Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Wild Card Tour: June Bug

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Really enjoyed reading this book. Read my review of June Bug.

Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:

June Bug

Tyndale House Publishers (July 9, 2009)


Chris Fabry is a native of West Virginia who hosts the daily program Chris Fabry Live! on Moody Radio. He and his wife, Andrea, are the parents of nine children. Chris is the author of Dogwood, his first novel for adults, and co-author of Jim Tressel’s New York Times best-selling The Winners Manual. Chris has also published more than sixty other books, including many novels for children and young adults.

Visit the author's website.

Product Details:

List Price: $13.99
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers (July 9, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1414319568
ISBN-13: 978-1414319568


Some people know every little thing about themselves, like how much they weighed when they were born and how long they were from head to toe and which hospital their mama gave birth to them in and stuff like that. I’ve heard that some people even have a black footprint on a pink sheet of paper they keep in a baby box. The only box I have is a small suitcase that snaps shut where I keep my underwear in so only I can see it.

My dad says there’s a lot of things people don’t need and that their houses get cluttered with it and they store it in basements that flood and get ruined, so it’s better to live simple and do what you want rather than get tied down to a mortgage—whatever that is. I guess that’s why we live in an RV. Some people say “live out of,” but I don’t see how you can live out of something when you’re living inside it and that’s what we do. Daddy sleeps on the bed by the big window in the back, and I sleep in the one over the driver’s seat. You have to remember not to sit up real quick in the morning or you’ll have a headache all day, but it’s nice having your own room.

I believed everything my daddy told me until I walked into Walmart and saw my picture on a poster over by the place where the guy with the blue vest stands. He had clear tubes going into his nose, and a hiss of air came out every time he said, “Welcome to Walmart.”

My eyes were glued to that picture. I didn’t hear much of anything except the lady arguing with the woman at the first register over a return of some blanket the lady swore she bought there. The Walmart lady’s voice was getting all trembly. She said there was nothing she could do about it, which made the customer woman so mad she started cussing and calling the woman behind the counter names that probably made people blush.

The old saying is that the customer is always right, but I think it’s more like the customer is as mean as a snake sometimes. I’ve seen them come through the line and stuff a bunch of things under their carts where the cashier won’t see it and leave without paying. Big old juice boxes and those frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Those look good but Daddy says if you have to freeze your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then something has gone wrong with the world, and I think he’s right. He says it’s a sin to be mean to workers at Walmart because they let us use their parking lot. He also says that when they start putting vitamins and minerals in Diet Coke the Apocalypse is not far behind. I don’t know what the Apocalypse is, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was right about that too.

You can’t know the feeling of seeing your picture on a wall inside a store unless it has happened to you, and I have to believe I am in a small group of people on the planet. It was all I could do to just suck in a little air and keep my heart beating because I swear I could feel it slow down to almost nothing. Daddy says a hummingbird’s heart beats something like a million times a minute. I was the opposite of a hummingbird, standing there with my eyes glued to that picture. Some people going outside had to walk around me to the Exit doors, but I couldn’t move. I probably looked strange—just a girl staring at the Picture Them Home shots with an ache or emptiness down deep that I can’t tell anybody about. It’s like trying to tell people what it feels like to have your finger smashed in a grocery cart outside when it’s cold. It doesn’t do any good to tell things like that. Nobody would listen anyway because they’re in a hurry to get back to their houses with all the stuff in them and the mortgage to pay, I guess.

The photo wasn’t exactly me. It was “like” me, almost like I was looking in a mirror. On the left was a real picture of me from when I was little. I’d never seen a picture like that because my dad says he doesn’t have any of them. I’ve gone through his stuff, and unless he’s got a really good hiding place, he’s telling the truth. On the right side was the picture of what I would look like now, which was pretty close to the real me. The computer makes your face fuzzy around the nose and the eyes, but there was no mistake in my mind that I was looking at the same face I see every morning in the rearview.

The girl’s name was Natalie Anne Edwards, and I rolled it around in my head as the people wheeled their carts past me to get to the Raisin Bran that was two for four dollars in the first aisle by the pharmacy. I’d seen it for less, so I couldn’t see the big deal.

Natalie Anne Edwards

DOB: June 20, 2000 Age Now: 9

Missing Date: June 16, 2002 Sex: Female

Estimated Height: 4'3" (130 cm) Estimated Weight: 80 lbs (36 kg)

Eyes: Blue Hair: Red

Race: White

Missing From: Dogwood, WV

United States

Natalie’s photo is shown age progressed to 9 years. She is missing from Dogwood, West Virginia. She has a dark birthmark on her left cheek. She was taken on June 16, 2002, by an unknown abductor.

I felt my left cheek and the birthmark there. Daddy says it looks a little like some guy named Nixon who was president before he was born, but I try not to look at it except when I’m in the bathroom or when I have my mirror out in bed and I’m using my flashlight. I’ve always wondered if the mark was the one thing my mother gave me or if there was anything she cared to give me at all. Daddy doesn’t talk much about her unless I get to nagging him, and then he’ll say something like, “She was a good woman,” and leave it at that. I’ll poke around a little more until he tells me to stop it. He says not to pick at things or they’ll never get better, but some scabs call out to you every day.

I kept staring at the picture and my name, the door opening and closing behind me and a train whistle sounding in the distance, which I think is one of the loneliest sounds in the world, especially at night with the crickets chirping. My dad says he loves to go to sleep to the sound of a train whistle because it reminds him of his childhood.

The guy with the tubes in his nose came up behind me. “You all right, little girl?”

It kind of scared me—not as much as having to go over a bridge but pretty close. I don’t know what it is about bridges. Maybe it’s that I’m afraid the thing is going to collapse. I’m not really scared of the water because my dad taught me to swim early on. There’s just something about bridges that makes me quiver inside, and that’s why Daddy told me to always crawl up in my bed and sing “I’ll Fly Away,” which is probably my favorite song. He tries to warn me in advance of big rivers like the Mississippi when we’re about to cross them or he’ll get an earful of screams.

I nodded to the man with the tubes and left, but I couldn’t help glancing back at myself. I walked into the bathroom and sat in the stall awhile and listened to the speakers and the tinny music. Then I thought, The paper says my birthday is June 20, but Daddy says it’s April 9. Maybe it’s not really me.

