Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mailbox Madness (Sept 6 - Sept 12)

Bison roam the Black Hills of South Dakota

In My Mailbox is hosted Sundays at The Story Siren.  Mailbox Monday's host for September is Bermuda Onion . Please visit these posts and take a look at what packages everybody else got this week!

Books Won:

Her Daughter's Dream
by Francine Rivers

In the dramatic conclusion to the New York Times best seller Her Mother's Hope, Francine Rivers delivers a rich and deeply moving story about the silent sorrows that can tear a family apart and the grace and forgiveness that can heal even the deepest wounds.

Growing up isn't easy for little Carolyn Arundel.  With her mother, Hildemara, quarantined to her room with tuberculosis, Carolyn forms a special bond with her oma Marta, who moves in to care for the household.  But as tensions between Hildie and Marta escalate, Carolyn believes she is to blame.  When Hildie returns to work and Marta leaves, Carolyn and her brother grow up as latchkey kids in a world gripped by the fear of the Cold War.

College offers Carolyn the chance to find herself, but a family tragedy shatters her newfound independence.  Rather than return home, she cuts all ties and disappears into the heady counterculture of San Francisco.

When she reemerges two years later, more lost than ever, she reluctantly turns to her family to help rebuild a life for her and her own daughter, May Flower Dawn.

Just like Carolyn, May Flower Dawn develops a closer bond with her grandmother, Hildie, than with her mother, causing yet another rift between generations.  But as Dawn struggles to avoid the mistakes of those who went before her, she vows that somehow she will be a bridge between the women in her family rather than the wall that separates them forever.

Spanning from the 1950s to present day, Her Daughter's Dream is the emotional final chapter of an unforgettable family saga about the sacrifices every mother makes for her daughter -- and the very nature of unconditional love.

Books Swapped:

A House of Night  Novel
by P.C. and Kristin Cast

The door closed with a sickening thud of finality, shutting my friends out and leaving me alone with my enemy, a fallen angel, and the monstrous bird creature his ancient lust had created. Then I did something I'd only done twice before in my entire life.  I fainted.

It's all happening, though Zoey Redbird wishes it wasn't.  She has her friends back, which is great. But a dark angel has taken over the House of Night, supported by High Priestess Neferet.  Not so great.  This leaves Zoey hiding out with the (supposedly friendly) red fledglings in Tulsa's prohibition era tunnels.  The not greatness continues.

Naturally, Zoey also has boy issues to stress her out, with a chance to make up with super-hot-ex Eric.  But thoughts of the archer that died, semi-permanently, in her arms keep distracting her.  Then he shows up as Neferet's newest minion.  Well, hell.  Zoey and friends will need a plan to put things right, and soon, if she can just keep her head and her heart intact.

Books for Review:

Dark Road to Darjeeling
A Lady Julia Grey Novel
by Deanna Raybourn

For Lady Julia Grey and Nicholas Brisbane, the honeymoon has ended...but the adventure is just beginning.

After eight idyllic months in the Mediterranean, Lady Julia Grey and her detective husband are ready to put their investigative talents to work once more.  At the urging of Julia's eccentric family, they hurry to India to aid an old friend, the newly widowed Jane Cavendish.  Living on the Cavendish tea plantation with the remnants of her husband's family, Jane is consumed with the impending birth of her child--and with discovering the truth about her husband's death.  Was he murdered for his estate?  And if he was, could Jane and her unborn child be next?

Amid the lush foothills of the Himalayas, dark deeds are buried and malicious thoughts flourish.  The Brisbanes uncover secrets and scandal, illicit affairs and twisted legacies.  In this remote and exotic place, exploration is perilous and discovery, deadly.  The danger is palpable and, if they are not careful, Julia and Nicholas will not live to celebrate their first anniversary.

The Home for Broken Hearts
by Rowan Coleman

The door is open. . .

For young widow Ellen Wood, her Victorian home is a refuge--a place to feel safe with her eleven-year-old son, Charlie.  But when money grows so tight that Ellen could lose the house, her sister, Hannah, makes a radical suggestion. . . Rent out some of the rooms.  Soon Ellen has three lodgers:  Sabine, a German coworker of Hannah's, recently separated from her husband; Allegra, an eccentric but wise novelist; and Matt, an up-and-coming young journalist in search of his voice, who has just landed a plum job in London.

Ellen thinks three strangers are the last complication she needs, but they make her realize just how isolated she has become.  Their presence exposes a secret she's been keeping hidden, as well as a conflict with her sister that is both shocking and revealing.  And while a love affair with a younger man seems like a fantasy powered by her imagination, Ellen can't deny her deep connection to Matt, or the changes he inspires in her and her relationship with Charlie.  Outside her home's sheltering walls lies a world of opportunity as well as danger.  Now that she's had the courage to open the door, does Ellen dare step through?

Witty, moving, and deeply insightful, The Home for Broken Hearts celebrates everything that makes life worth living, from an author who knows just how to speak to the heart.

The House on Malcolm Street
by Leisha Kelly

When tragedy steals her future, can Leah learn to trust again?

It is the autumn of 1920, and Leah Breckenridge is desperate to find a way to provide for her young daughter.  After losing her husband and infant son, she is angry at God and fearful about the days ahead.  Finding refuge in a boardinghouse run by her late husband's aunt, Leah begins the slow process of mending her heart.

Is it the people who surround her--or perhaps this very house--that reach into her heart with healing?  As Leah finds peace tending to an abandoned garden, can she find a way to trust God with her future?

A beautifully simple story about the complexities of life, The House on Malcolm Street is a treasure.

The Duck Song Book
by Bryant Oden
illustrations by Forrest Whaley

With the touch of a button on the cover, children will be singing The Duck Song as this musical book tells the comical story of a persistent duck that pleads for grapes at the most unlikely of places: a lemonade stand. A comical tale of persistence and compassion, adults and children alike will delight in listening to this one-of-a-kind singing book, and reading it again and again. Also included is a music CD, The Duck Song and More Fun Songs, with 12 original children's songs by Bryant Oden. Featured songs include the hits "I Got A Pea," "Honey Bear," "The Duck Song #2," and more! About the author: Bryant Oden is a well-loved composer of over 70 children's songs. The Duck Song has consistently remained near the top of Itune's charts for children's songs. About the illustrator: Forrest Whaley was only 14 years old when he animated the music to The Duck Song, turning the song into an international sensation. With over 15 million views, fans of the YouTube video can now own their own talking duck book and music CD.

