Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Blog Tour: The Warner Grimoire by Clay Held (Promo, Giveaway and Author Interview)

The Warner Grimoire 
(Book One:  Bad Apple)
Clay Held

Book Blurb:

Meet Simon Warner, a fourteen-year-old who drowned. Death was just the beginning. Dying awakens an angry and malevolent force inside Simon–magic, and before he can comprehend his mystical transformation his adopted father is kidnapped during a mysterious fire that destroys their home.

Within hours Simon is violently yanked into the supernatural world, where the real trouble starts: he is the descendent of an evil sorcerer, and the magical community isn't exactly welcoming of him. Making matters worse, Simon finds himself on a collision course with the forces of the deranged Silas Darrow, a charming yet xenophobic warlock who fears humanity will one day eradicate all magic. In order to protect "his" people, this false messiah intends to strike first.

Magic--it may have saved Simon's life, but it may have just doomed the world.

Book Synopsis

Does your heart go bump in the night?

14-year-old Simon Warner isn't having a very good October. To start with, he drowned, and then the real trouble started. Next thing he knows, he's back among the living, and face-to-face with a ghoulish-looking man who kidnaps his adopted father. Enter Nathan Tamerlane, a bonafide wizard, and soon Simon is deep in the hidden world of the supernatural, walking among the Freemancers: a secret society of wizards, and the stewards of all magic on Earth. Soon the truth is revealed: Simon's birth parents are wicked sorcerers who betrayed the Freemancers years ago before going into hiding. Making matters worse, a cruel and xenophobic warlock named Silas Darrow is gathering his followers (some would say worshipers) to lead an assault on the non-magical world. Now, if Simon ever wants to see his adopted father again, he's going to have to join Darrow's cult. Easier said than done. All it takes is one moment of weakness, and a powerful evil will infest Simon's soul forever.

About the author:

I'm Clay Held, a refugee from wild world of video game testing, currently a project manager passing my days in the wild (and very flat) plains of Central Illinois. Once upon a time I was the editor for Grassroots Literary Magazine at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, where I earned my Bachelors of Arts in Creative Writing. Today I help make sure software ships on time, and at night I'm busy making things up and writing them down.

In my spare time (what is that again?) I like to read and cook and play with my cats and maintain my blog at www.clayheld.com. When the weather is right, I go storm spotting. Illinois is good like that.

Author Links:

Clay Held answered many questions for me!  Please enjoy getting to know a little more about him!

1. How do you typically write? Do you plot it all out beforehand or do you just let the story pour out?
     a. I have a master design document/bible that I have spent a considerable amount of time developing. Even still, it is more of a guideline when I actually start writing. Some of my favorite parts of the series have come from going “off script.”

2. Do you have a favorite place to write or “must haves” while writing?
     a. I write in my office, which I rearrange probably once a month. It’s kind of like a zen garden for me. I’ve definitely channeled a lot of creative energy into the space. As far as “must haves,” the closest things to that are quiet and time. Too much ritual can work against you as a writer, so I try to keep my routine as simple as possible. Close the door and pray for no distractions.

3. Do you have much say in the title or covers of you books?
     a. I have total creative control. That being said, I have been blessed with an abundance of very creative, very intelligent people who are more than willing to generate ideas and who aren’t afraid to tell me when something isn’t quite right.

4. Is there anything that has surprised you about writing, publishing or touring with your books?
     a. Growing up, I had this image of The Writer® in my head. You know, the tortured soul tireless perfectly his craft from atop a mountain of secluded celebrity. That image was one of the first misconceptions my college mentor beat out of me, and I’m glad he did. Writing is hard, and it is imageless. There’s no tweed jackets with elbow patches or lunches with contemporaries where you trade bon mots. I’m glad I shed that notion, because it helped me focus on the important part--writing.

5. Do you have a favorite author/book or one that you always recommend?
     a. I get asked a lot if I have any recommendations for books. With a library of over a few thousand books, I guess people think I’m an authority! It depends. If essays are your thing, I can’t recommend David Sedaris nearly enough. He’s a genuinely awesome dude. If fiction is your thing, I love to recommend Edgar Burroughs or Robert Howard.

6. Was there anything (or anyone) while growing up which helped you decide you wanted to be a writer?
     a. There was a short story competition in 3rd grade. I didn’t win, but I had so much fun writing that I didn’t care. There’s a lot of hilariously bad writing in boxes somewhere.