When I went back out and looked again, there was no doubt in my mind. That was me up there behind the glass. And I couldn’t figure out a good way to ask Daddy why he had lied to me or why he called me June Bug instead of Natalie Anne. In the books I read and the movies I’ve seen on DVD—back when we had a player that worked—there’s always somebody at the end who comes out and says, “I love you” and makes everything all right. I wonder if that’ll ever happen to me. I guess there’s a lot of people who want somebody to tell them, “I love you.”

I wandered to electronics and the last aisle where they have stereos and headsets and stuff. I wasn’t searching for anything in particular, just piddling around, trying to get that picture out of my head.

Three girls ran back to the same aisle and pawed through the flip-flops.

“This is going to be so much fun!” a girl with two gold rings on her fingers said. “I think Mom will let me sleep over at your house tonight.”

“Can’t,” the one with long brown hair said. “I’ve got swim practice early in the morning.”

“You can sleep over at my house,” the third one said almost in a whine, like she was pleading for something she knew she wouldn’t get. She wore glasses and weighed about as much as a postage stamp. “I don’t have to do anything tomorrow.”

Gold Rings ignored her and pulled out a pair of pink shoes with green and yellow circles. The price said $13.96. “These will be perfect—don’t you think?”

“Mom said to find ones that are cheap and plain so we can decorate them,” Brown Hair said.

“What about tomorrow night?” Gold Rings said. “We could rent a movie and sleep over at my house. You don’t have swim practice Thursday, do you?”

They talked and giggled and moved on down the aisle, and I wondered what it would be like to have a friend ask you to sleep over. Or just to have a friend. Living on the road in a rolling bedroom has its advantages, but it also has its drawbacks, like never knowing where you’re going to be from one day to the next. Except when your RV breaks down and you can’t find the right part for it, which is why we’ve been at this same Walmart a long time.

“You still here, girl?” someone said behind me.

I turned to see the lady with the blue vest and a badge that said Assistant Manager. The three girls must have picked up their flip-flops and ran because when I looked back around they were gone. The lady’s hair was blonde, a little too blonde, but she had a pretty face that made me think she might have won some beauty contest in high school. Her khaki pants were a little tight, and she wore white shoes that didn’t make any noise at all when she walked across the waxed floor, which was perfect when she wanted to sneak up on three girls messing with the flip-flops.

“Did your dad get that part he was looking for?” she said, bending down.

“No, ma’am, not yet.” There was almost something kind in her eyes, like I could trust her with some deep, dark secret if I had one. Then I remembered I did have one, but I wasn’t about to tell the first person I talked to about my picture.

“It must be hard being away from your family. Where’s your mama?”

“I don’t have one.”

She turned her head a little. “You mean she passed?”

I shrugged. “I just don’t have one.”

“Everyone has a mama. It’s a fact of life.” She sat on a stool used when you try on the shoes and I saw myself in the mirror at the bottom. I couldn’t help thinking about the picture at the front of the store and that the face belonged to someone named Natalie Anne.

“Are you two on a trip? Must be exciting traveling in that RV. I’ve always wanted to take off and leave my troubles behind.”

When I didn’t say anything, she looked at the floor and I could see the dark roots. She smelled pretty, like a field of flowers in spring. And her fingernails were long and the tips white.

She touched a finger to an eye and tried to get at something that seemed to be bothering her. “My manager is a good man, but he can get cranky about things. He mentioned your RV and said it would need to be moved soon.”

“But Daddy said you’d let us park as long as we needed.”

She nodded. “Now don’t worry. This is all going to work out. Just tell your dad to come in and talk with me, okay? The corporate policy is to let people . . .”

I didn’t know what a corporate policy was, and I was already torn up about finding out my new name, so I didn’t pay much attention to the rest of what she had to say. Then she looked at me with big brown eyes that I thought would be nice to say good night to, and I noticed she didn’t wear a wedding ring. I didn’t used to notice things like that, but life can change you.

“Maybe you could come out and talk to him,” I said.

She smiled and then looked away. “What did you have for supper tonight?”

“We didn’t really have anything. He gave me a few dollars to get Subway, but I’m tired of those.”

She touched my arm. “It’ll be all right. Don’t you worry. My name’s Sheila. What’s yours?”

“June Bug,” I said. For the first time in my life I knew I was lying about my name.


Johnson stared at the sun through the rear window. Pollen from the pine trees and dirt from a morning rain streaked it yellow and brown in a haphazard design. Three Mexicans climbed out of a Ford. Tools piled in the back of the truck and compost and some black tarp. One slapped another on the back and dust flew up. Another knocked the guy’s hat off and they laughed.

The sun was at the trees on the top of the nearby mountain, then in them, and going down fast. An orange glow settled in and Johnson’s stomach growled. He glanced across the parking lot at the neon liquor store sign next to the Checker Auto Parts, and his throat parched.

A newer RV, a Monaco Camelot, had parked at the end of the lot, and the owner pulled a shade at the front windshield for privacy. He wondered what driving one of those would be like. How much mileage it would get per gallon. The smooth ride on the road. Almost looked like a rolling hotel.

He sat up and looked out the front of the RV. The way they were parked gave him a good view of the store’s entrance. An old guy with an oxygen tank pushed two carts inside. The man smiled and greeted a mom and her children.

Johnson hit the down arrow on his laptop. One green light on the wireless network from the coffee shop. He wished he had parked closer to the end of the lot, but he hadn’t planned on getting stuck here.

A loud knock at the door, like he’d just run over someone’s dog and it was under the back tire yelping. Johnson moved slowly, but he was agile in his bare feet. He caught a glimpse of the guy in the right mirror. Blue vest. Portly. Maybe thirty but not much older. Probably got the job through someone he knew. Johnson opened the door and nodded at the man.

“Just wondering how long you’re thinking of staying,” the man said. There was an edge to his voice, like he was nervous about something.

Johnson stepped down onto the asphalt that was still warm from the sun but not unbearable. “Like I said, I’m waiting on a part. If I could get out of here, believe me I’d be long gone.”

The man looked at the ground. “Well, you’ll have to move on. It’s been—”

“Three weeks.”

“—three weeks and it could be three more before whatever part you’re looking for comes, so I think it’s best you move on.”

“And how do you want me to move it? Push it to the interstate?”

“I can call a tow truck.”

Johnson looked away. Boy Scouts at the Entrance sign were selling lightbulbs. Pink and orange clouds had turned blue, like something was roiling on the other side of the mountain. A black-and-white police car pulled into the parking lot and passed them. The man in the vest waved and the officer returned it.

