Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog Tour: The Prophet by Ethan Cross - Interview

The Prophet
by Ethan Cross

Francis Ackerman Jr. is one of America's most prolific serial killers. Having kept a low profile for the past year, he is ready to return to work – and he's more brutal, cunning, and dangerous than ever.

Scarred from their past battles, Special Agent Marcus Williams cannot shake Ackerman from his mind. But now Marcus must focus on catching the Anarchist, a new killer who drugs and kidnaps women before burning them alive.

Marcus knows the Anarchist will strike again soon. And Ackerman is still free. But worse than this is a mysterious figure, unknown to the authorities, who controls the actions of the Anarchist and many like him. He is the Prophet – and his plans are more terrible than even his own disciples can imagine.

With attacks coming from every side, Marcus faces a race against time to save the lives of a group of innocent people chosen as sacrifices in the Prophet's final dark ritual.

Please visit the PICT tour page to read the first chapter and see the blog tour schedule!

Mr. Cross was kind enough to answer a whole slew of questions for me!   Please take a moment and get to know him a little better. 

1. How do you typically write? Do you plot it all out beforehand or do you just let the story pour out?

It all begins with a cool idea and interesting characters, but there’s much more than that to a novel (in fact, those are the easy parts). I typically start by just thinking of everything I want to happen in the book (character moments, action sequences, etc). Then I begin to fit those pieces together. I have a dry-erase board and a cork board. I brainstorm on the dry-erase and then begin lining up notecards on the cork board. These cards contain just enough info to let me know the linear progression of the book and how the pieces fit together. Then I craft an outline.

I’m an obsessive outliner. For THE PROPHET, I wrote a 170 page outline that went through two major drafts with feedback from my editors. This outline contains pretty much everything that’s going to happen in the book, even thoughts, research, and snippets of dialogue.

For me, that’s the hard part. Once that’s done and the “writing” begins, things flow, and I’m able to focus on the intricacies. After the outline was done, I wrote the 125,000 words of the book in about a month and a half.

2. Do you have a favorite place to write or “must haves” while writing?

I typically write in my office while sitting in a big recliner. As far as requirements…laptop, heavy metal music, and caffeine.

3. Do you have much say in the title or covers of you books?

It depends. I come from a technical background, and so I’ve actually designed my own US covers. I also have input on the UK editions, but for other countries, they pretty much do whatever they want in regard to both. I usually have a title chosen before the book is written, but this can change depending on the publisher’s thoughts. In the end, they have the final say, but I can’t see any of my publishers going against me completely if I felt a title or cover would hurt the book. They’ve all been great to work with.

4. Is there anything that has surprised you about writing, publishing or touring with your books?

I’ve been very surprised at how wonderful, accessible, and supportive the writing community has been, especially an organization that is close to my heart, The International Thriller Writers. I consider some of the people I’ve met at Thrillerfest (ITW’s yearly conference) to be among my best friends. If you are a writer (or want to be one) and haven’t attended any conference or joined any organization like this, it’s time to start checking into it.

5. Do you have a favorite author/book or one that you always recommend?

I enjoy any book that’s action-packed, regardless of genre, and I've been known to read three or four books in a week. I love David Morrell, James Rollins, Lee Child, F. Paul Wilson, Dean Koontz, Jeffery Deaver, James Patterson, Douglas Preston, Clive Cussler, and many, many more.

6. Was there anything (or anyone) while growing up which helped you decide you wanted to be a writer?

The original idea for The Shepherd started out years ago as a short 40-page story written for a college English class. I was watching a movie called Frailty (great movie, by the way), and it got me interested in the idea of turning the tables on who we saw as the villain and the "good guy". The short story asked the question, "Do the ends justify the means?" and dealt with the abuse of power. The serial killer in the short story (the character that later evolved into Ackerman) was actually not a character at all, since the story centered upon the finding of the killer's dead body. I originally intended to use the short story as a starting point for the novel, but the book took me in such different directions that there is basically nothing recognizable left from the short story. The class was a senior level English course, and I handed in the story on one of the last days before graduation. On the following day, the teacher asked me to stay after class and urged me not to stop writing. Her words meant a lot and really stuck with me.

7. Do you have a job outside of being an author?

Writing is my “day job”, and so I try to treat it as such.

