Since the name of my blog is "Books and Needlepoint" I have decided that it is time that I started posting about my other passion - needlepoint. This will be a weekly post in the hopes that it will jump start me into stitching again. It has been a few months since I have picked up a needle! (Except for the one I found on the kitchen floor last week. . .)
I am a self-taught stitcher - I learned in college back in the 80's while I was working in the craft department of a Ben Franklin store. I fell in love with cross-stitch. I would pick up anything and everything that had to do with needle, thread, and canvas. The more complicated the stitch - the better. Of course, I didn't know that I had crossed the line over to needlepoint - the speciality stitches to me where just more complicated cross stitch!
I have attended the National Counted Cross Stitch Show in Illinois, CATS(I think this stood for Creative Arts and Textiles Show) festivals in Iowa and Las Vegas and this year I am going to my very first ANG seminar in Milwaukee. I only joined ANG (American Needlepoint Guild) 2 years ago, or maybe it has been 3, and have loved every minute of it! I am also a member of Cyberpointers (ANG web group) and Cyberstitchers (EGA web group - Embroidery Guild of America).
I want to thank all of you who have commented on my various canvases that have been in my header. The one on top and seen throughout this post - Noah's Ark - took about 6-7 months to do . You can see some of the other details in the various pictures.
What I am going to try to do with this weekly feature - is show progress on anything that I am working on - that way it might force me to work on some of it! If there is anyone out there that does ANY kind of craft -from scrapbooking to quilting to knitting etc and would like to join me, please create a post and leave us a link below so we can all see what you are working on!
Happy Stitching!