7. Do you have a job outside of being an author?
     a. Yep. I’m a project manager at a software company, and before that I was a video game tester. Both jobs, believe it or not, gave me a business-like perspective towards developing creative products. Before that I just kind of wandered with my writing. Now I live in a world of milestones, deadlines, and roadmaps. My writing has improved dramatically as a result.

8. What would you tell a beginning writer?
     a. You are every bit as much a writer as everyone who has come before you and dared to put story to paper. Cherish and nurture your voice, and never compare your inside to somebody else’s outside.

9. What were your favorite books growing up?
     a. The Monster at the End of this Book, Twilight Eyes, Kidnapped, Doctor De Soto, Interview with the Vampire, Thinner, I Vampire, Star Trek novels, The Hitchhiker’s Guide series, and every comic book I could get my grubby little hands on.

I loved reading The Monster at the End of this Book with my son and I list Anne Rice and Stephen King as two of my favorite authors as well!
10. Do you have any books on your nightstand right now?
     a. Yep. I’m currently reading Sandman Slim, Proven Guilty (Dresden Files #8), John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood, and about a dozen books on project management and marketing.

11. If you could meet one person who has died, who would that be?
     a. Carl Sagan. His Cosmos series is inspiring, and he seems like a genuinely interesting person.

12. If you could co-author a book with anyone, who would it be?
     a. I would love to work on something with Neil Gaiman.

13. Do you have a favorite quote?
     a. “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. I have a plaque of this on my wall.

14. In one sentence, why should we read your book?
     a. Because you’ll learn something about yourself while having a fun time.

15. What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
     a. I’m from the South, albeit the northern-most part (Southern Illinois). I don’t have the same Southern twang I had growing up, but whenever I’m back down that way for a few days I turn back into Colonel Sanders.

16. What do you come up with first when creating your character- the back story, the plot, the characteristics?
     a. Their innermost desire, and their innermost secret. Then I put those two things in direct conflict, and work my way out.

17. What do you do in your spare time?
     a. Too much. I run a website. I occasionally podcast with some friends. I design silly things for silly reasons, or I write other stories. I build pillow forts and play hide-and-seek with my cats. I cook. I exercise. When I’m feeling really burned out, I play video games with my old friends from testing job.

18. What does a day in your life look like?
     a. Up at 5:30, write for two hours. Drive to work. Give work my all until 5pm, drive home. 6-7:30, exercise or write (alternating days). 7:30-10:30, discretionary time. Asleep by 11.

19. What does a day look like in the life of your main character?
     a. Well, in Bad Apple, Simon’s days are pretty hectic. Run run run, I would say.

20. How does your family feel about having a writer in the family? Do they read your books?
     a. My wife is just glad I’ve finally shut up about Bad Apple! My family is ambivalent. At most they think it’s just a curiosity, something useless I do to fill the empty hours that should be filled with children or analogues to decisions they made in their own lives. My siblings don’t care, and my parents are just like, “That’s nice.”

21. Is there anything else that you would like my readers to know?
     a. Bad Apple is my first full length novel, but I also have a collection of short stories available, and a free book of kid’s poems available on my website for free. I’m also experimenting with serializing a few stories on my site, and I will have several more books coming out in the future.

22. What time of day do you like to write?
     a. Morning. Before the sun is even up.

23. Where/when do you brainstorm best?
     a. I never stop brainstorming. My most intense brainstorming seems to come while commuting to/from the day job.

24. How long do you think about a story before starting to write the book?
     a. There’s no standard answer here. Maybe a day, maybe a month. It all depends on my bandwidth at that moment. Taking notes and writing down ideas is pretty trivial in terms of time needed, but I have to schedule my book-starting times pretty ruthlessly.

25. What is the most you have written in one day?
     a. In recent memory, about 8,000 words in a single day.

26. What themes do you love to read or write about?
     a. Family. Identity. Choices. The intersection of what others want for you versus what you want for you.

27. What book would you like to read again?
     a. I keep meaning to re-read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.

Silly questions –
1. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
     a. Teleportation. Goodbye commute!