8. What would you tell a beginning writer?

The first step in succeeding as a writer is having a deep love of stories and then learning how to write. You can do that in many ways including reading (and doing it a lot), taking classes, attending conferences, etc. For me, the most significant and worthwhile experience was attending Thrillerfest in New York. While there, I took classes from some of the biggest selling and most accomplished writers in the world. I learned so much and have applied those techniques to my writing. I also made a lot of great friends and business connections while there. So I guess I could sum it up as: have an incredibly strong desire to write and a deep love of stories, learn to write well (and keep learning and improving), and get out there and make connections.

9. What were your favorite books growing up?

The Goosebumps books by R.L. Stine and anything by Stephen King. Honestly, the only books that I read all the way through in school were from one of those two authors. I faked my way through the rest.

10. Do you have any books on your nightstand right now?

I’m currently reading The Naked Edge by David Morrell (who is one of my all-time favorite writers).

11. If you could meet one person who has died, who would that be?

Possibly Nikola Tesla or Albert Einstein; two of the greatest minds in history. On a personal level, I would like to meet my grandfather who died long before I was born.

12. If you could co-author a book with anyone, who would it be?

James Patterson. It would pay the best :-)

Seriously, though, I would probably choose David Morrell, because I feel that I could learn a lot from him.

13. Do you have a favorite quote?

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” - Jack Kerouac

14. In one sentence, why should we read your book?

I try to write books that I would want to read, and I like stories that are fast-paced with a lot of action.

15. What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

If I find a bug in my house, I try not to kill unless absolutely necessary. I try to capture it and release it. Several years ago, we had a mouse get into our basement. I would only allow my wife to purchase catch-and-release live-capture traps to go after it. And we caught him and released him into the wild. Kind of funny from the guy who writes about brutal serial killers.

16. What do you come up with first when creating your character- the back story, the plot, the characteristics?

It really depends. Sometimes I come up with an event from the past that would really shape a character. Sometimes it’s the character with certain attributes. Sometimes the character evolves from plot necessity. I can’t say which comes first, but for me, the most important thing is to make them a real person who I care about. Otherwise, my readers never will.

17. What do you do in your spare time?

I’m a huge movie buff. My wife and I religiously have date night every week and take in a movie. And if I’m not writing or watching a cool story, I’m probably reading one.

18. What does a day in your life look like?

Since I’m not much of a morning person, I start out with answering e-mails, conducting promotional activities, research, learning, etc…essentially the business side of things. Then, once I’ve got some caffeine in my system, I start to write/outline. I usually quit around 6:00, depending on when the kids have activities or we have plans for the evening. Then I usually have a little time to work some more once the kids and my wife have gone to bed.

19. How does your family feel about having a writer in the family? Do they read your books?

Most of them read the books, and they are all extremely proud. We have cards that they can give out to their friends or people they meet that contain more info on me and the books, and I hear lots of stories about the cards being given to random strangers in lines at grocery stores and waiters in restaurants. It always makes me smile when I get a message or someone at a signing that says, “This lady gave me a card…”

20. Is there anything else that you would like my readers to know?

My goal is to make every book that I write the best book I’ve ever written and continue to grow as an author and storyteller. Hopefully, this will show through in my work, and I’ll have the opportunity to live my dream for many years to come. But that all depends on the support of the wonderful reading community, and so a big thank you to all the readers out there.

Silly questions –
1. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

1st Choice - Immortality, 2nd Choice - Telekinesis, 3rd Choice - Invisibility

2. Do you have any hidden talents?

I can play several different instruments including guitar, piano, drums, mandolin, bass, etc.

3. Night owl or early bird?

Night Owl

4. Favorite season?

Summer. Mainly because the best movies come out then.

5. If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

The Walking Contradiction

6. Favorite sport?

To play: Basketball. To watch: Baseball.

7. Favorite music?

Heavy Metal

8. Talk or text?

Text. It’s funny, but it feels terribly inconvenient to actually call someone these days.

9. Cat or dog?

Dog, but I love all animals.

10. Favorite tv show?

All time - 24. Currently - The Walking Dead

11. Favorite holiday destination?

Las Vegas

12. Do you have a literary crush?

Hmm, probably Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or David Morrell.

13. If you could live in a literary world - what world would that be and why?

Probably the Star Wars universe…because I always wanted a lightsaber.

