard to create for Bella begins to crumble. . .

Then a miracle.  A job in Raleigh has the power to turn their fortunes around.  It has to.  But when Travis arrives in Raleigh, there is no job, only an offer to participate in a onetime criminal act that promises quick money and no repercussions.

With nowhere else to turn, Travis must make another choice for his daughter's sake.

Even if it means he might lose her. 

One of them smiled at me, then went red in the face and looked away. I hardly glanced at her. I only saw the thirty-something woman sitting in the leather chair. I felt like hugging her.
            "Hey," I said, like it was any other morning. "How's it going?"

My thoughts:  I have been wanting to read a book by Diane Chamberlain for awhile and jumped at the chance to review this one when it came along!  I am so glad that I did!  (I had to go back and adjust this statement as this is the SECOND book that I have read by Ms. Chamberlain!  The first was The Midwife's Confession which I also loved - click on the title to check out my review.)

The book is narrated by three people: Travis, Erin, and Robin.

Travis is Bella’s father and has been raising her with just the help of his mother since she was born.  But recently they have fallen on some hard times.  They lost their home, Travis lost his job, and his mother, pretty much all at once.  He is doing his best to find work, but without someone to care for Bella he is really struggling.  Through a friend he hears about an opportunity in Raleigh, so goes to check it out.  I think he is still in shock from losing his mom and isn’t thinking through each situation like he should.  He may be 23 and raising a child, but I think he depended a lot on his mom. 

In Raleigh at a little coffee shop Travis meets Erin, our next narrator.  Erin has recently lost a little girl about the same age as Bella.  In her grief she has been unable to work and unable to relate to her husband, so she has moved into her own apartment to give herself some space from him.  Erin is instantly taken with Bella, but doesn’t feel like she should be as she could be betraying her own daughter.  Travis makes the decision to leave Bella with Erin so he can complete the job opportunity that he heard about.  They have been living out of his van for a couple of days and he needs to get Bella somewhere more stable, so he has to do this job – even if he feels in his gut that it is wrong.

Meanwhile we meet Robin, Bella’s mother.  She almost lost her life carrying Bella, and was so sick after she was born, that thinking about raising a child was the last thing on her mind.  Her dad did everything in his power to keep her and Travis apart, meanwhile telling them both lies to further his plan of action.  Bella is now healthy, running a B and B, and engaged to the Mayor’s son, Dale.

I love all of these characters.  Travis made some bad decisions, but I think his heart was in the right place.  Erin steps up even in her grief to take care of Bella, even if she was left with her in a somewhat unorthodox fashion.  I even liked Robin, who you could tell was a good person and you know she would have kept her baby if the situation had been different.
The culmination of the three of them coming together with Bella is very suspenseful!  You just have to hope that they will all make the right choices this time – choices that will keep them safe and give them a chance at happiness. 

I loved this book and am sorry that it had to end!

~I received a complimentary copy of this book from Meryl L. Moss Media in exchange for my unbiased review.~

And now for the giveaway!  First entry is easy - just leave your email address and click enter!  Giveaway is open to US/Canada only and will end at Midnight on May 18, 2012. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Good Father
Publisher/Publication Date: MIRA, April 2012
ISBN: 978-0-7783-1346-5
347 pages

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Grand Murder by Stacy Verdick Case (Book Review and Giveaway)

Title: A Grand Murder
Author: Stacy Verdick Case
Publisher: Before the Fall Books

About the Book: A Grand Murder is the first book in the Catherine O'Brien mystery series. When a prominent local businessman and friend of the chief of police is murdered on the front steps of his posh Grand Avenue Hill home, Catherine O'Brien a pithy, vertically challenged, St. Paul, Minnesota, homicide detective with a monstrous coffee habit and her partner Louise are given two days to find his killer. They soon discover their victim had a list of people with motives to murder him, including his fashion designer ex-wife, his mistress's husband, and the chief of police. The only evidence they have to go on is a missing cell phone, a stolen book, the victim's letter opener, and an ugly pair of Alpaca wool mittens.

My thoughts: Now, I don't remember a whole lot about Cagney and Lacey, but they were the first ones I thought of when I met Detectives (Catherine) O'Brien  and (Louise) Montgomery.  Catherine is married to a saint of a man (Gavin) who puts up with her crazy hours and dangerous jobs with understanding and foot rubs, though he does admit it is not what he imagined marriage to be. Louise is single and always seems to be put together, with not a hair out of place, regardless of how much sleep she has or hasn't had. 

The book starts out with them being thrown head first into the murder investigation of Nathan Stanley.  Even with a list of suspects they don't seem to be able to come up with an immediate motive.  While investigating, they do uncover lots of trysts among the executives and their wives of Stanley and Forster -- but now they have to prove that someone was upset enough about them to commit murder.  

I liked both Catherine and Louise.  They were both good cops and lived and breathed their jobs.  Catherine was typically the "bad" cop and has a hard time filtering what comes out of her mouth.  Louise was generally unruffled and was able to handle most situations with poise and tact.  You are also introduced to "Digs" - the forensics guy who was usually assigned to their cases and who was smitten with Louise and their Chief, who seems gruff but was usually understanding if you were doing your job. 

