Publisher: Spoonbill Cove Press
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About the book: In Falling into the Sun, Kate Nardek's life is forever changed the day she stumbles upon a neighbor's gruesome suicide. Haunted afterward by his dark presence, she realizes it's time to seek psychological help for her teenage son's increasingly violent behavior before he meets the same fate. In her quest to conquer his demons, Kate must also confront her dream-stifling self-criticism, a legacy of her father's alcoholism, and trust in the joyful, creative, compassionate energy that infuses all things. An uplifting and poetically-written story combining elements of spirituality, philosophy, psychology and family dynamics, Falling into the Sun is a personal work based in part on the author's own experiences. (Marketing info sent w/book)
About the author: Charrie Hazard is an award-winning journalist, formerly working as an investigative reporter and editorial writer with the St. Petersburg Times. She left journalism to pursue teaching and fiction writing and today is an adjunct professor of writing at the University of Tampa, FL. Hazard is the Clearwater, FL branch president of the National League of American Pen Women, and her work is published in literary journals such as Sunscripts: Writings from the Florida Suncoast Writers' Conference, Snowy Egret, Palm Prints and Wordsmith. She currently resides with her husband of 24 years and their three children in Safety Harbor, FL. (Marketing info sent w/book)
Falling into the SunPublisher/Publication Date: Spoonbill Cove Press, July 15, 2009
ISBN: 978-0-9815410-1-3
360 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9815410-1-3
360 pages