2. Do you have any hidden talents?
     a. Yes.

(Note to self- remember to add 'and what are they' to this question! - lol)

3. Night owl or early bird?
     a. Night owl on the weekends.

4. Favorite season?
     a. Autumn

5. If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?
     a. A Quiet Kid

6. Favorite sport?
     a. Baseball. GO CARDS!

7. Favorite music?
     a. Currently, film scores

8. Talk or text?
     a. Text.

9. Cat or dog?
     a. Four cats. We’re crazy.

10. Guilty pleasure tv show?
     a. Gilmore Girls

I love Gilmore Girls!!
11. Sweet or salty snacks?
     a. Sweet.

12. Coffee or tea?
     a. Coffee

13. Favorite holiday destination?
     a. Walt Disney World

14. Do you have a literary crush?
     a. Neil Gaiman

15. If you could live in a literary world - what world would that be and why?
     a. The world of Altered Carbon. All the time in the world if you play your cards right. Centuries to work.

16. Most embarrassing moment?
     a. Too many to pick from.

17. Favorite gadget?
     a. My iPhone. Note taking, scheduling, emailing, music, it does everything. I would be lost without it.

18. If you could travel forward or backward in time, where would you go and why?
     a. Forward. Hope lives in the future. It cannot be inserted into the past.

19. Most __________ in High School?
     a. “Most Poetic”, class of 2001.

21. Ebooks, paperbacks or hardcovers?
     a. Yes.

Mr. Held not only answered a ton of questions (thank you so much!) but has also agreed to give one of my readers a digital copy of The Warner Grimoire!  You can enter through the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Can't Stop Believing by Jodi Thomas (Book Review) w/ a guest post by Jodi Thomas!

Title: Can't Stop Believing
Author: Jodi Thomas
Publisher: Berkley

About the Book: NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Jodi Thomas takes us back to Harmony, Texas, in CAN’T STOP BELIEVING. The sixth book in her popular Harmony series presents a story where big dreams are brewing—and anything and everything is possible…

Cord McMillan gave up his freedom at eighteen when he went to jail for a crime he didn't commit. Now, ten years later, he's about to give it up again for a piece of land. Nevada Britain, his neighbor, has just made him an offer he can't refuse: If he'll marry her, she'll sign over a section of property that their families have been fighting over for a hundred years. Nevada refuses to ex-plain why, but Cord knows the bargain is in his favor. 

He just has one condition--she has to sleep in his bed every night as long as their doomed marriage lasts.  

Nevada only wants to maintain her family's legacy--and redeem herself for a wrong she did Cord years ago. But as she spends more time with her husband by necessity, she discovers something unexpected--a love so deep it takes her breath away. 

“Another winner...Fans will be delighted.”
-Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“Compelling and beautifully written.”
-Debbie Macomber, #1 New York TImes Bestselling author

Book Links

My thoughts: First I want to apologize to Jodi for being late with my review.  She is one of the nicest authors I have ever worked with and I hate it that I missed my review date!  And I absolute love her Harmony series.  

This is book 6 in the series, and I have loved - loved - loved - the ones that I have had the good fortune to read! (Welcome to Harmony, Book 1; Somewhere Along the Way, Book 2; The Comforts of Home, Book 3) and really hope that I can fit the two I missed in my reading schedule! (Just Down the Road, Book 4Chance of a Lifetime, Book 5)

I think the reason that I like her books so much is that her characters are flawed, which makes them so real.  They have things in their pasts that they are ashamed of, but those things have helped shape who they are.  They are not always the best looking, like you seem to find in all the romance novels. They might be overweight, or handicapped, or made to feel homely or unloved, but this just makes them more believable.  These are people that you could meet in your hometown, or right next door.

The books in the series, while they might focus on a person or couple, are really about all the people in the town.  You never know who might show up from previous books, or who you might be meeting that is going to be a major player in a book down the road. I loved it that this book, Can't Stop Believing, revisited Ronny from The Comforts of Home and brought some closure to a chapter in her life, as well as Tyler Wright, whom we met in Welcome to Harmony.

By no means don't think that you have to read them in order though!  Like I said, I missed two books in the middle, but that did not affect this storyline at all.  I think what it will do though, is make you hungry for more and you will find yourself traveling back to Harmony again and again.

About the Author: Jodi Thomas is the NY Times and USA Today bestselling author of 37 novels and 11 short story collections. In June 2011, WELCOME
TO HARMONY, the first book in the Harmony series, won a RITA, the highest award for women’s
fiction. Jodi currently serves as the Writer in Residence at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas.