14. Most embarrassing moment?

Shooting a one and one free throw, making the first one, and turning and running all the way back down to the other side of the court before realizing that I had another shot.

15. If you could travel forward or backward in time, where would you go and why?

Definitely into the future. I would go at least a few hundred years. It would be fascinating to see how technology and humanity has changed (if we’re still around that is).

Thank you Mr. Cross!  There were some entertaining answers there.  I was also a huge Stephen King fan in high school and list Dean Koontz and James Patterson as some of my favorite authors. BTW - Did you ever make that second shot?  

Best of luck with The Prophet!  It has been a fascinating read so far and can't wait to get back to it!

When a fireman or a policeman would visit his school, most of his classmates’ heads would swim with aspirations of growing up and catching bad guys or saving someone from a blazing inferno. When these moments came for Ethan Cross, however, his dreams weren’t to someday be a cop or put out fires; he just wanted to write about it. His dream of telling stories on a grand scale came to fruition with the release of his first novel, the international bestseller, THE SHEPHERD.

Ethan Cross is the pen name of a thriller author living and writing in Illinois with his wife, two daughters, and two Shih Tzus. In addition to The Shepherd and The Prophet, he has published two novellas––The Cage and Callsign: Knight (with Jeremy Robinson).

  FaceBook  (https://www.facebook.com/EthanCrossBooks)                                 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cover Reveal: Hover by Melissa West - with Giveaway!

Hover (The Taking #2)
by Melissa West

Pre-order Buy links:
BN.com- No link yet

About the author:  Melissa lives in a tiny suburb of Atlanta, GA with her husband and daughter. She pretends to like yoga, actually likes shoes, and could not live without coffee. Her writing heroes include greats like Jane Austen and Madeleine L'Engle. 

She holds a B.A. in Communication Studies and an M.S. in Graphic Communication, both from Clemson University. Yeah, her blood runs orange. 

Melissa’s links:

Entangled Publishing will be hosting an exclusive excerpt and official blurb for all participating bloggers closer to HOVER’s release date on August 6, 2013. Watch Melissa’s blog, http://m-b-west.blogspot.com/, for details on how to participate!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Books Giveaway Hop (Dec 1 - 7)

Christmas Books Giveaway Hop is being hosted by I am a Reader Not a Writer and Laurie, Here.  Everybody on this hop will be giving away a Christmas Book!  I have two that I am giving away to one winner - 

The Christmas Pony by Melody Carlson - Eight-year-old Lucy Turnbull knew better than to wish for a pony that Christmas in 1937. Her mother had assured her in no uncertain terms that asking for a pony was the same as asking for the moon. Besides, the only extra mouths they needed at their boarding house were the paying kind. But when an interesting pair of strangers comes to town, Lucy starts to believe her Christmas wishes might just come true after all. 

The queen of the Christmas novel, Melody Carlson pens another magical tale of expectation and excitement as one little girl dreams big and the impossible becomes possible.

Christmas Roses by Amanda Cabot -  Celia Anderson doesn't need anything for Christmas except a few more boarders, which are hard to come by in this small mining town. She certainly doesn't have a husband on her Christmas wish list. But when a wandering carpenter finds lodging at her boarding house, she admits that she might remarry if she found the right man--the kind of man who would bring her roses for Christmas. It would take a miracle to get roses during a harsh Wyoming winter. But Christmas, after all, is the time for miracles . . .

There are over 100 blogs participating in this hop - so get hoppin!

Cover Reveal: The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller

The Summer I Became a Nerd
by Leah Rae Miller

On the outside, seventeen-year-old Madelyne Summers looks like your typical blond cheerleader—perky, popular, and dating the star quarterback. But inside, Maddie spends more time agonizing over what will happen in the next issue of her favorite comic book than planning pep rallies with her squad. That she’s a nerd hiding in a popular girl's body isn’t just unknown, it's anti-known. And she needs to keep it that way.
Summer is the only time Maddie lets her real self out to play, but when she slips up and the adorkable guy behind the local comic shop’s counter uncovers her secret, she’s busted. Before she can shake a pom-pom, Maddie’s whisked into Logan’s world of comic conventions, live-action role-playing, and first-person-shooter video games. And she loves it. But the more she denies who she really is, the deeper her lies become…and the more she risks losing Logan forever.