“I’ll give you one more night,” the manager said. “If you’re not out of here by morning, I’m calling the towing company.”

Johnson wanted to say something more, but he just pursed his lips and nodded and watched the man waddle, pigeon-toed, back to the store.

The girl came out and passed the manager, smiling and swinging a blue bag. She had a new spiral notebook inside. She’d filled more of those things than he could count, and it didn’t look like she was slowing down.

“Did you get your work done?” she said as she bounded in and tossed the bag on her bed.

Johnson opened the fridge and took out a warm can of Dr Pepper. “Enough.”

“What did the manager guy want?”

“He said we’d won a shopping spree.”

“He did not.”

Johnson took a long pull from the can and belched. “He was just wondering how long we’d be here.”

“I met a friend,” the girl said, her face shining. “She’s really nice. And pretty. And I don’t think she’s married. And she has the most beautiful eyes.”

“June Bug, the last thing we need is somebody with her eyes on this treasure.” He spread his arms out in the RV. “What woman could resist this castle?”

“She’s not after your treasure. She just cares about us. She said the manager guy was getting upset that we’ve been here so long. Is that what he told you?”

“Nah, this is a big parking lot. We’re gonna be fine. Did you get something to eat?”

June Bug shook her head and climbed up to her bed. “Almost finished with my last journal. I want to start a new one tonight.”

“What do you put in those things? What kind of stuff do you write down?”

“I don’t know. Just things that seem important. Places we’ve been. It’s sort of like talking to a friend who won’t tell your secrets.”

“What kind of secrets?”

She slipped off her plastic shoes and let them fall to the floor, then opened the bag and took out a dark green notebook. “When you tell me what you’re writing about on that computer, I’ll tell you what’s in my notebooks.”

Johnson smiled and took another drink from the can, then tossed it in the trash.

At the storefront, the police car had stopped and the manager leaned over the open window.

Excerpted from June Bug by Chris Fabry. Copyright © 2009 by Chris Fabry. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

Monday, August 10, 2009

June Bug by Chris Fabry (Book Review)

Title: June Bug
Author: Chris Fabry
Publisher: Tyndale

First sentence: Some people know every little thing about themselves, like how much they weighed when they were born and how long they were from head to toe and which hospital their mama gave birth to them and stuff like that.

My synopsis: June Bug had been all over the U.S. and she wasn't even 10 years old. She had been living and traveling in an RV with her father for as long as she can remember. She hadn't really questioned this life until she went into a Walmart and saw her face on a missing children's wall. Ok - so it wasn't her face exactly, but it was really close. It said her name was Natalie and that she had been missing since she was 2.

The story jumps back and forth between June Bug and her father traveling through Colorado back East to West Virginia, where the mystery of her disappearance has resurfaced when the car she was in the night she disappeared is found at the bottom of a reservoir. As these two stories unwind, they draw all the characters closer together, until they all converge in Dogwood, West Virginia.

My thoughts: I don't know how to categorize books like this. It is not a romance, not historical fiction, not a thriller, etc. It is just a fiction book - and a good one at that. I was immediately involved in the story and wanted June Bug and her father to persevere. It was evident in the story how much he loved her and what a good dad he was.

Also underlying the story is a thread involving faith. June Bug shares how she became a Christian at a Vacation Bible School close to one of their campsites. There are also other people along the way who help them out who share her faith - including her grandmother who has been praying for seven years for some sort of closure.

This was a very good book and I would recommend it highly. It does not have a lot of action or a grand romance, but it is just a heartwarming story!

About the author: Chris Fabry is a native of West Virginia who hosts the daily program Chris Fabry Live! on Moody Radio. He and his wife, Andrea, are the parents of nine children. Chris is the author of Dogwood and more than 50 novels for children and young adults.

June Bug
Publisher/Publication Date: Tyndale House Publisher, July 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4143-1956-8
336 pages

It's Getting Closer: Sept 14-18!

Announcing the Second Annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week September 14-18, 2009

WHO Anyone who blogs about books is invited to participate. In fact, we want everyone who blogs about books and reading to be a part of this week!

WHAT A week where we come together, celebrate the contribution and hard work of book bloggers in promoting a culture of literacy, connecting readers to books and authors, and recogonizing the best among us with the Second Annual BBAW Awards. There will be special guest posts, daily blogging themes, and giveaways.

WHEN September 14-18, 2009

WHERE Here at the new Book Blogger Appreciation Week Blog! (Please note that this year there are three separate blogs and feeds—one for the main event, one for giveaways, and one for awards.)

WHY Because books matter. In a world full of options, the people talking about books pour hard work, time, energy, and money into creating a community around the written word. I, Amy, the founder of Book Blogger Appreciation Week love this community of bloggers and want to shower my appreciation on you!

If you would like to be a part of this week - please visit the Book Blogger Appreciation Week Blog for all the info!

I didn't participate last year - as I have only been blogging 1 year and 9 days as of today (I know - I missed my anniversary!) There is currently a meme going on for past participants and newbies - so here are my newbie questions!

1) What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you?
Meeting a ton of people who share my love of books and discovering new books and authors.

2) What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, linking to you, or inspiring you?
J.Kaye of J.Kaye's book blog - Her's was the first blog I remember following and she was a wealth of information. I think she gave me my first "award" also!

3) What one question do you have about BBAW that someone who participated last year could answer? I have no idea - I will probably have more questions after I have been through one!

A New Week - A New Giveaway! The Friends We Keep!

I have one copy of The Friends We Keep and 2 of the 40-Minute Bible Study books to giveaway to one winner!

The Friends We Keep: A Woman's Quest for the Soul of Friendship by Sarah Zacharias Davis

40-Minute Bible Studies by Kay Arthur

Easy to enter! Just leave a comment with your email address! For an extra entry, visit my earlier post today on the book tour for these books and leave a comment there! This giveaway open to U.S. only and ends on Aug 31st!

That's it!

Blog Tour: Damas, Dramas and Ana Ruiz (8/10-8/18)

Damas, Dramas, and Ana Ruiz by Belinda Acosta - Currently on a virtual tour!