From the day I started writing CAN’T STOP BELIEVING, I felt like I was surrounded by people I could love.  These characters walked off the pages and said hello.  I had to laugh when Martha Q, a widow seven times married, forms a writing group and then decides to help folks out whether they want it or not.  I cried when Ronny first sees a love she thought she’d lost.  And I fell in love with Cord and Nevada as they fought their way through all the baggage they both carried to find something worth keeping.

People often ask me where my characters come from.  In truth, I don’t feel like I make them up.  I feel more like they sit down across the desk and talk to me as I write.  They tell me the story and some nights I stay up longer to get it all down.

Cord McMillan stopped my heart when I first saw him.  He was a man trying to stand tall even after life had done its best to knock him down.  He doesn’t think he has a friend in the world and every time someone shows him a kindness, he pays it back double.  He can’t believe it when his rich, spoiled neighbor offers a bargain he can’t turn down.  He offers her the one thing she can’t buy, honesty.

CAN’T STOP BELIEVING will warm your heart.  The people of Harmony will stay with you long after you finish reading.  Come along with me into a story that will make you laugh and cry and fall in love for the first time, for the last time, forever.

Enjoy the book,

Jodi Thomas

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cover Reveal and Giveaway!: Malicious Mischief by Marianne Harden

Malicious Mischief
Mischief and Mayhem #1
by Marianne Harden

Career chameleon, Rylie Keyes, must keep her current job. If not, the tax assessor will evict her ailing grandfather and auction off their ancestral home. When a senior she shuttles for a Bellevue, Washington retirement home winds up dead in her minibus, sticky with a half-eaten s'more, head clad in a cellophane bag, and a pocketed complaint letter accusing her of driving by Braille, her goal to keep her job hits a road bump.

The deceased was thought to be a penniless Nazi concentration camp survivor with a silly grudge against Rylie. However, the victim has enemies who will stop at nothing to keep their part in the murder a secret.

Forced to dust off the PI training she's kept hidden from her ex-detective grandfather, Rylie must align with a circus-bike-wheeling Samoan to solve the murder, all while juggling the attentions of two very hot police officers.

Book Links

About the author: Marianne Harden loves a good laugh. So much so, she cannot stop humor from spilling into her books. Over the years she has backpacked through the wilds of Australia, explored the exotics of Asia, soaked up the sun in the Caribbean, and delighted in the historic riches of Europe. Her goals in life are simple: do more good than harm and someday master the do-not-mess-with-me look. She divides her time between Switzerland and Washington State where she lives with her husband and two children.

Find Marianne Harden

Excerpt from Malicious Mischief:

~When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty~
Am I a flake? Sort of. But I’m trying to change. My grandfather has property tax issues, and what troubles Granddad, troubles me. Good thing I’ve held down a steady job for months. A major big deal. Not the getting a job part—I’ve had lots—but the held down aspect. Somehow, I always end up unemployed, but not today.
Today, I am Rylie Tabitha Keyes, chauffeur to the seniors at Fountain of Youth Retirement Home (FoY.)
It was dawn Sunday as I eased my employer’s van from one freeway onto another. After that, I concentrated on the wet asphalt up ahead. I didn’t want to think about my job history or our financial woes. Instead I focused on the summery sunrise over the Cascade Mountains due east. I stared at it a moment, charmed by its contrast to the more typical Bellevue, Washington gloom brooding overhead.
I should’ve been asleep, but I needed to toss trash from a fundraiser rolling around in the back of the van. Leland Rosenberg, my boss at Fountain of Youth Retirement Home, had asked me to dump the bags at his second business, Rosenberg Laboratory, as FoY’s Dumpsters were full from a recent bathroom remodel. His mood had been edgy, kind of insistent I dispose of them last night. I confess, before I could carry out this task, a minor traffic accident and an all-important overnight obligation had waylaid me. I didn’t bother to sigh over how blunders always seemed to pepper my work performance. Some things were fated to be. After all, I slogged at my job for money not joy. It isn't that I don't like working at FoY, it just isn’t my dream gig. You see, I yearned to be a private detective, a Veronica Mars 2.0. Problem is, my grandfather is against the idea. Dead set against it.
So with the stench from the trash bags mounting, I steered FoY’s van onto the off-ramp and headed toward Rosenberg Laboratory just off the freeway exit. My mind was filled with thoughts of a steamy shower, maybe a few hours of shut-eye before punching the clock at nine. I stared forward, squinted. And iced over. Up ahead. Wrong-way traveling. A panel truck advanced, peeling rubber.
Zeroed in to hit me.
I whipped the van off the road, the red, white, and blue panel truck whizzing past. I slammed on the brakes, fighting to control the wheel. I wrestled with it, panicked, my mind flashing on one fortunate thing: no seniors were in the van.
Tons of hazards burst before my eyes. I struggled to absorb them. A mangled guardrail zigzagged up ahead; its many gaps from other out-of-control vehicles big as life. Worse was the wall of giant Douglas-firs growing beyond, lower trunks scarred, limbs low and swaying.
I was going to careen through the railing.
I was going to hit the trees.
I was going to die.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Please take two seconds to vote!