Pirate Treasure
Traveling Trunk Adventure No. 1
by Benjamin Flinders

One magical trunk
Two curious brothers
Explore worlds without end!

Ahoy Maties!

Before ye embark on this reading adventure, be ye warned.  This here tale be for young lads and lasses who like pirate songs, swash-buckling, disgusting food, and a cursed treasure chest.

If ye ain't afraid of being thrown in the brig with Fish Breath Cookie, or walkin' the plank, then come and join Ethan and Dallin, two stout-hearted lads, who stumble onto me pirate ship in the middle of our getaway with the gold.  Blast me mother-in-law witch for sending them after me and me crew!

Captain Bartelmy

The Lost City of Atlantis
Traveling Trunk Adventure No. 2
by Benjamin Flinders

Hear ye, hear ye
Atlantis the great this day shall fall.
Poseidon is angry at one and all!

What has kindled the wrath of Poseidon?  Something of his has been stolen, and he will destroy all of ancient Atlantis to get it back.

Join Ethan and Dallin, two brothers who are transported back to the ancient city, as they make new friends, attempt to outwit a corrupt Magistrate, and seek to reunite an enslaved girl with her father.

Will Ethan and Dallin discover that they possess what Poseidon wants before it is too late?  Or will they be lost forever with the ancient City of Atlantis?

What books found a home with you this week?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Win a Kindle at Bitten By Books!

Bitten By Books is having 2 - yes 2 different contests with the chance to win a Kindle going on right now!

The first is a contest with Anya Bast talking about her new book Cruel Enchantment! - You can enter it here: http://bittenbybooks.com/?p=302672

The second contest is this weekend only for the Blog Fest!  You can enter to win that Kindle here: http://bittenbybooks.com/?p=30336

Be sure to head over there and check them out!!!

First Wild Card Tour: Medical Error by Richard L. Mabry, MD

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

My thoughts:  I am loving this book!  Dr. Anna McIntyre knew she was having a bad day when her patient died on the operating table - A death that could have been prevented.  Within 24 hours though, she learns that she is under investigation for a deluge of narcotics prescriptions she claims were forged and someone has stolen her identity and charged up her credit cards! Due to the investigation she is sent on a two week "vacation" and basically told she needs to figure out how someone got her DEA number and prescription pad.
Nick Valentine was a pathologist at the same hospital as Anna.  Their paths cross when he has to do the autopsy on her patient.  After meeting Anna, he cannot get her off his mind and over the next few days continues to find opportunities to spend time with her.  He joins her in her investigation.

Watch for my more formal review in the next few days - meanwhile, be sure to check out the first chapter below:

Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:

Abingdon Press (July 12, 2010)
***Special thanks to Maegan Roper, Marketing/PR Manager, Christian Fiction, Abingdon Press for sending me a review copy.***


Dr. Richard Mabry built a worldwide reputation as a clinician, researcher, author, and teacher before retiring from medicine. He entered the field of non-medical writing after the death of his first wife, with the publication of his book, The Tender Scar: Life After The Death Of A Spouse.

Richard describes his work as "medical suspense with heart." Medical Error is his second novel. His first novel, Code Blue, was published by Abingdon Press in April of 2010, and will be followed next spring by the third book in the Prescription For Trouble series, Diagnosis Death.

He and his wife, Kay, live in North Texas.

Visit the author's website.

Visit the author's blog.

Product Details:

List Price: $13.99

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Abingdon Press (July 12, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1426710003

ISBN-13: 978-1426710001


Eric Hatley’s last day alive began routinely enough.

He paused beside his brown delivery truck, shifted the bulky package, and turned in a tight circle to search for the right apartment.

Shouts filled the air. Firecrackers exploded all around him. A dozen red-hot pokers bored holes through his gut.

The package flew from his arms. He crumpled into a privet hedge at the edge of the sidewalk, clutching his midsection and recoiling when his fingers encountered something wet and slimy.

A wave of nausea swept over him. Cold sweat engulfed him.

Eric managed one strangled cry before everything faded to black.

* * *

Dr. Anna McIntyre bumped the swinging door with her hip and backed into Parkland Hospital’s Operating Room Six, her dripping hands held in front of her, palms inward. “Luc, tell me what you’ve got.”

Chief surgical resident, Dr. Luc Nguyn, didn’t look up from the rectangle of abdomen outlined by green draping sheets and illuminated by strong surgical lights. “UPS driver, making a delivery in the Projects. Got caught in the crossfire of a gang rumble. Took four bullets in the belly. Pretty shocky by the time he got here.”

“Find the bleeding source?”

“Most of it was from the gastric artery. Just finished tying it off.”

Anna took a sterile towel from the scrub nurse and began the ritual of gowning and gloving made automatic by countless repetitions. “How about fluids and blood replacement?”

Luc held out his hand, and the nurse slapped a clamp into it. “Lactated Ringer’s, of course—still running wide open. We’ve already pushed one unit of unmatched O negative. He’s finishing his first unit of cross-matched blood. We’ve got another one ready and four more holding in the blood bank.”

“How’s he responding?”

“BP is still low but stable, pulse is slower. I think we’re catching up with the blood loss.”

Anna plunged her hands into thin surgical gloves. “Lab work?”

“Hematocrit was a little over ten on admission, but I don’t think he’d had time to fully hemodilute. My guess is he was nine or less.”

Anna turned slightly to allow the circulating nurse to tie her surgical gown. “Bowel perforations?”

“So far I see four holes in the small intestine, two in the colon.”

“Okay, he’ll need antibiotic coverage. Got that started?”

Luc shrugged. “Not yet. We don’t know about drug allergies. His wallet had ID, but we’re still working on contacting next of kin. Meanwhile, I have Medical Records checking his name in the hospital computer for previous visits.”

“And if he’s allergic—“

The nursing supervisor pushed through the swinging doors, already reading from the slip of paper in her hand. “They found one prior visit for an Eric Hatley, same address and date of birth as on this man’s driver’s license. Seen in the ER two weeks ago for a venereal disease. No history of drug allergy. They gave him IM Omnilex. No problems.”

The medical student who’d been assisting moved two steps to his left. Anna took his place across the operating table from Luc.

Luc glanced toward the anesthesiologist. “Two grams of Omnilex IV please.”