While this who-done-it's  ending wasn't a complete shocker, I did enjoy reading it and it moved along at a good pace.  I will definitely look for more O'Brien and Montgomery books.

~I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from Partners in Crime in exchange for my review.~

About the author: Stacy Verdick Case was born in Willmar, Minnesota.  After a brief stint as a military brat, where she lived in Fort Sill Oklahoma and Fort Campbell, Kentucky, her family moved back to Minnesota.

Stacy currently lives in a suburb of St. Paul with her husband and her daughter.  Her Catherine O'Brien mystery, A Grand Murder, is available from Before the Fall Books.  Her second Catherine O'Brien mystery Murder is a Family Affair, will be released shortly.  Stacy is hard at work on her third book in the series.

You can connect with her and find out more about her book at the following locations:

Visit Stacy on the web at www.StacyVerdickCase.com
Twitter @SVerdickCase

Please fill out the rafflecopter form below for a chance to win a copy of A Grand Murder!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sykosa by Justin Ordoñez (book excerpt and giveaway)

I just finished this book yesterday. Though the main characters are juniors in high school, this is definitely an 18+ book. I would be putting it mildly to say there are a lot of references to sex in it. Though it is not something that I would usually pick up, it hooked me and now I have to wait for the second book to come out! I will be reviewing it tonight or tomorrow.

  Warning: Excerpt below contains adult subject matter and some profanity.

by Justin Ordonez

Please enjoy this excerpt from Sykosa, a YA novel (for 18+ readers), by Justin Ordoñez. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including $550 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of the book.

 First period. American history.

Who knows which is worse. At this hour, it’s too early to care. Luckily, it’s never too early to bitch and moan. And she would do so, save her teacher is already on it. He’s up at the board—in shock that not a pupil noticed how his cuff smudged all his bullet points. Like wrist trajectory were her problem. That’s a math problem. And math problems aren’t her problem for another two hours. Yawn. He’s still going on—something about full attention being on…

Her fingernails.

Fingernails, you see, are better than lectures.

Particularly these lectures. Particularly this class.

She wishes nail polish didn’t break the Academy’s Personal Code, then her fingernails could be pretty colors, and she’d feel like a pretty girl. They should let her do her nails in class. It’s no different from doodling. It also increases hygiene, and in high school, that’s nothing to scoff at. She may paint her fingernails this afternoon, just for fun, then remove it and—

Hang on. Her teacher said something will be on a test.

Never mind, she already knows it.

Anyhow, if she does do her nails, she has a problem. She doesn’t know what to do. However, she does know she doesn’t want to do something she’s already done. If she’s gonna do her nails for one night, then it’d be nice if it were a departure of some type. Alas, her brain has no ideas. Being pretty is hard! Yet, she likes it so very much. That does it. She needs to talk to Niko. For one, Niko’s her best friend. Two, Niko’s gifted in the department of being glamorous. And luckily, Niko’s her neighbor, so she drafts a note that she passes across the table.

What should I do with my fingernails?

Niko reads the note in delight, then dies of boredom.

I thought you were gonna share good gossip or something.

No, I want to do my fingernails.

Do something slutty. That’s always good for a thrill.

That’s a good idea.

Niko always has good ideas. Niko’s brilliant!

She wishes she were Niko.

And Niko wishes she were Sykosa’s breasts. That’s me, Sykosa! Well, technically, it’s my breasts. Breasts are an urgent topic for Niko, seeing as her prime puberty years have passed, and to Niko’s horror, she’s all As in the bra and all Ds on her report card. That’s harder on a girl than people think. And it’s why Niko collapses her cheek on her hand, then inconspicuously stares at those far-bigger boobs. Niko thinks she does it for a second or two. In reality, it’s seven or eight. Now, before anyone makes any assumptions, Niko’s not gay. She’s about as boy-crazy as a girl gets. To the point that she collects boyfriends as if they were Girl Scout badges.

And to be fair, this breast-staring is harmless.

Though every girl has her limits.

Hers have been exceeded. Not by Niko, but by Tom. He also has his cheek in hand, his eyes overcome by her chest—for what is maybe ten or eleven seconds.

Unlike Niko, he’s thinking of her as if she were some toy.

He may be right.

In the only snowstorm of the year, as the Academy froze under the sickly sweet smell of a dysfunctional oil furnace, she retreated behind the two bell towers of the Academy chapel. And on that very day, this very boy—in his ski jacket laden with those sticky tags they put on bags at airports—stumbled onto her smoking self and put his tongue in her mouth. It was a bold move. And it impressed her. They didn’t need to “talk.” Besides, it woulda fucked up the moment. I get shy fast. Accordingly, she kissed him until her heart beat so hard she became faint. It meant something. This feeling. She caught her breath. They sat beside each other. Seconds later, she wished they hadn’t stopped, so they restarted, then kept at it.

This time without the tongue.

Niko steals the note, then writes a new one.

Why is he looking at you like that? Only I’m supposed to look at you like that!