I am trying to stay in the top 10 entries for the Belle Andre Summer of Love Mix Tape contest - Please take two seconds to vote Thursday and Friday (You can vote once every 24 hours).  I am just holding on right now, but would like to be solid in the top 10.  Just go here - http://bit.ly/13dGe46  to vote!  Thanks so much!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Book Promo: Moonlight by Victoria Danann

Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf
Victoria Danann
Paranormal Romance / Fantasy
Date to be Published: 5/25/13
ISBN ebook 978-1-933320-69-4
ISBN Print   978-1-933320-64-9


The fourth installment in The Order of the Black Swan serial saga. The story of B Team continues while the romance centers on Stalkson Grey, head of the Elk Mountain Reservation Tribe of werewolves. He embarks on an adventure he would never have dreamed possible, willing to take any risk to save his pack from extinction. Along the way he learns that true love can find you in the strangest places, even when you're far, far from home.

Victoria Danann Links

Book Excerpt :


"What do you know about my sister and that prancin' prick of a fairy prince?"
Elora blinked, but in the space of that flutter he learned all he needed to know. He had found out the first night Storm brought her to poker, back at Jefferson Unit, that her very expressive face telegraphed even the tiniest nuance or feeling or thought. By now he knew her so well that she was as transparent as air. She was caught off guard because she hadn't expected that question while Ram was cooking a leisurely Sunday breakfast.
"Say that three times fast?"
"No' goin' to work this time. Stay on topic."
"You just don't like him because he can stand toe to toe with you and not be cowed by the H.O.H. elfster."
"ELFSTER!? What in Paddy's Name, Elora? And what is H.O.H.?"
"Hall of Heroes."
Ram turned away from frying bacon and gave her a look. It probably didn't have the effect he intended. He was wearing jeans, a long sleeve black tee that stretched across his chest enticingly, and a black Jack Daniels apron tied around his waist. She thought perhaps nothing was sexier than watching Ram's muscles ripple while cooking her breakfast.
"Do no' try to deflect. 'Tis I. And Paddy knows I can tell when you're hidin' somethin'."
Ram looked determined.
"Speaking of hiding. You're going to have to do something about all these guys overrunning our property. Our home - the one that was intended to be our very own, very private property. Please, Ram. Make them go away."
His expression softened a little as he decided to allow himself to be temporarily derailed.
"Sol, Simon, and every one of your friends agree that we can no' leave you and Helm vulnerable after the threat those alien buggers left hangin' in the air. That goes especially for your friend, Sir Storm."
"My friend, Sir Storm?"
"Aye. Your friend. The bloody wanker suggested that I'm no' responsible enough to be entrusted with lookin' out for you. Said, 'You're no' takin' good care of my namesake's mother.
I'll be forced to give the job to someone else if you do no' shape up and begin takin' it seriously'."
Elora laughed. "He said that?"
"Aye. As if 'twas all my doin' that you ended up givin' birth alone in a freezin' wolf cave.
With. No. Phone."
Ram narrowed his eyes at her. "Think very carefully about what you are about to say before you say it."
Elora smiled brightly. "I was going to say that no one in his right mind could fault you."
Ram nodded and resumed turning the bacon. "Exactly. I should have reminded him what happened when he was in charge of the Baka interview at Unit Drac. He pouted for hours after learnin' first hand that the Lady Laiken does as she fuck-well pleases."
Elora concurred by nodding vigorously. "It's a burden, but you bear it well, my love."
"All kiddin' aside. I do. I really do." He began setting strips of cooked bacon out to drain the grease.
"Well, Sir Storm is going to be plenty busy with his own burdens."
"What's your meanin?"
"They're expecting."
"Expectin' a baby?"
"No. They're expecting Publishers Clearing House to pay for their villa renovation."
Ram gave her a look. "You know, I'm thinkin' there's only enough of this lovely bacon for one and, since I cooked, I really should be keepin' it for myself."
"Yes! They're expecting a baby. Litha thinks it's a girl."
"A girl!" Ram practically whooped. "Paddy's Great Balls Afire. I can no' wait to see Storm try to be da to a girl." He laughed enjoying that idea and then grew serious. "As for the buggers who violated my grandda's forest, I'll no' be givin' 'em a second chance at my family."
"Rammel. I hear you and I understand you."
"I do no' suppose the next sentence will be 'and I obey you'."
Elora smirked while she snagged a piece of bacon. "Have I ever mentioned you make great bacon?" She nuzzled his ear on the way back to her stool. "Almost as good as chocolate."
Ram pointed a spatula at her. "I swear to Paddy you have that thin'... that ADDD."
Elora started laughing. "Pot."
When his brows drew together she smiled because Helm looked at her with that same expression several times a day. They made him accidentally in a snow covered cottage, but he was made with love and now he was a little bit her and a little bit him. A miracle indeed.
"You can no' concentrate 'cause you've been smokin' dope?"
"No! 'Pot' as in 'you're the pot calling the kettle black'."
Ram stared at her for a few beats, finally shook his head and said, "No idea."
"You don't have an expression here about the pot calling the kettle black?"
"We do no' that I know of, but I think I begin to follow your point. You're tryin' to say that I should no' be accusin' you of short attention because mine is even shorter?"