Anna followed Luc’s gaze to the head of the operating table. “I don’t believe I know you. I’m Dr. McIntyre.”

The doctor kept his eyes on the syringe he was filling. “Yes, ma’am. I’m Jeff Murray, first year anesthesia resident.”

A first year resident on his own? Where was the staff man? “Keep a close eye on the blood and fluids. Let us know if there’s a problem.” Anna picked up a surgical sponge and blotted a bit of blood from the edge of the operative area. “Okay, Luc. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

In the operating room, Anna was in her element. The green tile walls, the bright lights, the soft beep of the monitors and whoosh of the respirator, the squeak of rubber soles as the circulating nurse moved about the room—all these were as natural to her as water to a fish or air to a bird. Under Anna’s direction, the team worked smoothly together. Conversation was at a minimum, something she appreciated. Do the job in the OR, talk in the surgeons’ lounge.

“I think that’s got it,” Luc said.

“Let’s check.” Anna’s fingertips explored the depths of the patient’s belly with the delicate touch of a concert violinist. Her eyes roamed the operative field, missing nothing. Luc had done an excellent job. He’d do well in practice when he finished his training in three months.

Anna stepped away from the table. “I think you’re through. Routine closure, leave a couple of drains in. Keep him on antibiotic coverage for the next few days.”

Luc didn’t need to hear that, but she figured the medical student did. She might as well earn her Assistant Professor’s salary with a little low-key teaching.

She stripped off her gloves and tossed them in the waste bucket at the end of the operating table. “If you need me—“

“Luc, we’ve got a problem. Blood pressure’s dropping, pulse is rapid.” A hint of panic rose in the anesthesiologist’s voice.

The scrub nurse held out fresh gloves, and Anna plunged her hands into them. “He must be bleeding again. Maybe one of the ligatures slipped off.”

“No way,” Luc said. "Everything was double-tied, with a stick-tie on the major vessels. You saw yourself, the wound was dry when we finished.”

“Well, we’ve got to go back in and look.” Anna turned to the anesthesiologist. “Run the IV wide open. Hang another unit of blood and send for at least two more. Keep him oxygenated. And get your staff man in here. Now!”

He snapped out a couple of requests to the circulating nurse before turning back to Anna. “He’s getting hard to ventilate. Do you think we might have overloaded him with fluid and blood? Could he be in pulmonary edema?”

“I want your staff doctor in here now! Let him evaluate all that. We’ve got our hands full.” Anna snatched a scalpel from the instrument tray and sliced through the half-dozen sutures Luc had just placed. “Deavor retractor.” She shoved the curved arm of the instrument into the edge of the open wound and tapped the medical student’s hand. “Hold this.”

Anna grabbed a handful of gauze sponges, expecting a gusher of blood from the abdomen. There was none. No bleeding at all within the wound. So why was the blood pressure dropping?

“Pressure’s down to almost nothing.” The anesthesia resident’s voice was strained. “And I’m really having trouble ventilating him.”

Dr. Buddy Jenkins, one of the senior anesthesiologists, pushed through the swinging doors. “What’s going on?”

Anna gave him the short version. “Blood pressure’s dropping, pulse is climbing. We’ve gone back into the belly, but there’s no bleeding. And there’s a problem ventilating him.”

Jenkins moved his resident aside, then slipped a stethoscope under the drapes and listened for a moment. “Wheezes. And no wonder. Look at his face.”

Anna peeked over the screen that separated the patient’s head and upper body from the operative field. Her heart seemed to skip a beat when she saw the swelling of the lips and the red blotches on the man’s face.

“It’s not blood loss,” Jenkins said. “He’s having an anaphylactic reaction. Most likely the blood. Did you give him an antibiotic? Any other meds?”

Anna’s mind was already churning, flipping through mental index cards. Anaphylaxis—a massive allergic reaction, when airways closed off and the heart struggled to pump blood. Death could come quickly. Treatment had to be immediate and aggressive.

“He had two grams of Omnilex,” Luc said. “But his old chart showed—“

Jenkins was in action before Luc stopped speaking. “I’ll give him a cc. of diluted epinephrine by IV push now, then more in a drip.” He turned to the anesthesia resident. “Get that ready— one milligram of epinephrine in a hundred milliliters of saline.”

“Luc, you two close the abdominal wound,” Anna said. “I’m going to break scrub and help Dr. Jenkins.”

Jenkins handed her a syringe. “Give him this Decadron, IV push. I need to adjust the ventilator.”

Anna injected the contents into the patient’s intravenous line. She said a quick prayer that the epinephrine and steroid would turn the tide, that they hadn’t been too late in starting treatment.

The team battled for almost half an hour, at first gaining ground, then losing it steadily. Finally, Jenkins caught Anna’s eye. They exchanged glances. There was no need for words.

She sighed and stepped away from the table. “I’m calling it.” Her voice cracked. “Time of death is eleven oh seven.”

Luc let the instrument he’d been holding drop back onto the tray. Jenkins picked up the anesthesia record and began to scribble. Murray, the anesthesia resident, turned back to his supply table and started straightening the mess. The medical student looked at Anna. She nodded toward the door, and he slipped out of the room. She didn’t blame him. This was probably the first patient he’d seen die.

Anna tossed her gloves and mask into the waste container. She shrugged, but the tension in her shoulders didn’t go away. “Any idea why this happened? The blood was supposed to be compatible. He’d tolerated Omnilex before. What else could have caused it?”

No one offered an answer. And she certainly had none. But she intended to find out.

The OR charge nurse directed Anna to the family room, where she found Hatley’s mother huddled in a corner, twisting a handkerchief and occasionally dabbing at her eyes. The room was small and quiet, the lighting was soft, the chairs as comfortable as possible. A box of tissues sat on the table, along with a Bible and several inspirational magazines. Soft music playing in the background almost covered the hospital sounds drifting in from the nearby surgical suite.

Anna whispered a silent prayer. She’d done this dozens of times, but it never got any easier. She knelt in front of the woman. “Mrs. Hatley, I have bad news for you.”

Anna stumbled through the next several minutes, trying to explain, doing her best to make sense of a situation that she herself couldn’t fully understand. When it came to the matter of permission for an autopsy, Anna wasn’t sure of the medico-legal situation here. Hatley had died after being shot, but his injuries weren’t the cause of death. Would she have to call the County Medical Examiner and get him to order one? The weeping mother solved the problem by agreeing to allow a post-mortem exam.