Niko’s the type who admits her faults shamelessly. While it’s slightly backward, Niko does so not as a deterrent from such behaviors, but to enable them. She rarely complains. Because that’s Niko. And somehow that excuses everything Niko does. That said, she supposes she’s predisposed to Niko’s jealously over her body, perhaps to the point of flattery. You see, this Tom-thing is nothing. Or if it is something, it’s certainly not enough of something. Not enough for her to buy a prom dress.

Why do you think he is looking at me like that?

Because you * him.

Not to delve too far into the well of note-passing dynamics, but she—and the Queens—use secret codes in case of confiscation. “*” means fuck, in all forms and conjugations. She has not * Tom. She has not * anybody. Her lips quiver at the *. It feels like something she’ll put off until she is thirty. Simultaneously, she also feels like it could happen in the immediate future.

Sometimes she just “knows.”




But, she is afraid. Everything is too complicated. It should not have to be. She goes behind the chapel. He goes behind the chapel. They make out. Simple, right? It’s not. Regardless, if even that must be complicated, then certainly the concept that she wants to go to Prom, thus he should ask her to Prom and then they should go to Prom is simple, right? It’s not. You see, he has this best friend, this confidante, this main focus, this everything—and her name is not Sykosa, but Mackenzie.

Or as you will soon find out: “M.” That’s what he calls her.


As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Sykosa eBook edition is just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing this fantastic book at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $550 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of the book.

All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win!

To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copy of Sykosa for just 99 cents
  2. Fill-out the simple form on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
  4. BONUS: Leave a comment on this post*
Leave a comment, win $100:

One random tour commenter will win a $100 Amazon gift card. Just leave a comment on this post, and you'll be entered to win. For a full list of participating blogs, check out the official tour page. You can enter on just my blog or on all of them. Get out there and network!

About the book: YA fiction for the 18+ crowd. Sykosa is a sixteen-year-old girl trying to reclaim her identity after an act of violence shatters her life and the lives of her friends. Set at her best friend’s cottage, for what will be a weekend of unsupervised badness, Sykosa will have to finally confront the major players and issues from this event, as well as decide if she wants to lose her virginity to Tom, her first boyfriend, and the boy who saved her from danger. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Sykosa is Justin Ordoñez's life's work. He hopes to one day settle down with a nerdy, somewhat introverted woman and own 1 to 4 dogs. Visit Justin on his website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bubba to the Rescue by Jennifer Walker (Book Review and Giveaway)

Bubba to the Rescue
by Jennifer Walker
Blog Tour March 1 - 15

What starts out as a leisurely trail ride turns into a terrifying afternoon when Alex and Leslie see a plume of smoke rising in the trees. After saving the neighbor's horses from a horrible fate, the two teens must run through the burning woods and get back to Green Meadow before it's too late. 

On the way, they encounter a strange horse wandering through the woods by itself, and it follows them home. Leslie soon becomes attached to "Spark", when she can't find his owner... but will she get to keep him, or will someone come forward to claim the horse she has come to love? Bubba to the Rescue is the second book in Ms. Walker's series of Green Meadow Riders fiction teen, tween and children's books.

About the author: Jennifer Walker is the author of Bubba Goes National and Bubba to the Rescue, and her stories appeared in the anthologiesElements of the Soul and The Ultimate Horse Lover. A full time freelance writer and editor, her work has appeared in numerous magazines and websites. She resides in Northern California with her husband, cat, dog, and Arabian stallion.

She is donating $1 from the sale of each book to send a deserving young lady to Arabian Horse Youth Nationals.

Title: Bubba to the Rescue
Author: Jennifer  Walker
Publisher:  Twin Trinity Media

My thoughts: This book starts out with the thrilling forest fire and race home for Leslie, Alex and their horses.  We learn alot about the teens and their love for animals in this opening scene as they risked their lives to save the neighbors horses from being burnt up in their barn.  Once home though, they discover that Lucky, Leslie's championship horse, must have been hit by a burning branch and has a pretty bad wound on one of her legs.

I don't think Leslie is your typical teen.  I believe she was a freshman in high school, but she was very responsible.  Her dad has just remarried her riding instructor (Leslie's mom had died a few years before).  She has accepted this woman very easily in her life and even calls her mom from the beginning.  Even though she has known her for a very long time, I am not sure that there wouldn't have been a little more trauma involved in accepting her as a mom. Leslie keeps up her grades at school and also works every day in the stable with the horses.  She is also in a relationship with Alex, a fellow freshman and stable employee.

A horse, who they have named Spark, followed them out of the fire.  He wasn't really hurt from the fire, but appeared as if he had been on his own for quite some time.  He was malnourished and they could tell his coat had not been groomed in quite awhile.  Leslie adopts him as her own, as Lucky is recuperating from his wound and can't really be ridden.  She knows though, that the real owner could claim him at any time.  This does not stop her from becoming attached to him though.

I liked learning about the care of horses and some of the things that go on at horse shows.  I think at some time in every little girl's life they would like to have a horse.  There is something romantic about them.  This would be a great book/series for any tween/teen who has a love for horses.