Leah Rae Miller
 Born and raised in northern Louisiana, Leah Rae Miller still lives there on a windy hill with her husband and kids. She loves comic books, lava lamps, fuzzy socks, and Cherry Coke. She spends most of her days reading things she likes and writing things she hopes other people will like.

Entangled Teen/Entangled Publishing will be hosting a Marked-to-Read contest on Goodreads in the weeks leading up to THE SUMMER I BECAME A NERD's release on May 7, 2013. Watch Leah’s site, http://leahraemillerblog.blogspot.com/, for details on how to submit/enter to win. Spread the word!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Book Blast: Crossroads by Mary Ting (w/$100 Giveaway)

Crossroads by Mary Ting:

Claudia Emerson has a good friend who shares the same first name and last name. That friend unfortunately dies in a tragic accident during homecoming dance. Claudia is distraught at the loss of her friend, but is even more disturbed by her dreams, which seem to take her to another place called Crossroads. Unknown to her, Crossroads is like a second heaven, a place between heaven and earth. It is where the souls of humans in comas or near death experiences may wander.

There, Claudia meets Michael, a nephilim, a half angel, half human, whom she often meets in her dreams. It turns out that this isn't her first visit to Crossroads, which is an enigma for no human can ever travel there until Claudia. Now the fallen and demons are after her, suspecting she must be special and it is up to Michael and the other nephilims to protect her.

Can Michael fight his growing feelings for Claudia and protect her as a guardian angel should? The answer awaits you! Follow the exciting path to Crossroads!

Praise for Crossroads:

“Crossroads by Mary Ting has it all: danger, romance, suspense, incredible characters and an original plot that is sure to thrill. The action never stops as good and evil battle to the death. This well written and fascinating love story will keep readers entranced.”


"Love is in question. Trust is debatable. No one is safe. Between by Mary Ting is an enchanting, nail-biter that will leave you breathless from the exquisite cover to the thrilling end."

~Gabby, Nashville Young Adult Fiction Examiner/What’s Beyond Forks

"Crossroads is an exciting debut book with a rich paranormal mythology, unique angel-lore, forbidden romance, action, suspense and plot twists. With her detailed writing and a plot that flow wells, Mary created a world I enjoyed visiting, and a story that was hard to put down."

~Katie with Mundie Moms

“Beyond is an extraordinary story with unforgettable characters, passionately written by an author who clearly understands the true identity of love.  Compelling and exciting; this is a must-read for all hardcore fans of the paranormal romance genre.”

~Angie Edwards @ Books4Tomorrow

“Reading the Crossroads Saga has always put me in a very ethereal place while turning its pages. In BEYOND, Mary Ting takes it to another level and I embrace the new darkness with open wings just like Michael would with his heart-shaped wings”

~Yara, Once Upon A Twilight

Crossroads is FREE on Amazon

Crossroads Excerpt:

He held me gently with both of his arms and wings this time.  All I needed was his touch, for him to hold me that way; it made all the difference in the world.  I was safe again.  Without thought, I turned toward him.  The look in his eyes was so tempting, telling me that he wanted me too.  I knew it was impossible for him to want and need me the same way, but his eyes told me something else. The depth of my yearning and what I wanted to do at this very moment was undeniable.

I leaned toward him and tenderly placed a kiss on his supple lips to thank him.  It was an innocent kiss.  What was the harm in just one small kiss?  I was extremely surprised that he didn’t push me away.  I was even more surprised at myself.  I was never the type to make the first move.

“Thank you for saving me,” I whispered, looking straight into his soulful eyes, as something came over me.  Uncontrollable heat ran through my body.  He was right.  It was dangerous, but it was me who couldn’t control myself.  His eyes gave me permission to continue, so I gave him another kiss, but slower and longer this time.  He kissed me back, but with much hesitation.  His lips were warm and sweet like honeysuckle, just how I imagined they would be.  The warmth spread all over my body like a blazing fire.

Still holding me, he pulled me away with a sudden jerk, his eyes piercing into mine with anger.  His left hand was tightly wrung around my hair and the other gripping my shirt so I could feel the tightness from it.  Panting, wanting more of him, I forgot how to breathe, and so did he.  His eyes, still fierce with anger, gripped me even tighter as he slightly pushed and pulled me, fighting and uncertain of what he wanted to do.  Feeling petrified, I had to prepare myself for the consequence of my actions, for I knew I had crossed the line.