There was a light tap at the door, and the chaplain slipped into the room. “I’m sorry. I was delayed.” He took the chair next to Mrs. Hatley and began speaking to her in a low voice.

Anna was happy to slip out of the room with a last “I’m so sorry.” Outside, she paused and took several deep breaths.

It took another half-hour for Anna to write a chart note, dictate an operative report and final case summary, and change into clean scrubs. She was leaving the dressing room when her pager sounded. The display showed her office number followed by the suffix “911.” A “stat” page—respond immediately.

As she punched in the number, Anna wondered what else could possibly go wrong today. “Lisa, what’s up?”

“Dr. McIntyre, there are two policemen here. They want to talk with you. And they say it’s urgent.”

* * *

Nick Valentine looked up from the computer and grimaced when he heard the morgue attendant’s rubber clogs clomping down the hall. The summons he knew was coming wasn’t totally unexpected. After all, he was the pathologist on autopsy call this week, which was why he was sitting in this room adjacent to the morgue of Parkland Hospital instead of in his academic office at the medical school. But he’d hoped for some undisturbed time to get this project done.

The attendant stuck his head through the open door. “Dr. Valentine, you’ve got an autopsy coming up. Unexpected death in the OR. Dr. McIntyre’s case. She asked if you could do it as soon as possible. And please page her before you start. She’d like to come down for the post.” The man’s head disappeared like that of a frightened turtle. More clomps down the hall signaled his departure.

There was nothing new about an attending wanting a post-mortem done ASAP. You’d think they’d realize there was no hurry any more, but that didn’t seem to stop them from asking. At least she was willing to come down and watch instead of just reading his report. Nick turned to the shelf behind his desk and pulled out a dog-eared list headed “Frequently Needed Pager Numbers.” He ran his finger down the page. Here it was: Department of General Surgery. Anna E. McIntyre, Assistant Professor. He picked up the phone and punched in her number. After he heard the answering beeps, he entered his extension and hung up.

While he waited, Nick looked first at the pile of papers that covered half his desk, then at the words on his computer screen. He’d put this off far too long. Now he had to get it done. To his way of thinking, putting together this CV, the curriculum vitae that was so important in academics, was wasted effort. Nick had no interest in a promotion, didn’t think he’d get one even if his chairman requested it from the dean. But his chairman wanted the CV. And what the chairman wanted, the chairman got.

The phone rang. Probably Dr. McIntyre calling back.

“Dr. Valentine.”

“Nick, this is Dr. Wetherington. Do you have that CV finished yet?”

“I’m working on it.”

“Well, I need it soon. I want you to get that promotion to Associate Professor, and I have to be able to show the committee why I’ve nominated you. Don’t let me down.”

Nick hung up and riffled through the pile on his desk. Reprints of papers published, programs showing lectures delivered at medical meetings, textbooks with chapters he’d written, certificates from awards received. His professional résumé was pitifully small, but to Nick it represented the least important part of his job. What mattered most to him was what he was about to do: try to find out why the best efforts of a top-notch medical staff failed to save the life of some poor soul. If he did his job well, then maybe those doctors would be able to snatch some other patient from the jaws of the grim reaper.

His phone rang. “Dr. Valentine, are you about ready?” the morgue attendant said.

Nick looked at his watch. Almost half an hour, and Dr. McIntyre hadn’t responded to the page. He hated to start without her, but he might have to. “Give me another ten minutes.”

While he waited, Nick figured he might as well try to make Dr. Wetherington happy. Now when did he deliver that paper before the American Society of Clinical Pathology? And who cared, anyway?

* * *

Her administrative assistant met Anna at the doorway to the outer office. “Dr. McIntyre, I didn’t know what to do.”

“That’s all right, Lisa. I’ll talk with them.” Anna straightened her white coat and walked into her private office, where two people stood conversing in low tones. Lisa had said, “Two policemen,” but Anna was surprised to see that one of them was a woman.

The man stepped forward to meet Anna. “Doctor McIntyre?”

Anna nodded.

He pulled a leather folder from his pocket and held it open for her inspection. Anna could see the gold and blue badge pinned to the lower part of the wallet, but couldn’t read the words on it. The card in the top portion told her, though. It carried a picture beside the words, US Drug Enforcement Administration.

Lisa had been wrong. These people were from the DEA, not the police. Still, an unannounced visit from that agency made most doctors sweat. You never knew when some innocent slip might get you into trouble.

The man flipped the credential wallet closed. “This won’t take long.”

“Good. I’ve just finished an emergency case, and I still have a lot to do.” Anna moved behind her desk and sat.

“Your chairman said you’d give us as much time as we need.”

Anna glanced pointedly at her watch. “Well, have a seat and let’s get to it. What do you need from me?”

The man lowered himself into the chair, his expression slightly disapproving. His partner followed suit. “We have some things we need for you to clear up.”

“Could I see those credentials again?” Anna said. “Both of you.”

They obliged, laying the open wallets on the desk. Anna pulled a slip of notepaper toward her and began copying the information, occasionally glancing up from her writing to match the names and faces on the ID’s with the people sitting across from her. The spokesman was Special Agent John Hale, a chunky, middle-aged man wearing an off-the rack suit that did nothing to disguise his ample middle. Anna thought he looked more like a seedy private eye than an officer of the law.

The woman, the silent half of the pair so far, was Special Agent Carolyn Kramer, a woman who reminded Anna of a California surfer bunny, complete with perfect tan and faultlessly styled short blonde hair. The resemblance stopped there, though. Kramer’s eyes gleamed with a combination of intelligence and determination that told Anna she’d better not underestimate the woman. Kramer wore a stylish pants suit that had probably cost more than Anna made in a week, How could a DEA agent have money for an outfit like that?

Anna handed the badge wallets back to Hale and Kramer. “All right, how can I help you?”

Hale pulled a small notebook from his inside coat pocket and flipped through the pages. “Doctor, recently you’ve been writing a large number of Vicodin prescriptions, all of them for an excessive amount of the drug. Can you explain that?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Anna said. “I’m pretty sure I haven’t written any more Vicodin ‘scripts than usual, and I certainly haven’t changed my prescribing practices.”

Hale nodded, stone-faced. “What are those practices?”

“I prescribe Vicodin for post-operative pain in many of my patients, but always in carefully controlled amounts, usually thirty pills at a time. By the time they’ve exhausted that first prescription I can generally put them on a non-narcotic pain reliever. It’s rare that I refill a Vicodin ‘script.”

