Title: The Love as a Way of Life Devotional
Author: Gary Chapman and Elisa Stanford
Publisher: Waterbrook Press
Genre: Christian Living/Devotional
First sentence: Christ longs for His followers to love as He loves.
I love this little book. I got about 1/3 of the way through it and thought - my family needs to hear and think about this, too. So I stopped reading it and now, every night at dinner, we read aloud another devotion as a family.
The author takes seven characteristics of a loving person: kindness, patience, forgiveness, courtesy, humility, generosity and honesty - and devotes a section to each one. There is also a beginning and an ending section on love. Each devotion starts with a scripture and ends with a prayer or a thought.
I am hoping that it brings my family closer together as we continue to learn different ways that we can love each other and express that love, and how we can make it a habit. There are 90 devotionals (days) to get us there!