Book Trailer:

Also part of the Series:


As the alkins head back to Crossroads, Claudia leads her normal life; but not for long. Having a special soul, Claudia attracts danger, and she soon finds out who Gamma asked to watch over her. The Twelve, known as Divine Elders on Earth, are very much involved when they find out that Aliah, one of the God's first angels, escaped from the Abyss when the gates were opened by Aden. Needing Claudia's soul to escape the only place Aliah can reside-a place between Heaven and Earth-he sends his demons in search of all Claudia Emersons on Earth. Taking her soul will enable him to be released from Between and cross over to Crossroads, which would give him immense power. As more secrets are revealed Claudia learns about the venators--nephilim, demon hunters. Now two opposing forces must work together in order to save Claudia and humanity from the most dangerous angel ever created. But along the way, trust becomes a big issue. Will love be enough to keep Claudia and Michael together? Who will make the ultimate sacrifice? Who will betray them all?


Torn between the past she can't remember and a future she isn’t ready for, Claudia feels at a loss. With unanswered questions, she is certain there is more to her past than just being a venator. Finding the missing pieces in her life won’t be easy because duty calls. When mysterious dark shadows get released, an apocalypse sets in motion. The venators and the alkins must work together once again. Knowing Claudia would be the key to destroying the demons that were released, a familiar stranger appears to protect her. Drawn to the beautiful angel, Claudia finds she must unravel the mysteries of her past in order to help save the world. Who is the angel assisting her and why does she feel a strong connection to him? Time is running out. Will she discover all the secrets before it’s too late?

Author Mary Ting:

Mary Ting resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing Crossroads was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother. It was inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl.


Book Blast Giveaway:

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 12/6/12

*You need not enter your twitter name for each entry. Simply enter it for the first person you follow and leave the others blank.

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 26, 2012

Dreaming of Summer Giveaway Hop (Nov 27 - Dec 2)

Baby it's cold outside!  So what's more fun than a Dreaming of Summer Giveaway!  It is being hosted by I am a Reader Not a Writer and Me, My Shelf and I.  I will be giving away a copy of Barefoot in the Sand by Roxanne St. Claire.

When all you hold dear is taken away. . .

When a hurricane roars through Lacey Armstrong's home on the coast of Barefoot Bay, she decides all that remains in the rubble is opportunity.  A new hotel is just what Mimosa Key needs, and Lacey and her teenage daughter are due for a fresh start.  And nothing, especially not a hot, younger architect, is going to distract Lacey from finally making her dreams a reality.

A second chance is the only thing you have left.

Love has already cost Clay Walker everything.  And if he's going to have any chance of picking up the pieces of his life, he needs the job as Lacey Armstrong's architect.  What's not in the plans is falling for the headstrong beauty.  Her vision of the future is more appealing than anything he could have ever drafted for himself.  Will Clay's designs on Lacey's heart be more than she can handle, or will she trust him to build something that will last forever. 

Book Blast: Wisteria by Bisi Leyton (w/giveaway!)

Title: Wisteria
Author: Bisi Leyton
Genre:  Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Date of Publication:  Aug 2012
Number of pages: 275
Cover Artist: Olivia Smith

Wisteria by Bisi Leyton:

Sixteen year old Wisteria Kuti has two
options—track the infected around the Isle of Smythe or leave the only known
safe haven and face a world infested with flesh eating biters. But even with
well-armed trackers, things go wrong and Wisteria ends up alone facing certain
death, until she is rescued by the mysterious Bach. Uninfected, Bach is able to
survive among the hordes of living dead.

Eighteen year old Bach, from a race known as The
Family, has no interest in human affairs. He was sent here to complete his
Great Walk and return home as a man—as a Sen Son. The Family regard humans as
Dirt People, but Bach is drawn to this Terran girl, whom he has never seen
before, but somehow knows.

Hunted by flesh eaters, cannibals, and the mysterious
blood thirsty group called Red Phoenix, Wisteria and Bach make their way back
to the Isle of Smythe, a community built on secrets and lies.