About the book: All Ana Ruiz wanted was to have a traditional quinceañera for her daughter, Carmen. She wanted a nice way to mark this milestone year in her daughter's life. But Carmen was not interested in celebrating. Hurt and bitter over her father Esteban's departure, she blamed Ana for destroying their happy family, as did everyone else. A good man is hard to find, especially at your age Ana was told. Why not forgive his one indiscretion? Despite everything, Ana didn't want to tarnish Carmen's childlike devotion to her beloved father. But Ana knows that growing up sometimes means facing hard truths. In the end, Ana discovers that if she's going to teach Carmen anything about what it means to be a woman, it will take more than simply a fancy party to do it...(Hachette)

"Belinda Acosta's Damas, Dramas, and Ana Ruiz delivers all its title promises and more: it's a book about damas of all ages, from teenage girls to the struggling mothers of those teenage girls; it's packed with drama so you don't want to stop reading; it's a novel that deeply and honestly tells the story of Ana Ruiz, her own coming of age as a woman and as a mother. Belinda Acosta is up to all of the challenges of such a rich panorama of characters and events. She's sassy, she's smart, she makes it look easy! But it takes a lot of hard work and a pile of talent to write such an engaging, touching book. A wonderful quinceañera of a novel!"
--- Julia Alvarez, author of Once Upon a Quinceañera: Coming of Age in the USA and Return to Sender
"Lively and perceptive... Acosta empathically captures the innermost feelings of her characters."
--- Booklist (Hachette)

About the author: Belinda Acosta has written and published plays, short stories, and essays. As a journalist, her work has appeared in the Austin American-Statesman, The Austin Chronicle, the San Antonio Express-News, The San Antonio Current, and AlterNet. Her short story Tortilla Dough appeared in Saguaro, a publication of the University of Arizona in 1992. In 1993, she produced, directed and performed in a multi-media dance-theater performance of La Llorona. National exposure came in 1995 when she read her personal essay Gran Baile, on Latino USA - the Radio Journal of News and Culture, carried on National Public Radio.

Acosta received a Master of Fine Arts in Writing from The University of Texas in 1997. She lives in Austin, Texas and is the TV and media columnist for The Austin Chronicle. (Hachette)

Follow Belinda's Blog!

Join Facebooks Fanpage for La quinceañera club books.

Damas, Dramas and Ana Ruiz
Publisher/Publication Date: Grand Central Publishing, Aug 11, 2009
ISBN: 978-0-446-54051-3
336 pages

Blog Tour - The Friends We Keep (8/10-8/14)

The Friends We Keep: A Woman's Quest for the Soul of Friendship by Sarah Zacharias Davis

Publisher: Waterbrook Press


40-Minute Bible Studies by Kay Arthur

Publisher: Waterbrook Press

About The Friends We Keep: During a particularly painful time in her life, Sarah Zacharias Davis learned how delightful–and wounding–women can be in friendship. She saw how some friendships end badly, others die slow deaths, and how a chance acquaintance can become that enduring friend you need.

The Friends We Keep is Sarah’s thoughtful account of her own story and the stories of other women about navigating friendship. Her revealing discoveries tackle the questions every woman asks:

• Why do we long so for women friends?
• Do we need friends like we need air or food or water?
• What causes cattiness, competition, and co-dependency in too many friendships?
• Why do some friendships last forever and others only a season?
• How do I foster friendship?
• When is it time to let a friend go, and how do I do so?

With heartfelt, intelligent writing, Sarah explores these questions and more with personal stories, cultural references and history, faith, and grace. In the process, she delivers wisdom for navigating the challenges, mysteries, and delights of friendship: why we need friendships with other women, what it means to be safe in relationship, and how to embrace what a friend has to offer, whether meager or generous.

About The 40-Minute Bible Studies:

The 40 Minute Bible Study series from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackles important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can use personally or for small-group discussion. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study. There are 16 titles in the series, with topics ranging from fasting and forgiveness to prayer and worship. With no homework required, everyone in the group can work through the lesson together at the same time. Let these respected Bible teachers lead you in a study that will transform your thinking—and your life.

Check out a 4 minute video of Kay Arthur as she talks about these 40-Minute Bible Studies.

Titles Include:

•The Essentials of Effective Prayer

•Being a Disciple: Counting the Cost

•Building a Marriage That Really Works

•Discovering What the Future Holds

•Forgiveness: Breaking the Power of the Past

•Having a Real Relationship with God

•How Do You Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk?

•Living a Life of Real Worship

•How to Make Choices You Won’t Regret

•Living Victoriously in Difficult Times

•Money & Possessions: The Quest for Contentment

•Rising to the Call of Leadership

•How Do You Know God’s Your Father?

•Key Principles of Biblical Fasting

•A Man’s Strategy for Conquering Temptation

•What Does the Bible Say About Sex?

About the authors:

Sarah Zacharias Davis is a senior advancement officer at Pepperdine University, having joined the university after working as vice president of marketing and development for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and in strategic marketing for CNN. The daughter of best-selling writer Ravi Zacharias, Davis is the author of the critically-acclaimed Confessions from an Honest Wife and Transparent: Getting Honest About Who We are and Who We Want to Be. She graduated from Covenant College with a degree in education and lives in Los Angeles, California.

Kay Arthur, executive vice president and cofounder of Precept Ministries International has worked with her teaching staff to create the powerful 40-Minute Bible Studies series. Kay is known around the world as a Bible teacher, author, conference speaker, and host of national radio and television programs.

The Friends We Keep
Publisher/Publication Date: Waterbrook Press, July 2009
ISBN: 978-1400074396
224 pages

40-Minute Bible Studies
Publisher: Waterbrook Press

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hi-Yo ~Here is July's Roundup!~

It's all about summer - Here is my son and his cousin fishin' at Grandma and Grandpa's over the 4th of July weekend!

Here are the girl cousins takin' a break from water skiing to catch up on the latest teen celebs!

And here is my husband with our daughter on the night of her 8th grade graduation. She gave one of the four speeches to a crowd of about 1700 people. She has since told me that speeches in high school are going to be a breeze! (Ok - this was really June, but I am that far behind in posts and I really wanted to share!)


I read 14 books in July for a total of 3916 pages. This brings me up to 91 books for the year. As my goal was 100, I think I am gonna make it!