Apparently it was Kramer’s turn in the tag-team match. She picked up a thick leather folder from the floor beside her chair, unzipped it, and extracted a sheaf of papers held together by a wide rubber band. “Would you care to comment on these?” Her soft alto was a marked contrast to Hale’s gruff baritone,

Anna’s eyes went to the clock on her desk. “Will this take much longer? I really have things I need to do.”

Kramer seemed not to hear. She held out the bundle of papers.

“Okay, let me have a look.” Anna recognized the top one in the stack as a prescription written on a form from the faculty clinic. She pulled it free and studied it. The patient’s name didn’t stir any memory, but that wasn’t unusual. She might see twenty or thirty people in a day. The prescription read:


Disp. [#100]

Sig: 1 tab q 4 h PRN pain

At the bottom of the page, three refills were authorized. The DEA number had been written into the appropriate blank on the lower right-hand corner.

Anna squinted, closed her eyes, then looked again. There was no doubt about it. The DEA number was hers. And the name scrawled across the bottom read: Anna McIntyre, MD.

“Can you explain this?” Kramer asked.

A familiar vibration against her hip stopped Anna before she could reply. She pulled her pager free and looked at the display. The call was from the medical center, but she didn’t recognize the number. Not the operating room. Not the clinic. She relaxed a bit when she saw there was no “911” entry after the number. If this was about the autopsy, she’d have to miss it.

Hale picked up the questioning as though there had been no interruption. “What can you tell us about all these prescriptions for Vicodin?”

“I suppose the most important thing I can tell you is that I didn’t write them.” She riffled through the stack, paying attention only to the signature at the bottom of each sheet. “None of these are mine.”

“That’s your number and name. Right?” Kramer said.

“Right. But that’s not my signature. It’s not even close.”

“Can you explain how someone else could be writing prescriptions on your pads using your DEA number?” Hale asked.

“I have no idea.” Anna made no attempt to keep the bitterness out of her words. “Sorry, I’ve just lost a patient, and I’m not in the best of moods. Can’t we wind this up? I didn’t write those ‘scripts, and I don’t know who did.”

Obviously, Hale didn’t want to let the matter go. “You’re sure there’s nothing you want to tell us?”

“What would I have to tell you? I said I don’t know anything about this.”

Kramer spoke, apparently filling the role of good cop. “Take a guess. Help us out here.”

Anna felt her jaw muscles clench. These people were relentless. She had to give them something, or this would never end. “I really don’t know. I mean, we’ve got an established routine, and all the doctors here are pretty careful.”

Kramer pulled a silver ballpoint from the leather folder and began twirling it between her fingers. “Why don’t you walk us through that routine?”

Anna wanted to follow up on Hatley’s autopsy, talk with her department chair about today’s events, eventually sit down and try to relax. She was drained. The agents, on the other hand, seemed to have unlimited time and energy.

“Doctor?” Kramer’s voice held no hint of irritation. Patient, understanding, all the time in the world. Just two women chatting.

“Sorry.” Anna tried to organize her thoughts. “The prescription pads in the faculty clinic are kept in a drawer in each treatment room. That way they’re out of sight, although I guess if someone knew where they were he could latch onto one when no one was in the room.” She looked at the agents. Kramer simply nodded. Hale scowled. “Hey, we know it’s not perfect, but that’s the way we have to do it. Otherwise, we’d waste all our time hunting for a pad.”

“And do you ever forget and leave the pads sitting out when you’ve finished writing a prescription?” Kramer asked.

“Sure. Especially when we’re in a hurry.” Anna’s cheeks burned.

Hale turned a page in his notebook and frowned. “How about your DEA number?”

“You’ll notice those aren’t printed on the forms. Each of us has to fill in our number.”

“Maybe someone else had access to your number. Do nurses ever write the prescriptions for you?” This came from Kramer. Anna felt as though she was watching a tennis match, going back and forth between the two agents.

“When we have a nurse in the room with us, yes, she’ll write the prescription. I don’t know what the other doctors do, but I sign the prescriptions after she writes them. And I add the DEA number to the narcotic ‘scripts myself.”

The questioning went on for another half hour. Anna’s throat was dry, her eyes burned, she felt rivulets of sweat coursing between her shoulder blades. Finally, she’d had enough. “Look, am I being charged with something? Because if I am, I’m not saying another word without a lawyer.”

Hale replaced his notebook in his pocket. Kramer picked up her folder and purse. They let the silence hang for a moment more before exchanging glances, then standing.

“Right now, we’re simply investigating, Doctor,” Hale said. “You may be hearing from the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Dallas Police as well. Also, since your DEA number and identity have been compromised, I’d advise you not to prescribe any controlled substances for now. You’ll receive formal notification in writing tomorrow about applying for a new permit.”

The agents walked out, leaving Anna with her hands pressed to her throbbing temples.

* * *

Nick stepped back from the autopsy table, pressed the pedal under his right foot, and spoke into the microphone hanging near his head. “No other abnormalities noted. The balance of findings will be dictated after review of the histopathology specimens and the results of the toxicology tests. Usual signature. Thanks.” He turned away from the body and gestured to the morgue assistant to close the incisions. “I’ll be in the office if you need me. Thanks for your help.”

Nick removed his goggles and stripped off his mask, gown, and gloves. He was standing at the sink outside the autopsy room, drying his hands, when he heard footsteps hurrying down the corridor toward him. He turned to see a woman approaching. The attractive redhead wore surgical scrubs, covered by a white coat. As she neared him, he could make out the embroidered name above the breast pocket: Anna McIntyre, MD. She stopped in front of him, and the set of her jaw and the flash of her green eyes told Nick she was in no mood for light banter.

“Dr. McIntyre?”

She nodded.

“Nick Valentine. I paged you, but when you didn’t answer I had to go ahead and get started. Sorry.”

She waved away his apology. “No, it’s my fault. I couldn’t break free to answer your page. What can you tell me?”

“Why don’t I buy you a cup of coffee and I’ll tell you what I’ve found so far? If we go to the food court, we can get away from the smell down here. I hardly notice it anymore, but I’ve learned that my visitors aren’t too fond of the odor of chemicals.”

She hesitated for a few seconds. “Okay. Lead the way.”