Praise for Wisteria:

“I love the buildup of this story, getting to know
the characters and watching their connection grow. I had no idea which way the
story was headed and I was kept in suspense right up to the very end! It has
plenty of action and a fascinating plot and I can’t wait to see what Bisi
Leyton has for us next!!” 

“There are a lot of great things in this book, so
much more than zombies and a struggle for survival. At it’s base core it is
about star-crossed lovers, literally and the supporting characters roles… Ms.
Leyton brings to Wisteria a mixture of science fiction, fantasy, dystopic world
with a twist to the paranormal romance angle!”

“The book was full of nonstop action from the
beginning until the end, and I did not put it down until I had finished it. I
loved the book.” 


As she walked back to the ridge of the roof, Bach’s heart went with her. Someone
had tried to hurt her. Tried to damage what belonged to him, and who he
belonged to.
He started to feel dizzy from the volumes of strangle weed planted in the front of
her house.
“Thank you so much for coming and for the guitar. It’s perfect.” She gave it back to
“No, it is yours, Wisteria.” He refused to take it. “Do you not like it?”
“No, I love it. It’s so beautiful.”
“Then keep it.” He kissed her neck. Knowing—hoping—his touch would soothe her pain,
but he hadn’t come here to comfort her.
She used her instrument as a shield as she moved away from him. “It’s a bad idea. You won’t understand.”
“You are right. I do not get why you would refuse something you apparently love,” he
whispered while rubbing her forearms and taking in her scent.
“If I accept your kindness, then I’ll have to face the consequences. I don’t know
if I can face those.”
“You cannot face accepting my kindness, or is it accepting me that you cannot face?”
“Tell me that you do not feel the same,” he whispered. “That the moment you first saw me that I did not get inside your head. Tell me that you do not think about me all of the time when we are not together?”
The dark-eyed girl did not answer.
Wishing he could will her to speak, he pressed her against his chest. Briefly, he noticed a black spot at the base of her neck, where he had kissed her, and then it was gone. “Okay, Wisteria. Then tell me that you want me to leave, and that you do not care if you never ever see me again.” He felt like someone else was speaking for him, once again. The questions became pointless as he found himself still planting kisses along her neck and the sides of her face.
“I can’t tell you that, Bach,” she replied softly, her voice breaking. “Because it’s not true.” She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly.
Desperately wanting to kiss her luscious-looking lips, he leaned into her.
Wisteria reached up to him, tugging his head down as she stood on the very tips of her
toes, seemingly just as eager to taste his lips.
“Wisteria, I cannot.” He broke away before it happened. “I do not want this.”
* * * * *
Wrapping her arms around herself, she moved away from him. Once again, humiliated and
feeling foolish. “Goodnight, Bach!” She strode angrily to the side of the roof in order to climb down.
He grabbed her and held her back
The guy came here just to tease her, yet again! Didn’t he know he was hurting her? Didn’t he care? “I’m tired of all this nonsense. I’m actually tired and need some sleep. I’m done with this. All of this!” She should’ve left the roof when she saw him appear.
“Let go, so I can go.”
“Wisteria, it is not that.” Exhaling heavily, he released her. “My people could kill you if they knew I wanted you.”
This wasn’t at all what she’d expected him to say. “What?”
“I am in love with you. I do not know why, but I am. And it is selfish, because I just want you for myself.” Sadness filled his eyes as he spoke.
“Why would they do that to me?”
“Because you are human and because we see humans as Terran, or dirt people.”
“And you believe that too? So why are you here, living among us, if we’re so disgusting?”
“You are not disgusting. You are beautiful.” Rubbing his temples, he seemed troubled and bewildered. “I came to Terra as a rite of passage. To be considered a man, to take a journey and  experience the wild.”
“The wild?”
“I chose Terra, or Earth, because I came here as a child. Your people treated me so badly in the past. When I learned about the Nero disease, I wanted to see your world.” He paused. “You were right when you said there was something wrong with me.”
“Bach, it cannot be that bad.” Stepping up to him, she stroked her fingers along his biceps.
The sweet motion made him smile at her, but he still looked distressed.
“Like about Garfield, you let him live with you. And now you’re here with me.”
“You are not like the rest.”
“Neither are you. You’re not so cold and cruel like Enric or patronizing like Felip. They think they’re better than us. You just hate people because you’re a jerk, Bach.”
“Ha.” Bach laughed. “A jerk?”
“You’re a big jerk.” As the final word rolled from her lips, he kissed her.
She was stunned for a second. His lips tasted like a strange, tantalizing spice.
He squeezed her against his larger frame and rested his right hand on the small of her back.
She fidgeted, unsure about what to do with her hands. She tried to kiss him back, but she struggled because she was so short.