Of their own accord, his eyes drifted down to the cleavage showing between the Henley buttons she'd left undone.
She chuckled. "See?"
"See what?"
She did a little shimmy and he grinned sheepishly. "Guilty." He put an orange juice in front of her. "And be careful of the sexy dancin'. You'll be gettin' Helm's milk all over your clothes again."
Elora rolled her eyes. "He gets enough. Have you seen how chubby his little face is getting?"
"Well, blood will tell."
Elora narrowed her eyes to slits. "Rammel. Paddy help you if you're saying what I think you're saying."
"All I'm sayin' is that chubby cheeks do no' run on my side of the family." When she took a mock threatening step toward him, he laughed. "Just teasin' darlin' girl. Just teasin'. You know I would no' change a hair on your head. Or his."
"Okay. All I'm sayin' is that insanity doesn't run on my side of the family." A look of horror slowly covered her face as she realized what she'd just said. She hadn't yet personally confronted what the assassin in the woods had said about the Laiwynn clan, but if it was true, it meant that cruelty and despotic behavior might run in her family.
Ram put his utensils down, wiped his hand on his apron, and offered himself for a hug.
She stepped into the comfort of his arms.
"What I was trying to tell you earlier is that I've never made any secret of the fact that I won't give up my freedom to live a restricted life, no matter how luxurious or comfortable. Not for anything."
"No' even for Helm? And me?"
"That's not fighting fair and you know it."
"When it comes to your safety - and our son's - you think I care about fightin' fair? 'Tis the very last of my concerns."
"Let me put it this way. You need to come up with a more agreeable Plan B and you need to do it while I'm still in a listening mood."
"Any ideas?"
She looked down at her pretty Holland china plate, part of the set they got as a wedding present from Kay and Katrina. She had a picture of how good life was going to be there in their new home. Had the Ralengclan assassins spoiled her vision of the future to the point of ruin?
Was it time to confront that possibility?
"No." When she looked back up, Ram thought he might have seen her look just a little worn. Like her aura hadn't been buffed in a while. Sometimes he caught her looking off into space and he suspected that she was thinking about what she'd been told by the Ralengclan assassin, wondering if the massacre of her family was really a coup d'etat." Armed people guarding the house. Hardly what I pictured."
"I know." Ram sat down next to her and took her hand in his. "We'll figure it out. Monq's workin' on it." He pulled up like he had an idea. The change was so subtle that no one besides Elora would have even noticed it.
"He's workin' on detectin' interdimensional activity - identifyin' the source and location.
He says 'tis a logical first step toward the defense system we're goin' to be needin'."
"Yeah. I heard."
"Well..." She knew she was in trouble when he turned on that look that he had given her the first night they had met, the puppy dog plea that was so irresistible she could be manipulated out of her socks with full knowledge and complicity. She hated that. It was... manipulation by consent.
"Stop that right now!"
"'Twas just thinkin' that, for the time bein', just while we're sortin' this out, maybe we should move back into Jefferson Unit. You and Helm would be safe there. I know 'tis no' ideal, but there is the courtpark, food, and babysittin' on demand. 'Tis no' this." He looked around the room and gave a little sigh. He had put a lot of himself into renovating the property and somewhere along the way had come to understand why she loved it and pictured their little family living happily ever after there. "But we were happy at Jefferson too. We could even help
Monq. Maybe speedin' thin's along a bit?"
"I'm expecting puppies."
"I truly hope no one is recordin' this conversation." Ram's mouth softened at the corners making him look so beautifully kissable that she had to lean in and remind herself if those kisses were as good as she remembered. He didn't seem to mind complying with her wish. When she pulled back, he said, "We could get Glen to keep an eye on that. The wolf pups I mean."
"This is not just some ruse that's going to get us sucked back into active duty?"
Ram cocked his head like he was having trouble with that question. "Why would I go to so much trouble to keep you safe only so I could risk gettin' you killed?"
Elora stared at Ram for a few seconds. "I'm not the only knight in the room and we both know how persuasive Sol can be when he wants something. Before I even consider this proposal, I need some reassurance that none of us, not you, not me, not the baby - none of us - are going to end up on any field assignment. Not in any capacity."
Ram nodded. "Deal."
"Okay you approve of my answer or okay we're packin' for Fort Dixon?"
"Fort Dixon, but that's all of us. Blackie too. And we need an apartment big enough for the four of us."
"Thank Paddy. I'm goin' to get a good night's sleep for a change." She hadn't realized just how much stress the fear of assassination had caused Ram until she saw his facial muscles relax. Yeah. It was a good plan. A good choice, everything considered.
"And, let's outline what would have to happen to make it possible for us to come back here and proceed to live life the way it should be lived. By ourselves. Speaking of which, I'm also not giving up the pleasure of a weekend at the cottage - just us - forever."
"Certainly. I'm no' unreasonable."
She smiled at him lovingly and indulgently. "Of course not. You're my hero."