~I received a complimentary ecopy of this book from Jennifer Walker and Walker Tours in exchange for my review.~

Bubba to the Rescue
Publisher/Publication Date: Twin Trinity Media
ISBN: 978-0984209569
240 pages
Reading level: 9-14 years old

Free Preview available at Amazon


Leave a comment for a chance to win an e-copy of Jennifer's short story, Leslie and the Lion.  This is open internationally and the winner will be announced on the 15th when I have Jennifer back with a guest post!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Voices of the Dead by Peter Leonard (Blog Tour and Giveaway!)

Title: Voices of the Dead
Author: Peter Leonard

Publisher: The Story Plant

About the Book: The year is 1971. The place is Detroit. Harry Levin, a scrap metal dealer and Holocaust survivor, has just learned that his daughter was killed in a car accident. Traveling to Washington, DC to claim the body, he learns that the accident was caused by a German diplomat who was driving drunk. This is only the beginning of the horror for Harry, though, as he discovers that the diplomat will never face charges he has already been released and granted immunity. Enraged and aggrieved, Harry discovers the identity of his daughter’s killer, follows him to Munich, and hunts him down. What Harry finds out about the diplomat and his plans will explode his life and the lives of everyone around him.

Brimming with action and dark humor, Voices of the Dead, firmly positions Peter Leonard as a writer ever suspense fan needs to read.

My thoughts: Since I started blogging I have began reading the introductions and acknowledgements a lot more.  In the introduction to this book, Elmore Leonard states about Peter Leonard's writing "...no long-winded parts of it overwritten, no show-off descriptions that say, "Hey, look at my writing,"  so I was thinking about this as I read the book.  I have to agree with that statement and I found it refreshing.  Much of the book is set in Germany and surrounding locations and I think some writers would have spent some time describing the countryside, but this is not one of them, and it is not missed.  But enough about what the book wasn't.

What it was was a great page-turning suspense novel.  You are introduced to the main characters immediately and the ball gets rolling within the first few pages.  Slowly you begin to see how the characters are intertwined and to what extent.  You can't help but feel sympathy for Harry, upon learning that his daughter was killed by a drunk driver.  And imagine his outrage when he finds out that nothing is going to be done about it!  Though not really in his nature, he takes it upon himself to track the killer down, not really knowing what he will do if he finds him. 

Well, he finds him and suddenly past and present come together in ways no one can imagine.  While in Munich he meets Cordell, a recently discharged serviceman who also happens to be from Detroit.  I loved Cordell and found myself laughing at some of his thoughts and interactions with Harry. 

The book moves along very quickly, and I think the majority of it takes place in about two weeks time.  Sometimes I would get some of the characters mixed up, but would soon be back on the right track.  The author wraps it up satisfactorily, but in my mind, leaves some wiggle room - maybe for another book?

I was provided a complimentary PDF of this book from Partners in Crime Tours, as well as the excerpt below for your enjoyment:

Hess found out the woman lived on P Street in Georgetown, not far from the consulate. He told the ambassador he was having dinner with potential clients, and wanted to drive himself. It was unorthodox, but plausible. He had been issued one of the embassy’s Mercedes sedans. He stopped at a bookstore and bought a map of the area, and located P Street. He drove there and saw the Goldman residence, a federal-style brick townhouse.

Hess went to a restaurant and had dinner and a couple drinks. At ten o’clock he drove back, parked around the corner on 32nd Street between two other vehicles so the license plate was not visible to anyone driving by. He walked to the Goldmans’, stood next to a tree in front of the three-storey townhouse. There were lights on the first floor. He walked to the front door and rang the buzzer. He could hear footsteps and voices inside. A light over the door went on. Hess stood in the open so whoever it was would see he was well dressed. The door opened, a man standing there, assumed he was Dr. Mitchell Goldman, dark hair, big nose, mid-forties, top of the shirt unbuttoned, exposing a gold chain and a five-pointed star. Hess smiled. “My car is on the fritz. May I use your phone to call a tow truck?”

Dr. Goldman stared at him with concern.

“I am staying just down the street at the consulate,” Hess said, smiling. Now the door opened and he stepped into the elegant foyer, chandelier overhead, marble floor.

“Mitch, who is it?” a woman said from a big open room to his right.

Dr. Goldman looked in her direction. “Guy’s having car trouble, wants to use the phone.”

“It’s ten o’clock at night.”

“He’ll just be a minute,” the dentist said.

Hess could see the woman sitting on a couch, watching television.

“The phone’s in here.” The dentist started to move.

Hess drew the Luger from the pocket of his suit jacket,and aimed it at Goldman.

The dentist put his hands up. “Whoa. Easy.”

“Who is in the house?”

“Just the two of us.”

“Are you expecting anyone?”

He shook his head.

“Tell her to come in here,” Hess said.

“What do you want? You want money?” He took his wallet out and handed it to him. “There’s eight hundred dollars in there.”

“Call her,” Hess said.

“Hon, come here, will you?”

“I’m watching ‘All in the Family.’ Can you wait till the commercial?”

Hess could hear people laughing on the television.

“Just for a minute,” the dentist said.

Hess saw her stand up and step around a low table in front of the couch, moving across the room, still looking back at the television. She turned her head as she entered the foyer and saw him holding the gun. Her hair looked darker in the dim light but he had only seen her briefly that day.