  1. Critical Care by Candace Calvert
  2. Knight of Desire by Margaret Mallory
  3. The Castaways by Elin Hilderbrand
  4. Acne for Dummies by Herbert P. Goodheart
  5. Last Light Over Carolina by Mary Alice Monroe
  6. One Scream Away by Kate Brady - I have only posted a partial review of this one - must get my completed review up!
  7. Refuge: A True Story of Faith and Civil War by John and Bessie Gonleh
  8. Ravens by George Dawes Green
  9. Miss L'eau by T. Katz
  10. Me, Just Different by Stephanie Morrill
  11. Hollywood is Like High School with Money by Zoey Dean
  12. Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer
  13. Too Many Visitors for One Little House by Susan Chodakiewitz
  14. June Bug by Chris Fabry - First Wild Card Tour Aug 11- Will post review then.
For August:
  1. I Can See You by Karen Rose
  2. The Hope of Refuge by Cindy Woodsmall (finished today)
  3. The Friends We Keep by Sarah Zacharias Davis
  4. Damas, Dramas and Ana Ruiz by Belinda Acosta
  5. I Love You More by Laura Kuksta
  6. Falling Into the Sun by Charrie Hazard
  7. A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi
  8. Healing Luke by Beth Cornelison
  9. The Blue Enchantress by M.L. Tyndale
  10. Summer of Two Wishes by Julia London
  11. Dark Hunger by Rita Herron
  12. The Heroes of Googley Woogley by Dalton James (Kid's Book)
  13. The Sneakiest Pirates by Dalton James (Kid's Book)
  14. Not So Fast by Ann Kroeker
  15. How it Ends by Laura Weiss
  16. A Better View of Paradise by Randy Sue Coburn
  17. The Husband Project by Kathi Lipp
  18. Truth or Dare by Nicole O'Dell
  19. All That Glitters by Nicole O'Dell
  20. The Buzzards are Circling by Stan Toler
  21. God Has Never Failed Me by Stan Toler
  22. Abbeville by Jack Fuller
  23. The Confidential Life of Eugenia Cooper
  24. Unplanned Journey by Tanya Unkovich
  25. The Turkey's Treat by Marie Metroke (Kid's Book)
  26. Rose House by Tina Ann Forkner
  27. The Sweetgum Ladies Knit for Love by Beth Patillo
  28. Cult Insanity
  29. Jake the Snake by Shelly Nicholson (Kid's Book)
  30. The Lost Dog
  31. The Blue Star
Author interviews:
  1. Jack Regan
  2. Randy Sue Coburn
  3. Marie Metroke (hopefully)
  4. Beth Cornelison
Guest posts:
  1. Shelly Nicholson
  2. Belinda Acosta - possibly
Current Giveaways:

  1. I Can See You - 5 copies (ends Aug 11)
  2. The Last Patriot - 1 copy (ends Aug 14)
  3. The Practical Guide to Animal Rights - 1 copy (ends Aug 17)
  4. Dark Hunger - 5 copies (ends Aug 19)
  5. The Lost Dog - 5 copies (ends Aug 21)
  6. The Husband Project - 1 copy (ends Aug 23)
  7. The Hope of Refuge - 1 copy (ends Aug 24)
  8. The Blue Star - 5 copies (ends Aug 26)
  9. The Castaways - audiobook - 3 copies (ends Aug 28)
  10. Ravens - audiobook - 3 copies (ends Aug 29)
Upcoming Giveaways for August:
  1. The Friends We Keep - 1 copy
  2. So Into you - 5 copies
  3. How to Tame a Modern Day Rogue - 5 copies
  4. Seduce Me - 5 copies
  5. Chosen by Desire and Love You to Death - 1 copy of each to 1 winner
  6. The Sweetgum Ladies Knit for Love - Possibly
  7. Cult Insanity - 5 copies
Watch for my new posts on Thursdays which are going to feature Kid's Books!

My Challenge update will have to come later - as I have no idea where I am at on those - I have lost all control! Hope everyone is having a great summer! Enjoy the weather!

The Sunday Salon (winners announced) 8-9-2009

The Sunday Salon.com

Hello - Happy Sunday! I have just one word- HOT! We finally used our backyard pool today. I think it was the first time all summer we have had 2 consecutive days over 90 degrees! Summer is finally here - just took it long enough. . . We have a 4 year old son that we tried to coerce all afternoon to get in the pool with us (he had on his life jacket). We have been swimming at our local aquatic center all summer without the life jacket - but it has the zero depth area. Finally - after my sister and I both gave up and got out, and my husband got in and tried to get him in - he told his dad he was afraid he was going to drowned - he had forgotten that the life jacket held him up! Once his dad convinced him of this he couldn't get enough of the water and loved to show off how he could "swim" from the ladder to the raft and how he could jump in and touch the bottom. I have a feeling this week we will be spending a lot of time in the water!

I have all these random thoughts each week, and each week I think that I will post them on Sunday - and then Sunday becomes a busy family day and I never get to the post. I am going to try to be better at adding some posts that aren't just featuring books, giveaways or reviews. The other thing that I have missed with summer is getting to read a lot of other blogs. I am looking forward to school starting so that some of my time will free up and I can go "visiting" again! I also just got a new widescreen computer screen which has made reading content MUCH easier. My old screen had been "damaged" by a rambunctious 1 year old when he threw a toy and cracked it - so for the last three years I have had a black section on part of the screen. Well, last whenever I turned the computer on I would have to wait about 5 minutes for the vertical lines to clear - it was time for a new screen.

Speaking of computers - I am not very computer literate and need some help. I want to get a laptop and I don't have a clue where to start. I would just like to use the laptop for blogging and maybe a little game playing. What would I need as far as system requirements that would allow me to do this - and when I travel, what do I need to be able to use it then. Any and all information would be appreciated more than you would know!

Another question that I have - actually, it is an assignment. I would like to get to know the people who read this blog. I had over 1500 page views last week and very few comments (unless it was a giveaway). Let me know you are out there. Tell me you like a book, or a book cover, or just say Hi! Tell me what you had for lunch or the latest movie you saw. Share with me something funny that your kids did this week. Anything - How many comments do you think I can get this week?

Ok - time for some winners! I had 4 giveaways end last week that I have not posted winners for - so here you go.

This Duchess is Mine


Blue Like Play Dough


Too Many Visitors for One Little House


The Moon Looked Down

Julie P
MoziEsme Already won -
Replacement - Amanda - also already won -
Replacement - Sab! Third times a charm!

Lots of good giveaways still going on and lots of book tours happening right now! Let's hear from you this week!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

In Your Mailbox/Mailbox Monday 8-9-2009

Dark Hunger Blog Tour (8/9-8/22)

Dark Hunger begins a virtual tour today!