Book Trailer:


Author Bisi Leyton:
Bisi Leyton was born in East London in 1978. She grew up in
London, Nigeria and the States, listening to the stories life and love from
aunts, cousins and big sisters.
She lives in London, but has worked around Europe
including France, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. She has a
fondness for reading graphic novels.


Kindle Fire Giveaway Details:
Bisi is currently running a Kindle Fire giveaway on her blog until November 30, 2012
To enter - Visit Bisi's Blog

Book Blast Giveaway
$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/5/12
*You need not enter your twitter name for each entry. Simply enter it for the first person you follow and leave the others blank.

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Christmas Roses by Amanda Cabot (Book Review)

Title: Christmas Roses
Author: Amanda Cabot
Publisher: Revell

About the Book: Celia Anderson doesn't need anything for Christmas except a few more boarders, which are hard to come by in this small mining town. She certainly doesn't have a husband on her Christmas wish list. But when a wandering carpenter finds lodging at her boarding house, she admits that she might remarry if she found the right man--the kind of man who would bring her roses for Christmas. It would take a miracle to get roses during a harsh Wyoming winter. But Christmas, after all, is the time for miracles . . .

My thoughts:  This book was set in the 1880's and again, the main character was a strong woman who has been widowed and left with a small child.  Her marriage had been one that had been arranged by their parents, as was often done, and while her husband was a good provider, there wasn't a whole lotta love. Bertha Pearson, her best friend, is always reminding her that she needs a husband and that Emma needed a father.  Bertha has tried to tell her that there are a couple of men who would like nothing more to marry her, but Celia just doesn't buy that.  And besides, she wants more from her marriage than just convenience this time.

Mark comes to town looking for a father that left him and his mother when he was just a boy.  He has been tracking him for a couple of years and the latest information that he has, has led him -to this small town.  Needing a place to stay, he ends up at Celia's boarding house. He appears- --as an answer to her prayers, as not only does she need boarders, but he comes just as she is struggling with a sudden illness that has come upon her Emma.  He takes control of the situation and soon Emma is breathing easier.  This is just the first of many things that Mark does for Celia... just because.

I loved the way that the relationship developed between Celia and Mark, and how naturally they became friends.  They were able to give each other encouragement and support when they each needed it.   The story moves along naturally and sweetly and I really enjoyed it.  God's love and forgiveness is also incorporated into the story unobtrusively.  It was a very nice Christmas read and I have already recommended it to a friend.

Available September 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

~I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my unbiased review.~

About the author: Amanda Cabot is an accomplished author under various pen names and a popular speaker. The author of Paper Roses, Scattered Petals, Tomorrow's Garden, and Summer of Promise, she is also a charter member of Romance Writers of America, the cofounder of its New Jersey chapter, a member of the ACFW, and an avid traveler. She lives in Wyoming.

Publisher/Publication Date: Revell, Sept 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8007-2004-9
172 pages

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Book Blast: Finding the Baby Jesus by Kimball Fisher (w/ giveaway!)

Finding the Baby Jesus by Kimball Fisher

After being forced to wear lederhosen for the annual holiday card picture, twelve-year-old Chris thinks that the least his parents can do is get him the Tony Hawk skateboard he wants for Christmas. But when he recovers the hand-carved Baby Jesus that everyone thought had been destroyed in a fire the year his Grandma died, Chris realizes that some gifts are even more important than skateboards.

When the author had to discontinue a cherished tradition of reading Christmas stories out loud with his family and holiday guests each week in December, he wrote Finding the Baby Jesus. He had been unable to locate enough meaningful stories that could be read in a single sitting with wiggly children.

Praise for Finding the Baby Jesus:

“Tender and true, this warm Christmas tale brought tears to my eyes.”