“Oh-my-god,” she said, hands going up to her face.

“We’re reasonable people,” the dentist said. “Tell us what you want.”

“The pleasure of your company,” Hess said. “Where is the cellar?”

(from Voices of the Dead by Peter Leonard

Author Bio: Peter Leonard’s debut novel, QUIVER, was published to international acclaim in 2008 (“A spectacular debut...you will be holding your breath until the final page.”– The New York Sun). It was followed by TRUST ME in 2009 (“TRUST ME is fast, sly and full of twists.” – Carl Hiaasen, New York Times bestselling author). The Story Plant will publish Leonard’s newest novel, ALL HE SAW WAS THE GIRL, in the spring of 2012.
You can find out more about Peter Leonard and his books at http://peterleonardbooks.com/ and also at The Story Plant.
Now for the giveaway!  I get to giveaway one copy of Peter Leonard's newest book - All He Saw Was the Girl. To enter the giveaway, please fill out rafflecopter below - US only - ends March 1, 2012.
 About this book - Rome: McCabe and Chip, two American exchange students, are about to become embroiled with a violent street gang, a beautiful Italian girl and a flawed kidnapping plan.Detroit: Sharon Vanelli's affair with Joey Palermo, a Mafia enforcer, is about to be discovered by her husband, Ray, a secret service agent.Brilliantly plotted and shot through with wry humour, All He Saw Was the Girl takes place as these two narratives converge in the backstreets of Italy's oldest city. A thrilling ride, it once again displays Peter Leonard's genius for exploring the wrong turns that life can take.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Voices of the Dead
Publisher/Publication Date: The Story Plant, Jan 2012
ISBN: 9781611880328
320 pages

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey - GIVEAWAY!

The Snow Child
by Eowyn Ivey

Homesteaders Jack and Mabel have carved out a quiet life of hard work and routine for themselves in the wilderness that is 1920s Alaska, both still deeply longing for the child it's now impossible for them to have.  Yet their love for each other is strong, and in a moment of levity during the season's first snowfall, they play together, building a child out of snow.  The next morning the snow child is gone -- but a trail of tiny footsteps remains.  For weeks following, they both catch glimpses of a blond little girl alone in the woods but neither dares mention it to the other, afraid that long-buried hopes have overruled common sense.

Then the little girl, who calls herself Faina, shows up on their doorstep.  Small and fair, she seems truly magical: she hunts with a red fox at her side, she leaves blizzards in her wake, and somehow she manages to survive alone in the harsh Alaskan wilderness.  As Jack and Mabel struggle to understand Faina, they come to love her as their own.  But in this beautiful, violent place, things are rarely as they appear, and what they eventually learn about Faina will transform them all.

Eowyn Ivey's enchanting, mesmerizing debut is the story of a couple whose longing for a child is so intense that they may have imagined her into existence.  As dazzling as the snowy Alaskan landscape in which it is set, The Snow Child shines with imaginative power, immersing the reader in a place both faraway and familiar, a tale both universal and brilliantly unique.

A big thanks to Little, Brown and Company for allowing me to giveaway 2 books to 2 of my awesome readers.  You can enter through the rafflecopter form below.  This giveaway is open to US/Canada and will end at midnight on 2/18/2012.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Last week's winners!

I have winner's to announce from the YA Giveaway Hop and the American Dervish giveaway!

The $15 Book Depository GC from the YA Giveaway Hop goes to Kathryn (cleanteenfiction@. . .)

The two winners of the American Dervish books are: Diane (kui900@. . .) and  Sandra (seknobloch@. . .)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pyxis by K.C. Neal (Two Giveaways - One for a Kindle!!!)

Title: Pyxis: The Discovery
Author: K.C. Neal
Publisher: StoneHouse Ink

About the book: Corinne lives an average teenage life working at her dad’s cafe, hanging out with her best friend, and trying to forget a falling-out with her almost-boyfriend Mason. Things take a strange turn when she uses her late grandmother’s food dyes for a bake sale, and her customers suddenly find her irresistibly alluring. Then she discovers she and Mason are haunted by the same dreams of a dark force that consumes everything in its path.

Pursued by shadowy figures and a crazy woman with secrets from the past, Corinne must find out who her grandmother really was. In her quest to unravel her family’s history, she learns she is destined to protect this world--and the dark world of her dreams. She races to find the answers she seeks before her nightmares break free.

My thoughts: I really enjoyed this book.  It started out as what I would say as just a very gentle and nice read, pulling you in, making you want to find out more and more.  Little clues are dropped along the way, especially concerning Mason, and you want to know who this Mason is and what his relationship with Corinne is all about.

I was instantly drawn to Corinne and was kind of rooting for her, even though I didn't know who or what I was rooting against.  She just came across as a really nice girl - the kind you want your daughter to be friends with, or your son to date (lol). 

As the title of the book says Pyxis: The Discovery, Corinne is left a box by her Grandma Doris when she passes away.  It is a wooden box with the word PYXIS enscribed on the top and 5 bottles of liquid inside. Together with her friend Ang, they discover that these liquids have some kind of magical quality, though they don't seem to work the same on everyone.  This is only the beginning of what they find though.  Pyxis is much more than just a box of magical liquids.  Together with Mason and Ang, Corinne sets out to discover what her grandmother has really left her. 