About the book: Reporter Annabelle Armstrong will go to any lengths to deliver a story, even track down Quinton Valtrez, a man she believes is a coldhearted assassin. Yet the truth about the darkly sensual Quinton is even more shocking...and the overwhelming desire he ignites is one she vows to resist.

Quinton has fought his demonic powers since he was a child. Now using his gifts for the good of national security, he can't let himself be distracted by the beautiful, determined Annabelle. But his need for her is sudden, fierce--and could soon cost Annabelle her life. For a wicked enemy is out for vengeance, a demon who wants to draw Quinton into a life of pure evil and is willing to use Annabelle as bait. To save her, Quinton must achieve the near impossible: tame the sinister force that is both his inheritance and his curse before it claims him forever. (Hachette)

Watch the book trailer!

If you haven't signed up for my giveaway of Dark Hunger - be sure to do so before Aug 19th - watch for my review then also!

Participating Blogs:

Yankee Romance Reviewer- Aug. 9 to 22 review and giveaway
Drey's Library - Aug. 9 review and giveaway
Bookin With Bingo- Aug. 10 Q&A, review and giveaway
Just Another New Blog - Aug. 10 giveaway
Hot Deals By Bec - Aug. 10 giveaway
Trisha's Bookshelf - Aug. 11 review and giveaway
Maria's Space - Aug. 11 review and giveaway
Book Soulmates - Aug. 12 giveaway
My Book Addiction and More - Aug. 12 Q&A, review, and giveaway
Just Jennifer Reading - Aug. 13 review and giveaway
Seductive Musings - Aug. 13 Q&A and giveaway
Wrighty's Reads - Aug. 13 review and giveaway
Bibliophile's R Us - Aug. 14 review and giveaway
Starting Fresh - Aug. 14 review and giveaway
Cheryl's Book Nook - Aug. 14 giveaway
A Journey of BOoks - Aug. 15 Q&A, review and giveaway
Darby's Closet - Aug. 16 review
Carol's Notebook - Aug. 17 Q&A, review and giveaway
Jeanne's Gifts - Aug. 18 review and giveaway
Cheeky Reads - Aug. 18 Q&A and giveaway
Books and Needlepoint - Aug. 19 review and giveaway
All About {n} - Aug. 20 review and giveaway
This Book For Free - Aug. 20 Q&A, review and giveaway
Park Avenue Princess - Aug. 21 review and giveaway
Morbid Romantic - Aug. 21 Q&A, review and giveaway
Falling off the Shelf - Aug. 22 giveaway
My Book Views - Aug. 22 Q&A, review and giveaway
Found not Lost - Aug. 22 review and giveaway
My Guilty Pleasures

ARC Arrival: On the Bluffs by Steven Schindler

On the Bluffs by Steven Schindler

Publisher: The Elevated Press

I received this book through Bostick.

About the book: SOMETIMES THE BIGGEST LIES ARE THE ONES WE LIVE While Brian DeLouise was working the graveyard shift at a conspiracy theory-crazed radio station his wife was alley-catting around Washington, DC. But a cheating wife and a dead-end job no longer made him angry or depressed. He was just numb. It took a daring brush with death to awaken his senses and a few clicks on Google to begin a journey to recapture a love he believed was gone forever. Brian finds his lost lover in a rundown mansion on the windswept bluffs of Cape Cod, where he must confront a fast approaching evil while he risks losing everything he now cherishes. (Amazon)

About the author: Born and raised in the Bronx, Steven Schindler's first two novels, Sewer Balls and From the Block, are artfully gritty portrayals of the neighborhood characters who hung out on the stoops, playgrounds, rooftops and barstools during the crazy days of the Bronx in the sixties and seventies. Both books offer a heavy dose of mad, inner-city youthful adventures laced with awkward teenage sex, rock and roll, and the search for the perfect egg cream, i.e. the essence of life itself. His third novel, From Here to Reality (Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books), is a hilarious send-up of a transplanted New Yorker's foray into the early days of reality television in Hollywood, and received praise from Jay Leno and Roger L. Simon (The Big Fix) Schindler's soon-to-be released novel, On the Bluffs, is a thrilling love story wrapped in a dysfunctional family mystery that begins on the trendy streets of Washington D.C. and winds up in a rundown mansion on the bluffs of Cape Cod. (Amazon)

On the Bluffs
Publisher/Publication Date: The Elevated Press, Aug 2009
ISBN: 978-0966240818
300 pages

ARC Arrival: How it Ends by Laura Wiess

How it Ends by Laura Wiess

Publisher: MTV/Simon and Schuster

I received this book from Sarah at Pocket Books for a tour on Aug 21. Thanks Sarah!

About the book: All Hanna's wanted since sophomore year is Seth. She's gone out with other guys, even gained a rep for being a flirt, all the while hoping cool, guitar-playing Seth will choose her. Then she gets him--but their relationship is hurtful, stormy and critical, not at all what Hanna thinks a perfect love should be. Bewildered by Seth's treatment of her and in need of understanding, Hana decides to fulfill her school's community service requirement by spending time with Helen, her terminally ill neighbor, who she's turned to for comfort and wisdom throughout her life. But illness has changed Helen into someone Hanna hardly knows, and her home is not the refuge it once was. Feeling more alone than ever, Hanna gets drawn into an audiobook the older woman is listening to, a fierce, unsettling love story of passion, sacrifice, and devotion. Hanna's fascinated by the idea that such all-encompassing love can truly exist, and without her even realizing it, the story begins to change her.

Until the day when the story becomes all too real. . .and Hanna's world is spun off its axis by its shattering, irrevocable conclusion. (back cover)

About the author: Laura Wiess is the author of the critically acclaimed novels Such a Pretty Girl, chosen as one of the ALA's 2008 Best Books for Young Adults and 2008 YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers, and Leftovers. Originally from Milltown, New Jersey, she traded bumper-to-bumper traffic, excellent pizza, and summer days down the shore for scenic roads, bears, no pizza delivery, and the irresistible allure of an old stone house surrounded by forests in Pennsylvania's Endless Mountains Region. (inside cover)

How it Ends
Publisher/Publication Date: MTV, Aug 4, 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4165-4663-4
368 pages

ARC Arrival: Summer of Two Wishes by Julia London

Summer of Two Wishes by Julia London

Publisher: Pocket Books

I received this book from Sarah at Pocket Books for a tour Aug 18. Thanks Sarah!