It seemed to Nick there was a Starbucks on every corner of every major city in the US. Most important to him, however, was the one here in the basement of the Clinical Sciences Building at Southwestern Medical Center. As he waited to order, he sniffed the rich aromas that filled the air. The smell of coffee never failed to lift his spirits. Maybe it would do the same for the woman who stood stoop-shouldered beside him. For most doctors, caffeine was the engine that helped propel them through long days and longer nights. Maybe all she needed was a booster shot.

When they were seated at a corner table with their venti lattes Nick filled her in on his findings at the autopsy he’d just completed. “That’s about it,” he concluded. “I’ll sign the death certificate with the preliminary cause of death as anaphylaxis due to an unknown cause.”

“But you won’t have a final diagnosis until—“

“Right. I’ll review the tissue samples and the results of the toxicology screen, but I doubt that we’ll find anything there. I’m going to have some tests run on the blood samples I took, and maybe that will help us. I’ll need to research whether there’s a good blood test for a drug reaction or latex allergy. The long and short of it is that we may never know the real reason he developed anaphylaxis and died.”

“I hadn’t even thought of latex allergy,” she said. “But that’s pretty rare, isn’t it?”

“Less than one percent of the population. Seen in people chronically exposed to latex: surgeons and nurses, industrial workers, patients with lifelong indwelling catheters.” He felt himself slipping into his lecture mode and made an effort to pull back. “I mean, we could talk about all these uncommon things, but I’ll bet you learned the same thing in medical school that I did. When you hear hoof beats—“

“Think horses, not zebras.” She managed a tiny smile. “Yes, I know. So we should concentrate on the blood or the antibiotic. If it was the blood, there’s a problem in the blood bank because he got one unit of unmatched O negative, which should have been okay, and one unit that was supposedly compatible by cross-match.”

“The residuals in both bags of blood are being re-typed and cross-matched against your patient’s blood as we speak. We’ll know the answer by the time we finish our coffee.” He drank deeply from his cup. “Don’t you think an antibiotic reaction is the most likely cause?”

She took a sip of coffee. “Probably, although I hope not. Choosing an antibiotic wasn’t a routine matter, because we didn’t know if Hatley had any drug allergies. The resident—one of our sharpest ones, by the way—thought he’d see if we could get the information another way. He had medical records check for a previous visit for the patient. They found a recent emergency room visit by the patient where he tolerated Omnilex. Since that antibiotic’s the best choice to cover spillage from a perforated bowel, I agreed with Luc when he ordered it.”


“I know. If you give that drug to a patient who’s allergic to it or to penicillin, their reaction is likely to be severe—like this one. But I thought, since we had that history of tolerance, it was okay.” She blinked hard. “I should have known better. Should have made him use a different drug.”

Nick sensed he was treading on thin ice here. Maybe he should change the subject. Besides, he wanted to know more about this woman. “You know, I’ve seen you in the halls, but we’ve never actually met. Did you train here?”

She hesitated before reeling off what had apparently become a stock answer. “Raised in Oklahoma. Graduated from med school in North Carolina. Duke, actually. Lucky enough to get a surgery residency here at Parkland, and when I finished I was offered a faculty position in the Surgery Department. I’ve been here a little less than a year now.”

Nick held up a hand, palm out. “I know better. You don’t get a surgery residency here because you’re ‘lucky.’ You get one because you’re good. Let me guess. AOA at Duke?” If Anna was Alpha Omega Alpha, she must have been in the top ten percent of her class.

“Right. But I don’t guess it’s enough to be bright if you foul up and cost a patient his life.” She drank from her cup, and Nick noticed that she kept swallowing several more times after that.

Nick was barely aware of the activity around him, the ebb and flow of people, the sounds of pagers punctuating dozens of conversations. All he saw was Anna. She was one of the prettiest women he’d encountered in quite a while. But he was certain there was more to this trim, green-eyed redhead than striking good looks. Right now she was focused on medicine—it was obvious she cared a great deal about her patients, and this loss hit her hard—but Nick had a sense that in a different setting she’d be fun to know. And he intended to see if he couldn’t arrange that. Anna shifted in her chair. He couldn’t let her leave yet.

“Wait a minute,” he said. “Aren’t you curious about me at all? There may be a prize if you can answer all the questions later.”

Did he see the ghost of a grin? “Sure. Why not? What’s your story—the Reader’s Digest version?”

Nick moved his cup aside and leaned forward with his elbows on the table. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could draw out their time together, but he was determined to give it his best shot. “My roots are Italian. Named for my grandfather. He was Nicolo Valentino when he got off the boat, changed his name when he got his citizenship. I’m Nicolo the Third.” He ticked off the points on his fingers. “Worked my way through pre-med at Texas Tech. Got into the med school there by the skin of my teeth. Managed to get a residency in pathology here at Southwestern. When I finished, they had an opening in the department.” He held out his hand, palm up, fingers spread, thumb tucked under. “So here I am—four years in the department, still an Assistant Professor. Up for promotion now, and I suspect that if I don’t make it they’ll cut me like a dead branch from a tree.”

Nick’s last sentence rang a faint alarm bell in his head. He had to finish that project or the chairman would be royally ticked off, but it only took Nick a second to put that chore out of his mind. He was sitting with the most beautiful woman he’d ever met. He wanted to get to know her better, and he intended to keep her here as long as possible, even if it meant incurring Dr.. Wetherington’s wrath.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Official entry site for my blog fest giveaway!


Blog Fest is here! I have lots of books to giveaway to 3 lucky winners. Below are pictures of books to choose from (if you have any questions on titles, please email me) I am going to try to update this post with book titles if I get the chance.   You can go here to see a list of all participating blogs and keep track of those you have entered! (If you want more info - visit A Journey of Books.)

Grand prize winner will get to pick as many books as I can get to fit in one of the boxes - probably 10-12.

Second place will get to do the same with the books that are left.

Third place will also get to do the same with the left over books.

Easy to enter - just sign up to be a google friend connect follower - I like to see my followers. :)

Unfortunately it is open to US only as I can't afford to send boxes of books outside the US. Please leave your email address in your entry!

One entry per person - this giveaway will close at midnight on 9/12. Have fun!!
Be sure to stop by the next stop on the blog fest tour - Brizmus Blogs Books!

Please check out some of my other giveaways while you are here!  You can find them in my sidebar or under the giveaway tab at the top of the page!

Here are the books that you can choose from:

Stop and meet Lisa Unger - author of Fragile

Hi Lisa!  Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions for me.  Let's start with an easy one (or maybe not. . .)