Pyxis by K.C. Neal is touring right now with Airel by Aaron Patterson and Chris White, which I reviewed a couple of days ago (with a giveaway) and Arson by Estevan Vega.  For Pyxis, K.C. Neal is giving away a Pyxis notebook and pen and a signed Pyxis bookmark right here!  (I am jealous!  I want to win this!)  To enter for the Pyxis swag, just leave a comment with your email address.  This giveaway is for U.S. entrants only. 

In addition to that though, the author is also hosting a Kindle giveaway that you can enter using the Rafflecopter form below, or you can enter at her blog, K.C. Neal's Blog. 

Check out each of these books on Amazon!

Pyxis by K.C. Neal
Corinne lives an average teenage life working at her dad’s cafe, hanging out with her best friend, and trying to forget a falling-out with her almost-boyfriend Mason. Things take a strange turn when she uses her late grandmother’s food dyes for a bake sale, and her customers suddenly find her irresistibly alluring. Then she discovers she and Mason are haunted by the same dreams of a dark force that consumes everything in its path. Pursued by shadowy figures and a crazy woman with secrets from the past, Corinne must find out who her grandmother really was. In her quest to unravel her family’s history, she learns she is destined to protect this world--and the dark world of her dreams. She races to find the answers she seeks before her nightmares break free.
$2.99 on Amazon.com
Airel by Aaron Patterson and Chris White

Airel is a story about an angel who falls so deeply in love with a woman that he chooses to fall from heaven to be with her. She gives birth to a daughter in Arabia, 1250BC. The girl is pursued ferociously, relentlessly by an enemy in the deepest darkness. In present day Boise, Idaho is just a girl: Airel. She's just your average high school student...who turns out to be anything but average. It's because of who she is, because of her ancestry, because of her lineage. Past and present crash in on each other in the final pages as what has been twisted comes dangerously unraveled.

Arson by Estevan Vega
Arson Gable feels like a freak. He can create fire. He never asked for it. He never wanted it. But he can't shut it off. Before now, three things were true: he both loved and despised his grandmother; his life was going nowhere; and he was alone. But when a strange girl--who feels more normal behind a mask than inside her own skin--moves in next door, Arson hopes to find something he's never had: purpose. Using what he fears most about himself, Arson must face his consuming past and confront the nightmare that is his present as he walks the fine line between boy and monster.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 26, 2012

YA Giveaway Hop (Jan 27th - 31st)

I want to thank I am a Reader, Not a Writer for putting together this great blog hop.  She is being helped out with this one by Amber at Down the Rabbit Hole.

I was going to give away one of the YA books that I have upstairs in our spare bedroom, but we have someone staying with us and she is already asleep, so I can't go up and pick one!  I guess I will have to save those for the YA Paranormal Hop coming up in February!   So, for this hop, I am going to giveaway any YA book up to $15 value (w/shipping if your country isn't a free ship country)  from The Book Depository.  This giveaway will be open to wherever Book Depository ships!  So I think you guys definitely benefit from my house guest!

To enter the giveaway you will need to enter through the rafflecopter form below.  Please be sure to check out my other rafflecopter giveaways while you are here! You can find them at the top of the blog.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Airel by Aaron Patterson (Book Review and Giveaway)

Title: Airel (The Airel Saga, Book 1)
Author: Aaron Patterson, Chris White
Publisher: StoneHouse Ink

About the book: All Airel ever wanted was to be normal, to disappear into the crowd. But bloodlines can produce surprises, like an incredible ability to heal. Then there s Michael Alexander, the new guy in school, who is impossibly gorgeous...and captivated by her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she can hear the sound of pages turning, and another, older story being written. It is the story of an ancient family, of great warriors, of the Sword of Light, and the struggle against an evil so terrible, so far-reaching, that it threatens everything. Airel knew change would be an inevitable part of life. But can she hold on when murder and darkness begin to close in and take away everything she loves? Will she have what it takes when the truth is finally revealed?

My thoughts: Where to start?  This was a very complex story - actually two stories.  The book opens in the present day in Idaho.  You begin to learn about a young girl named Airel, with all the typical teenage angst that is normal.  What is not normal is that seemingly overnight Airel's appearance is changing.  Her complexion is becoming flawless, her hair luxurious. Even though she sees the changes in the mirror, she still questions when the boy of her dreams, Michael, appears to be infatuated with her.  When she discovers that she has the ability to heal quickly, she wonders who or what she really is.

The second storyline takes place in Arabia in 1250 B.C.  Kreios, a fallen angel, has lost his wife right after the birth of his daughter and is on a journey to now save his daughter's life.  In order to achieve this, he has to, quite literally, take flight.  This flight attracts the unwanted attention of The Brotherhood.  These are demons whose mission is to destroy all the angels who came to earth and married a mortal.  The description of these demons, as well as the angels and the world they live in is told in great detail. 