About the book: Whose wife was she?

Macy Lockhart's life shattered in a moment with the news that her husband, Finn--serving in the military overseas--has been killed in the line of duty. Their ardent and devoted marriage is over, leaving Macy alone, empty, directionless. But while she tries to sustain herself with memories of Finn, the quiet, strong man who made her and their small Texas ranch the center of his life, it is wealthy Wyatt Clark who slowly brings joy back into her life. Her love for Wyatt may be less romantic than the breathless passion she'd once shared with Finn, but she vows to cherish him, and their marriage is happy and as solid as a rock. Until the day that Finn, miraculously spared from death, returns home to claim his bride. . .

How can a woman choose between the two men she loves? And how will she make the right choice--for herself and everyone involved? In a deeply moving, passionate novel, New York Times bestselling author Julia London illuminates the questions hidden in a woman's heart. (back cover)

About the author: Julia London is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of numerous romantic novels, including the Scandalous series: The Book of Scandal, Highland Scandal, and A Courtesan's Scandal; The Desperate Debutantes trilogy: The Dangers of Deceiving a Viscount, The Perils of Pursuing a Prince, and The Hazards of Hunting a Duke; and the Lockhart family trilogy: Highlander Unbound (a finalist for the Romance Writers of America's RITA Award for Best Historical Romance), Highlander in Disguise, and Highlander in Love (also a finalist for the RITA Award). She is also the author of Guiding Light: Jonathan's Story, the New York Times bestselling novel based on the Emmy Award-winning daytime drama Guiding Light. A native Texan, Julia lives in Austin.

Summer of Two Wishes
Publisher/Publication Date: Pocket Star, Aug 18, 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4165-4708-2
432 pages

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ravens - Audiobook Giveaway!!!

Yes - another audiobook giveaway! I have 3 copies of Ravens by George Dawes Green to giveaway - courtesy of Hachette Books!

About the book: The Boatwrights just won 318 million dollars in the GeorgiaState lottery. It's going to be the worst day of their lives.

When Shaw McBride and Romeo Zderko pull up at a convenience store off I-95 in Georgia, their only thought is to fix a leaky tire and be on their way again to Florida-away from their dull Ohio tech-support jobs. But this happens to be the store from which a 318,000,000 million dollar Jackpot ticket has just been sold -- and when a pretty clerk accidentally reveals to Shaw the identity of the winning family, he hatches a ferociously audacious scheme: He and Romeo will squeeze the family for half their prize.

That night, he visits the Boatwright home and takes the family hostage, while Romeo patrols the streets nearby, prepared to murder the Boatwrights' loved ones at any sign of resistance. At first, the family offers none. But Shaw's plot depends on maintaining constant fear-merciless, unfaltering terror-and soon, under the pressure, everyone's sanity begins to unravel . . .

At once frightening, comic, and suspenseful, RAVENS is a wholly original and utterly compelling novel from one of our most talented writers.(Barnes and Noble)

Rules for the giveaway:
  1. Three copies to giveaway.
  2. Open only to U.S. and Canada.
  3. No PO Boxes
  4. First entry - Must leave email address in comment.
  5. You may put all entries in one comment.
  6. +2 if you are a new or old follower - but please let me know.
  7. +2 if you post a relevant comment on my review of Ravens - but please let me know you did so.
  8. +3 if you post this on any social network - (limit of 6 entries for this one - so you can post it as many places as you would like, but only 2 will count).
  9. +3 for referrals of NEW followers - if you already follow, you will not get entries for saying someone referred you - you can however get entries for referring new people...
  10. Giveaway ends on Aug 29th.
Publisher/Publication Date: Hachette Books, July 15, 2009
ISBN: 978-0-446-53896-1
336 pages

Wonderful Win: Suite Scarlett

Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson

I won this book from Green Bean Teen Queen - a YA blog that I recently found!

About the book: Her new summer job comes with baggage.

Scarlett Martin has grown up in a most unusual way. Her family owns the Hopewell, a small Art Deco hotel in the heart of New York City.

When each of the Martins turns fifteen, they are expected to take over the care of a suite. For Scarlett's fifteenth birthday, she gets both a room called the Empire Suite and a permanent guest named Mrs. Amberson. Scarlett doesn't quite know what to make of this C-list starlet and world traveler. And when she meets Eric, an astonishingly gorgeous actor who has just moved to the city, her summer takes a second unexpected turn.

Before the summer is over, Scarlett will have to survive a whirlwind of thievery and romantic missteps. But in the city where anything can happen, she just might be able to pull it off. (back cover)

About the author: Maureen Johnson lives in New York City. She wonders if you have read any of her previous books: The Key to the Golden Firebird, The Bermudez Triangle, 13 Little Blue Envelopes, Devilish, or Girl at Sea. It's okay if you haven't; she is sure to like you anyway. Unlike Scarlett, Maureen does not live in a hotel, but she wishes she did. (inside book)

Suite Scarlett
Publisher/Publication Date: Point, May 2009 (reprint)
ISBN: 978-0-545-09632-4
368 pages

New Audiobook Giveaway for The Castaways

And I don't mean Ginger and Mary Ann - I mean Elin Hildebrand's book - The Castaways!

About the book: Greg and Tess MacAvoy are one of four prominent Nantucket couples who count each other as best friends. As pillars of their close-knit community, the MacAvoys, Kapenashes, Drakes, and Wheelers are important to their friends and neighbors, and especially to each other. But just before the beginning of another idyllic summer, Greg and Tess are killed when their boat capsizes during an anniversary sail. As the warm weather approaches and the island mourns their loss, nothing can prepare the MacAvoy's closest friends for what will be revealed.

Once again, Hilderbrand masterfully weaves an intense tale of love and loyalty set against the backdrop of endless summer island life. (Hachette)

Rules for the giveaway:
  1. Three copies to giveaway.
  2. Open only to U.S. and Canada.
  3. No PO Boxes
  4. First entry - Must leave email address in comment.
  5. +2 if you are a new or old follower - but please let me know.
  6. +2 if you post a relevant comment on my review of The Castaways - but please let me know you did so.
  7. +3 if you post this on any social network - (limit of 6 entries for this one - so you can post it as many places as you would like, but only 2 will count).
  8. +3 for referrals of NEW followers - if you already follow, you will not get entries for saying someone referred you - you can however get entries for referring new people...
  9. Giveaway ends on Aug 28th

The Castaways
Publisher/Publication Date: Little, Brown & Company, July 2009
ISBN: 978-0-316-04389-2
359 pages

Friday Finds 8-7-2009

Here are my finds this week!

