Title: B is for Bufflehead
Author and Photographer: Steve Hutchcraft
Publisher: Photohutch
About the book: With its menagerie of sapsuckers, loons, cuckoos, boobies, and an alphabet full of others, B is for Bufflehead makes it fun to learn about birds. Eye-catching and humorous photographs introduce over 60 unique North American bird species that have funny names, fascinating personalities, and unique behaviors.
More than a typical ABC book, B is for Bufflehead is easily adapted to a child's educational level. The photos, letters, and names are perfect for the earliest learners. The accompanying text is intended to intrigue young children with a few fun facts about each bird. For older kids (and adults), there is a section that offers detailed information on each species, including range, habitat, food, and more fun facts.
A great way for parents and grandparents to share their passion for birds with their favorite little ones, B is for Bufflehead, is an educational and entertaining book that will open a child's eyes to the wonderful world of birds. (Amazon)
My thoughts: This is a beautifully photographed book. The first 50+ pages is filled with full page pictures of birds, with their names and some information about them. Did you know there was a green jay? Or a bird that starts with the letter X? My son thought the silliest looking bird was the Spoonbill. From the pictures you get to test your knowledge with a couple of pages of smaller pictures and some facts and you get to try to figure out the bird. (All the answers are listed upside down under the pictures though, so you can check if you are right.)
The next section takes the birds into greater detail - telling more about their habitat and where the pictures were taken. It also tells you all the different kinds of birds - like for warblers there are 8 different ones listed.
I read this book for Net Galley online - and I still found it a beautiful book - it is definitely one that I would consider buying. You get the alphabet in big, easy to read letters. You get beautiful, colorful pictures and backgrounds and you get a wealth of information about the birds. The author wanted to use his photography to help introduce his daughter to nature, and with the help of a friend came up with the idea for an ABC book. It was definitely a winner!
B is for Bufflehead
Publisher/Publication Date: PhotoHutch, 2009
ISBN: 978-0982492505
80 pages