Even though the stories are thousands of years apart, they are eerily similar.  You see, the demons are on the trail of Kreios in Arabia, and there is a killer on the loose in Idaho as well.  Airel and Michael are kidnapped soon after Airel witnesses a killing while at the movies.  They are taken to an unbelievable house seemingly buried in the forest.  Airel doesn't know whether the killer has kidnapped her or saved her from being killed.  What she does know is that she is falling in love with Michael and learning about who she really is. 

I did enjoy this story, but felt like I kind of got bogged down in the center.  The beginning grabbed me, but when it first flipped to Arabia, I kind of got lost.  I stuck with it though and am glad that I did.  The ending left me wide-eyed with - 'You can't stop there!' on my mind. 

The second book in the series, Michael, is due out in May of this year.

~I received a complimentary ebook of Airel from StoneHouse Ink in exchange for my unbiased review.~

You can find out more about Airel on Facebook and Twitter.

Publisher/Publication Date: StoneHouse Ink, August 2011
ISBN: 978-0982607862
425 pages

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Speculative Fiction Reading
New Authors
Where Are You Reading?
A to Z Reading Challenge
YA Reading Challenge
Immortal Challenge
Paranormal challenge
Paranormal Romance
1st in a Series
ARC Reading Challenge (So Many Precious Books, So Little Time)
ARC Reading challenge (Eclectic Bookshelf)
E-Book Reading Challenge (Eclectic Bookshelf)
Ebook Reading Challenge (Workaday Reads)
Free Reads Challenge
Reading Romances Challenge
Romance Reading Challenge (the bookworm)
Speculative Romance Challenge

Saturday, January 21, 2012

American Dervish by Ayad Akhtar - Rafflecopter Giveaway!

American Dervish
by Ayad Akhtar

Hayat Shah is a young American in love for the first time. His normal life of school, baseball, and video games had previously been distinguished only by his Pakistani heritage and by the frequent chill between his parents, who fight over things he is too young to understand. Then Mina arrives, and everything changes.

Mina is Hayat's mother's oldest friend from Pakistan. She is independent, beautiful and intelligent, and arrives on the Shah's doorstep when her disastrous marriage in Pakistan disintegrates. Even Hayat's skeptical father can't deny the liveliness and happiness that accompanies Mina into their home. Her deep spirituality brings the family's Muslim faith to life in a way that resonates with Hayat as nothing has before. Studying the Quran by Mina's side and basking in the glow of her attention, he feels an entirely new purpose mingled with a growing infatuation for his teacher.

When Mina meets and begins dating a man, Hayat is confused by his feelings of betrayal. His growing passions, both spiritual and romantic, force him to question all that he has come to believe is true. Just as Mina finds happiness, Hayat is compelled to act -- with devastating consequences for all those he loves most.

American Dervish is a brilliantly written, nuanced, and emotionally forceful look inside the interplay of religion and modern life. Ayad Akhtar was raised in the Midwest himself, and through Hayat Shah he shows readers vividly the powerful forces at work on young men and women growing up Muslim in America. This is an intimate, personal first novel that will stay with readers long after they turn the last page.

Thanks to Hachette Books I have 2 copies of American Dervish to giveaway!  Just fill out the rafflecopter form below.  The giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada only and will end on Feb 5, 2012.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mid-Winter's Eve Giveaway Hop (Dec 21-Dec 27)

A big thank you to Kathy at I am a Reader Not a Writer and Jessie from Oasis for YA  for hosting this event!
I have two books that I am giving away for this event, so there will be two winners.  It is open to U.S. entrants only.

The first book is The Night Sky by Maria Sutton.

This extraordinary and unflinchingly honest memoir takes us on a riveting journey into the hearts and souls of three enigmatic people whose destinies are forever changed by the events of World War II. The secrets of misguided love and passions are revealed as the author journeys between the past and the present to solve the mystery of a handsome Polish officer with piercing blue eyes and sun-colored hair. Maria Sutton takes us to the dark green hills and valleys of the ancient Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine, where the woody fragrance of birch trees and new-mown hay fills the fresh, crisp air after a heavy rain. Vicariously, we see a sunrise over Poland obscured by brightly colored swastikas on warplanes and then we will be taken into suffocating cattle cars, lice-infested stallags, and to the Dachau death camp. Further down a country road, the hearty laughter and beer steins clinking with each salute to the Fuhrer's astonishing victories can be heard.
As Maria takes us on this odyssey to solve a decades-long mystery, she learns the family secrets of untold heroism, quiet courage, and a mother's love -- and of tragedy, disillusionment, and heartbreak. At the end of her long journey, Maria uncovers a shattering and painful truth. But the secret, however heartbreaking, would also become the greatest gift she would receive.
The second book is The Kingdom of Childhood by Rebecca Coleman.