Two of the Deadliest: New Tales of Lust, Greed and Murder from Outstanding Women of Mystery by Elizabeth George

About the book: George's all-original anthology showcases 18 stories by established women mystery writers and five by relative unknowns. While not every entry is a winner, the wide variety of styles and settings will please most mystery fans. Especially strong are Linda Barnes's Catch Your Death, a classic tale of love gone wrong told by an appealing narrator, and Stephanie Bond's satisfyingly twisty Bump in the Night. In Gold Fever, Dana Stabenow fits quick characterizations, an exotic locale (Alaska) and a tidy plot into a few pages. Marcia Talley's tightly written Can You Hear Me Now is modest in ambition—but who doesn't like to see a rude cellphone user get his comeuppance? Among the newcomers, Z. Kelley's Anything Helps is particularly notable for its charm. Other contributors include Carolyn Hart, Laura Lippman and S.J. Rozan. (Aug.) (Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. )

Two of the Deadliest: New Tales of Lust, Greed, and Murder from Outstanding Women of Mystery
Publisher/Publication Date: Harper, July 2009
ISBN: 978-0061350337
480 pages

A Quiet Belief in Angels by R.J. Ellory

About the book: Growing up in rural Georgia during the 1940s, Joseph Vaughan finds himself at the center of a series of mutilations and killings of young girls. Just a teenager, Joseph becomes determined to protect his community from the killer, but he is powerless in preventing more murders—and no one is ever caught. Ten years later one of his neighbors is found hanging from a rope, surrounded by belongings of the dead girls; the killings cease, and the nightmare appears to be over. Desperate and plagued by everything he has witnessed, Joseph sets out to forge a new life in New York. But even there the past won’t leave him alone—for it seems that the murderer still lives and is killing again, and that the secret to his identity lies in Joseph’s own history. (Overlook Press)

A Quiet Belief in Angels: A Novel
Publisher/Publication Date: Overlook Press, Sept 2009
ISBN: 978-1-59020-250-0
352 pages

While I'm Falling by Laura Moriarty

About the book: In While I'm Falling, Laura Moriarty presents a compelling depiction of how one young woman's life changes when her family breaks up for good.

Ever since her parents announced that they're getting divorced, Veronica has been falling. Hard. A junior in college, she has fallen in love. She has fallen behind in her difficult coursework. She hates her job as counselor at the dorm, and she longs for the home that no longer exists. When an attempt to escape the pressure, combined with bad luck, lands her in a terrifying situation, a shaken Veronica calls her mother for help--only to find her former foundation too preoccupied to offer any assistance at all.

But Veronica only gets to feel hurt for so long. Her mother shows up at the dorm with a surprising request--and with the elderly family dog in tow. Boyfriend complications ensue, along with her father's sudden interest in dating. Veronica soon finds herself with a new set of problems, and new questions about love and independence.

Darkly humorous, beautifully written, and filled with crystalline observations about how families fall apart, While I'm Falling takes a deep look at the relationship between a daughter and a mother when one is trying to grow up and the other is trying to stay afloat. (Amazon)

While I'm Falling
Publisher/Publication Date: Hyperion, Aug 2009
ISBN: 978-1401302726
320 pages

What great books did you find this week?? Stop over at Should Be Reading and share yours!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ARC Arrival: The Gift of an Ordinary Day

The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother's Memoir by Katrina Kenison

Publisher: Springboard Press/Hachette

I received this book from Anna at Hachette - Thanks Anna!

About the book: The Gift of an Ordinary Day is an intimate memoir of a family in transition--boys becoming teenagers, careers ending and new ones opening up, as well as an attempt to find a deeper sense of place, and a slower pace, in a small New England town. It is a story of midlife longings and discoveries, of lessons learned in the search for home and a new sense of purpose, and the bittersweet intensity of mothering teenagers--holding on, letting go.

Poised on the threshold between family life as she's always know it and her older son's departure for college, Kenison is surprised to find that the times she treasures most are the ordinary, unremarkable moments of everyday life, the very moments she once took for granted, or rushed right through without noticing at all.

The relationships, hopes, and dreams that Kenison illuminates will touch women's hearts, and her words will inspire mothers everywhere as they try to make peace with the inevitable changes in their lives. (from the inside cover)

About the author: Katrina Kenison is the author of Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry. She has appeared on Oprah and other shows. Her writing has appeared in O, Real Simple, Family Circle, Redbook, Better Homes and Gardens, Health, and other publications. From 1990 until 2006, Kenison was the series editor of The Best American Short Stories, published annually by Houghton Mifflin. She coedited, with John Updike, The Best American Short Stories of the Century. She wrote, with Rolf Gates, Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga. (from the inside cover)

The Gift of an Ordinary Day
Publisher/Publication Date: Springboard Press, Sept 2009
ISBN: 978-0-446-40948-3
320 pages

ARC Arrival: The Wildest Heart

The Wildest Heart by Rosemary Rogers

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca

I received this book from Danielle at Sourcebooks. Thanks Danielle!

About the book: Passionate, headstrong Lady Rowena Dangerfield and dark dangerous outlaw Lucas Cord. . .two destinies intertwined under the blazing New Mexico sun.

Lady Rowena Dangerfield travels from the exotic palaces of India to the splendor of the Royal Court of London to the savage New Mexico frontier to lay claim to her inheritance and live freely as only she would dare. In the violent, untamed American Southwest, she finally meets a man as strong as she is: Lucas Cord, a dark, dangerously handsome, half-Apache outlaw. Fighting scandal, treachery, and murder, Luke is determined to have Rowena for his own, and as their all-consuming passion mounts, no one is going to stop him. . . (from the back cover)

About the author: New York Times bestselling author Rosemary Rogers has been called the "reigning queen of romance," "the princess of passion,"and "the bestselling novelist in America," with over 60 million copies of her books sold. She has written twenty-four bestselling romances, nineteen of which have been New York Times bestsellers. She was born in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and currently lives in California. (from the book)

The Wildest Heart
Publisher/Publication Date: Sourcebooks Casablanca, Nov 2009 (reprint)
ISBN: 978-1-4022-2274-0
739 pages


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