Reading Addiction Blog Tours

Promo: The Gatekeeper's Daughter by Eva Pohler

Virtual Book Tour May 1 - May 31

May 1- Reading Addiction Blog Tours - Meet and Greet
May 2 - Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews - Interview/PROMO
May 6 - Mythical Books - PROMO
May 8 - Book Lovers Report - Review/Guest Post
May 9 - Into The Wormhole - Review
May 13 - Paulette's Papers - Guest Post/PROMO
May 14 - Buffy's Ramblings - Guest Post/PROMO
May 15 - The Avid Reader - Review/Guest Post
May 16 - Getting Your Read On - Review
May 17 - Sitting With a Book - Guest Post/PROMO
May 20 - My Cozie Corner - Review
May 21 - Bunny's Reviews - PROMO
May 22 - Marked By Books - Review
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May 24 - Hooked in a Book - Review
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May 27 - Addicted Readers - Review/Interview
May 28 - Books and Needlepoint - PROMO
May 29 -Pixie Dust Reviews - Review/Interview
May 30 - Lisa's Book Lair - Interview/PROMO
May 31 - RABT Reviews - Review

The Gatekeeper's Daughter
Gatekeeper's Trilogy, Book Three
by Eva Pohler

Young Adult Fantasy
Date Published: 5/1/13

In The Gatekeeper's Sons, Therese and Thanatos, the god of Death, met and fell  in love. In The Gatekeeper's Challenge, they did everything they could to be together, even break an oath on the River Styx. But the Olympians don't tolerate oath-breakers. In this final book in the trilogy, The Gatekeeper's Daughter, Therese may have finally succeeded in becoming a goddess, but if she wants to remain one, she'll not only have to discover her unique purpose, but also make some allies among the gods. Artemis sends her on a seemingly impossible quest across the world, while Than searches for a way to appease Ares. To make matters worse, her aunt's baby's life hangs in the balance. 

Eva Pohler teaches writing at the University of Texas at San Antonio, where she lives with her husband,  three children, two dogs, two rats, and her very large collection of books

Monday, May 27, 2013

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