–Heather Vogel Frederick, author of the much-beloved Mother-Daughter Book Club series and Oregon Book Award winner for The Voyage of Patience Goodspeed

“A touching story that speaks to the importance of family, giving, and the true spirit of Christmas.”
–Matthew Kirby, author of Icefall, winner of the Edgar Allen Poe and the Pen Center USA Literary Awards for Children’s Literature

“Deeply moving. Poignant.”
–Deborah Halverson, former editor at Harcourt Children’s Books and author of Honk If You Hate Me, a Gayle McCandliss Literary Award Winner

"The perfect little book to tuck away with your Christmas things and bring out year after year to read with family. As mother to three boys, I can't imagine a better protagonist than Chris. His typical teenage attitude followed by the softening of his heart towards a friend teaches a poignant and very relatable lesson on the true meaning of Christmas."

–Amazon review

"After I read this short story I felt like I had read a novel--every sentence is packed with action and imagery. I was emotionally connected to the characters, and the story is touching. I didn't see the plot twist at the end coming! A great story to read every Christmas."

–Amazon review


Author Kimball Fisher

Kimball Fisher writes novels for young readers. He is also a best-selling business author, professional speaker, and management consultant. Some of his past jobs include: sailboat builder, ghost writer (not as scary as it sounds), illustrator, and factory manager (more scary than it sounds). For fun he builds furniture, stained-glass windows, and writing pens.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities (with minors in English, Asian Studies, and Japanese), and a Master of Organizational Behavior degree from Brigham Young University. He and his amazing wife Reenie live in Portland, Oregon, where they have seen pheasants, coyotes, and a bobcat in their own backyard.


Blog Tour

November 23rd to December 21st
Tour Schedule

Blast Giveaway:
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/21/12

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 19, 2012

Book Blast: Imperfectly Beautiful by Diony George (w/Giveaway!)

Imperfectly Beautiful by Diony George

At 1:30 am, in New York City, Regan Wright is ripped out of a sound sleep with a jolt - her heart thuds in her ears and her face feels flushed. Straining to hear anything out of the ordinary, she fumbles to turn on the bedside lamp. Nothing seems out of place. Suddenly her stomach twists in knots - it's her identical twin, Rebecca. Something is terribly wrong...

Though twins, Rebecca and Regan couldn't be more different.

Independent and outspoken, Regan chose a high-profile career as a fashion designer in New York City. Despite her hard-earned success, Regan’s become disillusioned by the glamour and the glitz. She’s tired of coming home to a lonely penthouse apartment welcomed only by her cat and has all but given up on ever finding “Mr. Right.”

Steady and reliable, Rebecca chose to be a wife and stay-at-home mom. From the very first moment she met James Conrad—tall and muscular with eyes as blue as a cloudless sky—she was captivated. Married and four children later, Rebecca’s life is not what she expected. Her marriage has lost its shine and her sweet babies have become challenging and often unappreciative children.

Both Rebecca and Regan must discover, a higher power has the answers to what matters most, but when a serial killer strikes nearby, and his victims look eerily similar to the twins, will it be too late?

Praise for Imperfectly Beautiful

“5 Stars! Great Novel-Romance with Suspense. Captures your attention from the very beginning...then difficult to put down...A good solid read!”
-Booklover, amazon review

“This was a great book. I could relate to Rebecca and the trials she was going through with her marriage and her children. I feel this way at times too. I liked the suspense and it was enough to keep my hooked…” 
-K. Neilson, Utah

“I enjoyed the development of the characters. Lots of dialogue took me right into the everyday lives and struggles of each person. The underlying story of the unsolved murders of women who look like the twin sisters simmers through out the chapters until it finally boils over into an exciting ending! I recommend it!”
-J.T. Bolla, Washington


Author Diony George

Diony George is a wife, full-time mom of seven, grandmother of two, and a published author of uplifting women’s fiction and inspiring nonfiction. She is also a regular contributing writer for Deseret Connect and FamilyHow. Originally from Alaska, she currently lives in Salt Lake City with her family. Besides writing she loves to read, especially romantic suspense, bake, sew and craft.

Her current fiction WIP, Inside the Heart, is based around the kidnapping and disappearance of four-year-old Emma and is slated for release in Feb 2013. Her next nonfiction book, Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away will be released by Cedar Fort, Inc in July 2013.


Book Blast Giveaway

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 11/29/12

*You need not enter your twitter name for each entry. Simply enter it for the first person you follow and leave the others blank.

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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