The Kingdom of Childhood is the story of a boy and a woman: sixteen-year-old Zach Patterson, uprooted and struggling to reconcile his knowledge of his mother's extramarital affair, and Judy McFarland, a kindergarten teacher watching her family unravel before her eyes.  Thrown together to organize a fundraiser for their failing private school and bonded by loneliness, they begin an affair that at first thrills, then corrupts each of them.  Judy sees in Zach the elements of a young man she loved as a child, but what Zach does not realize is that their relationship is -- for Judy -- only the latest in a lifetime of disturbing secrets.
There are four entries in this contest by using rafflecopter form below:
1. This is mandatory as I try to run the giveaways for my followers - please follow through GFC (top left sidebar) or email (mid right sidebar).
2.  Also mandatory - please leave your name and email address so that I can get in touch with you if you win.

3. Extra entry - leave a blog post telling me which book you would like to win.
4. Like my blog post on FB.

There are over 200 blogs participating in this hop - so be sure to take a look at the list below and enter them all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, December 9, 2011

Head Over Heels by Jill Shalvis (Book Review and Giveaway!)

Title: Head Over Heels (A Lucky Harbor Novel)
Author: Jill Shalvis
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

About the book: Free-spirited Chloe lives life on the edge.  Unlike her soon-to-be married sisters, she isn't ready to settle into a quiet life running their family's newly renovated inn.  But her love of trouble -- and trouble with love -- quickly draws the attention of the very stern, very sexy sheriff who'd like nothing better than to tame her wild ways.

Suddenly Chloe can't take a misstep without the sheriff hot on her heels.  His rugged swagger and his enigmatic smile are enough to make a girl beg to be handcuffed.  For the first time, instead of avoiding the law, Chloe dreams of surrender.  Can this rebel find a way to keep the peace with the straitlaced sheriff?  Or will Chloe's colorful past keep her from a love that lasts. . . and the safe haven she truly wants in a town called Lucky Harbor. 

My thoughts: I was in the mood for a good romance and I found it with Head Over Heels.  I was lucky enough to get to read the first Lucky Harbor novel Simply Irresistible last fall, so I was somewhat familiar with the three sisters, Maddie, Tara and Chloe.  But you definitely do not have to read the previous novels to enjoy this one.  It stands very well on its own.

I really liked Chloe and could relate to her a little bit because of her asthma.  (I don't have asthma, but I do have a respiratory disorder that has caused me to stop breathing a couple of times.)  But despite the asthma, or maybe because of it, Chloe likes to push life to it's fullest.  She is usually the one that is caught doing something that doesn't toe the line, regardless of the goodness of her intentions.  Being raised as somewhat of a wandering nomad by the half-sisters mom has also taught Chloe to always be ready to move and never put down roots.  So when she begins to feel something different coming from Sawyer than irritation, it can only mean trouble. 

Sawyer, on the other hand, was born and raised - mainly by his father - in Lucky Harbor. In his youth, he was also a wild child, but has been sheriff for so many years that he has chained in those impulses.  He has been trying to redeem himself for something that he has felt responsible for from his youth. Combine that with a father who also can't seem to get over his son's shortcomings as a teenager and you have a man who keeps his feelings close to his vest - until Chloe starts to wiggle her way in.

I loved the attraction between these two.  Jill Shalvis definitely knows how to turn up the heat between these two unlikely lovers. There is nothing like a little sexual tension to  leave you feeling a little breathless. We had met Chloe in the previous book, but it was nice to learn more about her here and see some of her vulnerabilites and strength come out and round her out as a person.

I haven't read the second book, The Sweetest Thing, but when I am once again looking for a good romance that I can read fairly quickly, Jill Shalvis will be one author that I will be looking for.

~ I received a complimentary copy of this book from Hachette in exchange for my unbiased review. ~

Time for the giveaway!

Use the rafflecopter form to enter.  If an old form (or no form) shows up, please refresh your screen.  If you still do not see it, or can't use it for whatever reason, please email me at kherbrand@comcast.net  and I will see that you get entered in the contest.  I have 1 copy of Head over Heels to giveaway to one of my reads.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gratitude Giveaway Blog Hop (Nov 17 - Nov 27)

This is a hop to thank all my followers over the last couple of years.  I cannot believe that I am almost at 1000.  I am thinking about doing a giveaway after I reach 1000, so if anyone has any ideas for a good giveaway (keep it reasonable folks), let me know.  It is being hosted by I am a Reader, Not a Writer  and All-Consuming Books.

I am giving away an ARC of Iron House by John Hart for this Hop.  All you have to do to enter is be a GFC follower and enter the info in the rafflecopter form.  This giveaway is only open to U.S. though.  Sorry - things are tight around here and I can't afford to send outside U.S.

There was nothing but time at Iron House.  Time to burn, time to kill, and time for Michael to emerge strong and unforgiving while his brother, Julian, became a tormented soul at the orphanage for boys.  Two decades later Michael returns to North Carolina with a sentence on his head, the mob in hot pursuit, and his disturbed brother in trouble of a different kind.

One man destined to break the chains of his fate. . .

Iron House is a tour de force narrative of loss, courage, redemption, and the unbreakable ties of family set against a backdrop of greed and violence.  This is John Hart at his best. 

Be sure to check out all the other blogs on this hop - over 300!(Links are at the bottom)   They are all giving away something a reader, author, or blogger would enjoy - and all entries should be simple - because those are the rules!!  So spend your Thanksgiving break entering some great giveaways! This hop runs until midnight on Nov 27th.


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