1. Can you tell us a little about your latest book, Fragile?

It's difficult for an author to summarize her book. I can tell you what it's about ... but it will take 400 manuscript pages! Loosely based on an event from my own past, FRAGILE is set in a fictional town called The Hollows. Maggie Cooper is a family and adolescent psychologist, and her husband Jones is the lead detective with the small Hollows Police Department. When their son's girlfriend Charlene goes missing, the disappearance eerily echoes a horrible event that occurred in The Hollows when Maggie and Jones were in high school. The Hollows is the kind of town where everyone knows everyone else, and people rarely leave. But beneath the peaceful surface, there are buried secrets and ugly memories. As the truth about what happened to Charlene is revealed, another truth, something Jones has spent his whole life trying to hide is clawing it's way up from the grave. This is crime fiction, of course. But it's also an exploration of the bonds of family and community, the power of memory, and the fragility of life.

2. What was the hardest part of Fragile to write?

This story has tried to find its way out for a number of years. It has turned up in other partials, but was never able to resolve itself into a novel. Because I write without an outline, I was far into the narrative before I finally realized what it was about. And I realized that I had been trying to write this story, in way or another, for twenty years. No novel writes itself, but FRAGILE was a story that flowed very naturally. I was very in tune with my characters, their various trials, their secrets. I was living in that fictional town. I don't recall one aspect of the story as being harder than any other. It was difficult getting to the place where I was able to write it, but once I was there, I found the telling very organic.

by Lisa Unger
3. I know that Fragile is loosely based on an incident you experienced growing up, but other than that, do you do much research for your books?

It's interesting that the novel most inspired by an actual event is probably the book for which I did the least amount of research. I usually do a great deal. Generally, on any given topic, I start with the internet, move on to books, and finally find someone who's willing to talk with me. Those layers of research are important to me, allowing me a three- dimensional knowledge of my topic. But with FRAGILE, which is so much about the power and impact of memory, I did far less. I didn't want the book to be about the actual event from my past, just the essence of it. I had a fear of exploiting the memory of a girl who met a horrible end, of causing anyone any more pain. So I didn't explore the past, research the real-life case ... I just relied on my very foggy memories to tell a story that was personal to me.

4. How do you typically write? Do you plot it all out beforehand or do you just let the story pour out?

Every novel starts with a character, a voice. I write without an outline. I have no idea what's going to happen day-to-day, who's going to show up, what they're going to do. I certainly don't know how a book is going to end, though I have a general idea of the direction I'm moving. I write for the same reason that I read: because I want to know what's going to happen.

5. Do you have a favorite place to write or “must haves” while writing?

I am happiest in my office, in the early hours of the morning. But other than that, because I wrote for so long in the nooks and crannies of my life, I can write anywhere. Once I'm in the zone, the world just fades away. Of course, as a mother, there's not a lot of uninterrupted time anymore. But I generally work in the morning, while my daughter is in pre-school. And if I haven't accomplished my goals for the day, I write again when she sleeps.

6. Do you have much say in the title or covers of you books?

The cover has everything to do with the fabulous art department at Random House/ Crown. I have never seen a cover from them that I didn't love. I think if I didn't love something, I would have a voice at my publishing company. But ultimately, I defer to their judgement on these matters. The cover, and even the titles, are a marketing concern. For example, my original title for Sliver of Truth was The Ghost. But the folks at Random House wanted something different, so my editor and I obsessed about it until we came up with the title that ultimately wound up on the book. But all of the other titles have been mine.

7. Is there anything that has surprised you about writing, publishing or touring with your books?

Because I worked in publishing for many years before becoming an author, the writing life didn't hold a lot of surprises for me. I knew that my first book contract was just a beginning, that it was harder to succeed as a published author than it is to get published in the first place. I knew that I would have to work as hard as anyone trying to create a successful career. I knew the realities of the book tour (though I didn't know anyone else who had done it with a nursing four month old!). So, in many ways, I was uniquely prepared for the life of an author. In writing FRAGILE, on the other hand, I learned that as a writer, you can have ambitions to tell a story but not have the talent or the skills to tell it well. I think that I needed to write eight novels before I was the kind of writer who could write FRAGILE. And I think I needed to grow up a little to tell that story.

8. Do you have a favorite author/book or one that you always recommend?

I have had such a love affair with books, that I could never choose one favorite. For writers, I always recommend On Writing by Stephen King, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, or The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. The book I'm most looking forward to at the moment is Laura Lippman's I'D KNOW YOU ANYWHERE. It releases on Aug. 17 and I just can't wait. She's one of the writers I most admire.

9. You have written many essays either about your pregnancy or your daughter, Ocean, but what is your favorite activity to do with her?

I really love doing everything with Ocean -- kayaking, swimming, traveling, going to the movies. She such a funny, fabulous, little stick of dynamite; she makes everything we do more interesting! Of course, stories are a very important part of the day -- the ones we read and those we make up together. We are currently writing a book. We came up with the story together and we're working on the illustrations -- I draw, she colors! It is a hilarious process and she is a rigorous editor, as well as a natural storyteller. If I had to pick a favorite activity, that would be it.

10. Is there anything else that you would like my readers to know?

In conversations with a number of different librarians, I heard that at libraries across the country, new book budgets are being slashed or eliminated. Several librarians have written to me to say that they can't offer my book, or any new book, to their patrons because there's simply no money to buy them. I want your readers to know this because I hope they'll do one or all of the following: 1) Donate new books to the local library 2) Support the Friends of the Library 3) Write to their local government to demand that our library budgets be left intact. Meanwhile, if you know of a library who would like to carry my book but can't afford to, please have them connect with me at www.facebook.com/authorlisaunger and I will happily donate one.

There you have it!  I am about halfway through this book and I am loving it! Look for my review in the next few days.

I am lucky in that our public library is very well supported by our community.  We are actually getting ready for a renovation which will add a second level and a dedicated teen area.  I am a Friend of our library and hope that you are too, or will become one.  I think that is wonderful that Lisa would donate her book to a library that couldn't afford one! 

You can also connect with Lisa at her website, her blog - Notes from the Margin, or on Twitter.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Running Dark by Jamie Freveletti giveaway and Guest Post!

When Kristi asked me to guest blog about the “backstory” for my new novel, Running Dark, I couldn’t have been happier, because researching this novel presented a lot of challenges. My first novel, Running from the Devil, is set in Colombia, and I traveled there for research. Colombia can be dangerous, a fact driven home by the men in fatigues, machine guns and German Shepard dogs guarding my hotel, but for the most part daily life functions normally there. Not so, Somalia, where my second novel, Running Dark, is set.

In Running Dark, my protagonist, Emma Caldridge, learns that the man who she first met in Colombia is on a ship in the Gulf of Aden under attack by pirates. In the hold of the ship is a chemical of unknown origin. The contract security company, Darkview, asks her to board the ship and analyze what’s contained in the hold.

Books, like movies, are written long before they are published, and I started writing Running Dark long before the Somali pirates burst into the media. The premise for the novel came from an actual event. Several years before, pirates had fired rocket-propelled grenades at a cruise liner in the Gulf. The grenades damaged two staterooms, but the ship deterred the attack by firing repeated blasts of a long range acoustic device. The idea of modern-day pirates attacking a cruise liner fascinated me, and I clipped the article. When it came time to write my second, I pulled out the article and started researching.

My first attempt at researching the protocol for a cruise ship under attack was less than successful. I contacted the cruise line company that ultimately owned the actual ship that had been attacked, and met with a wall of resistance. The spokesperson scoffed at the idea of Somali pirates taking a ship the size of a cruise liner, his take on the event was that they were crazy, but he nevertheless flatly refused to assist me. As he put it, “we can’t fully explain to you the lack of enthusiasm we have for your project.” (I remember laughing at that line, and after a moment he laughed, too). I understood his wish that I not write a scenario that might make people afraid to take a cruise, but the event had already occurred and the ship’s attempt to evade successful, so I pressed him for just the facts. Nonetheless, it was a no go.

Desperate, I started searching the internet for a retired cruise line captain that would be willing to answer some questions, and I hit pay dirt. I found Commodore Warwick, captain of the Queen Mary 2 for thirty years had just retired. I contacted his son, who put me in touch with his father. I had the impression that Commodore Warwick had seen it all in his years at sea. He answered some of my questions regarding crew size and confirmed that “Running Dark” (my term) where the Captain turns off all the lights on a liner and disables radar is illegal, but he doubted anyone would fault the captain in such a circumstance.

I still had problems to overcome. I had never been to Somalia, and the insurgents were shooting at planes that were attempting to land in Mogadishu. Even relatively peaceful Hargeisa seemed a tough place to reach. But the Chicago Tribune came to my aid. They had run an interesting series on Somalia. I contacted Paul Salopek, the author of the story, by email. Mr. Salopek answered my questions in record time, usually late at night (at least in my time zone it was late at night) and from God knows where. He told me about the oppressive heat in Berbera, that many of the pirates were fisherman that only pirated in the off season, and that khat, the amphetamine type drug that is legal and sold throughout Africa, usually arrived by noon and after that it was difficult to get any business done in Somalia.

Sixty thousand words into the manuscript–an average thriller ranges from 80,000-100,000–the pirates took their first oil tanker. I received emails and phone calls from friends across the country who knew that I had been writing about them, but now understood what the heck I was writing about. No one in the maritime industry was scoffing at pirates anymore. All who knew about my project commented on my prescience, but it was definitely coming back to bite me, as the UN began to write one resolution after another to address this new threat. I revised the manuscript just as rapidly, doing my best to keep it current. What emerged was Running Dark.

Part of the joy of writing Emma Caldridge as a protagonist is that she is a modern woman, not afraid of danger but not a damaged soul looking for retribution, part of a male/female team, nor is she a superhero. She survives by her wits and intelligence. I write the men in the story as respecting her as an individual and flirting with her as an equal, which is much more satisfying than some of the objectification that is currently in vogue in the movies. I figure that it’s fiction, and I can write the best of male/female relationships, so why not? The books are action adventure novels that get your heart racing and keep your mind engaged. I hope the readers enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

All the best,
Jamie Freveletti

I have 3 autographed copies of this book to giveaway thanks to Harper Collins (I was able to get them autographed when Jamie came to our library!) 

There are a few ways to enter:

1. Sign up to be a follower of this blog - just let me know how you follow. (1 entry)
2. Follow me on twitter (@kherbrand) and tweet or use tweet button below. (1 entry)
3. Comment on any non-giveaway post and let me know. (1 entry)

All entries can be left in one comment. Giveaway open to US only. Giveaway will end on Sept 29. Winners will have 48 hours to respond. Any unclaimed books will be given away on twitter at that time.

Running Dark
Publisher/Publication Date: Harper Collins, July 2010
ISBN: 978-0061684241
336 pages

Last to Die - Blog Tour and Book Giveaway!

by Kate Brady
Blog Tour Sept 6 - 17

A ruthless killer hides in plain sight, someone no one believes is capable of murder. Within a week, six women will be murdered, all punished for their dark pasts. Detective Dani Cole is determined to track down this serial killer whose victims include a young woman she pulled out of a life of crime. Her investigation leads her to a photography foundation and the renowned photographer Mitch Sheridan, a man she she fell in love with years ago but has tried to forget. Dani and Mitch are instantly attracted to each other again, though their troubled pasts keep them from getting too close. Together, through the course of the investigation, they unearth a dark chain of deception that leads to a killer who is closer than they think.

About the author: Kate Brady began writing fiction when her doctoral research became tedious. For years, she wrote in the closet, penning several novels that—thankfully—remain there. Now, she leads a double life. Some days, she’s a choral conductor and professor of music education. Other days, she plays with imaginary people on her computer.

Kate lives in Atlanta with her husband, two children, and an array of furry, feathery, and scaly things. When she has time to read, her nose is most often found in a police story or gourmet cooking magazine! She is currently working on her next novel.


I have 3 copies of this book to giveaway courtesy of Hachette Books.

There are a few ways to enter:
1. Sign up to be a follower of this blog - just let me know how you follow. (1 entry)
2. Follow me on twitter (@kherbrand) and tweet or use tweet button below. (1 entry)
3. Comment on any non-giveaway post and let me know. (1 entry)

All entries can be left in one comment. Giveaway open to US/Canada only - no PO boxes. Giveaway will end on Sept 29. Winners will have 48 hours to respond. Any unclaimed books will be given away on twitter at that time.
Last to Die
Publisher/Publication Date: Forever, Sept 2010
ISBN:  9780446541534
432 pages


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