Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This Fine Life by Eva Marie Everson - Revell Blog Tour (Book Review)

Title: This Fine Life
Author: Eva Marie Everson
Publisher: Revell/Baker

About the book: It is the summer of 1959 and Mariette Puttnam has just graduated from boarding school.  When she returns to her privileged life at home she isn't sure where life will take her.  More schooling? A job? Marriage? Nothing feels right. How could she know that she would find the answer waiting for her in the narrow stairwell of her father's apparel factory, exactly between the third and fourth floors.

In this unique and tender romance, popular author Eva Marie Everson takes you on a journey through the heart of a young woman bound for the unknown. Discover the joys of new love, the perseverance of deep friendship, and the gift of forgiveness that comes from a truly fine life.

My thoughts: I liked this book from the very beginning.  It really gave me a sense of the late 50's early 60's - from the descriptions of the clothing that the characters wore, to the tables and chairs at the local hangout.  A feeling of innocence pervaded the first section of the book.  This innocence also carried over into the feelings that Thayne and Mariette shared for one another.  Though her parents did not approve of their relationship - because they were of different social standings and because of a secret in Thayne's past they could not stay away from each other. 

This book examines the relationship of new love between these two people as well as Thayne's growing relationship with God.  He had been raised by God-fearing parents, but Mariette, while she had attended church regularly, it was pretty much limited to Sundays.  Mariette finds it hard to understand Thayne's relationship with God and this does cause some discord in their relationship.  The author does a wonderful job of making this a believable couple though and showing how God does forgive sin in our lives as they deal with Thayne's past. 

I enjoyed reading this book and was very happy with the ending.   I have read some other reviews where people found this book to have a slow start.  I did not feel that way at all.  It really put you in the era that it was supposed to - and life was more leisurely then. 

~I received a copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my review.~

This Fine Life: A Novel
Publisher/Publication Date: Revell, May 1, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3274-5
343 pages

Friday, May 21, 2010

First Wild Card Tour: Refuge on Crescent Hill

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

I have only had the opportunity to start this one and it has grabbed me.  I should be able to finish it and review before the weekend is over!

Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:

Kregel Publications (March 11, 2010)
***Special thanks to Cat Hoort, Trade Marketing Manager, Kregal Publications for sending me a review copy.***


Melanie Dobson is an author as well as the owner of the publicity firm Dobson Media. A former corporate publicity manager at Focus on the Family, Melanie has worked in the fields of journalism and publicity for more than twelve years. Her first book is Together for Good. Melanie lives in Oregon with her husband, Jon, and their two adopted daughters, Karly and Kinzel.

Visit the author's website.

Product Details:

List Price: $13.99
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Kregel Publications (March 11, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0825425905
ISBN-13: 978-0825425905


The glass door was locked, but that didn’t stop Camden Bristow from yanking on the handle. The imposing desk on the other side of the glass was vacant, and the receptionist who usually waved her inside had disappeared. Behind the desk, the Fount Magazine logo mocked her, whispering that the money she so desperately needed had disappeared as well.

She pounded on the glass one last time, but no one came to the door.

Turning, she moved to a row of windows on the far side of the elevator. Sixteen stories below, swarms of people bustled toward their next appointment. Someplace they needed to be. Not long ago, she’d been rushing too, up and down Park Avenue to attend meetings at ad agencies and various magazines . . . including the suite of offices behind her.

Human rights. Natural disasters. Labor disputes. Whenever the photo editor at Fount needed the most poignant pictures for news articles, he called her, and nothing had stopped her from capturing what he needed for the next edition. She’d dedicated the past five years to responding to Grant Haussen’s calls, but after she came back from Indonesia two months ago, he stopped calling her.

She’d e-mailed him the pictures of the earthquake’s aftermath along with her regular invoice of fees and expenses. He’d used the pictures in the next issue, but apparently discarded the invoice. She never received a check, and he didn’t return even one of her many calls.

A few years ago, she wouldn’t have worried as much about the money—those days her phone rang at all hours with freelance assignments to shoot pictures around the world—but her clients had slashed their budgets and were using stock photos or buying photographs from locals. The current results weren’t as compelling as sending a professional, but keeping the lights on—the rent paid—trumped paying for the best photography.

Her clients may be making rent, but she hadn’t been able to pay hers for two months. Her savings account was depleted. The income from her Indonesia shoot was supposed to appease her landlord and credit card company. Even though she hadn’t heard from Grant Haussen, she held out hope that she might at least recoup the expenses for her trip so she could pay off the whopping flight and hotel charges on her credit card.

All hope shattered when she read the morning’s headline.

Fount Magazine Declares Bankruptcy

Others may have skimmed past this article, but the news stunned her. Three hours ago, she left her studio apartment and started walking until she found herself in Midtown, in the lobby of the Reinhold Building. A few staff members might remain at the Fount office, packing things up. Or if there were some sort of bankruptcy proceedings . . . maybe she could collect a few thousand dollars. Just enough to pay a portion of her bills while she tried to find more work.

It appeared that no one had stuck around to say goodbye.

The elevator dinged behind her, and she turned away from the windows and watched a skinny man in overalls push a mop and bucket into the hallway. He was at least two inches shorter than her five foot six.

She forced herself to smile, but he didn’t smile back. She pointed at the offices. “I need to find someone at the magazine.”

He grunted as he dipped his mop into the gray water and wrung it out. Shoving her fists into the pockets of her long jacket, she stepped toward him. “They owe me money.”

“You and half this dadgum town.”

“Yes, but—”

“They ran outta here so fast last night that the rubber on their shoes was smokin’.” He flopped the mop onto the tile floor and water spread toward his boots. “I’d bet good money that they ain’t comin’ back.”

Camden slumped against the window. Even if she were able to track down Grant, it wasn’t like he would personally write her a check for money the magazine owed. He was probably out hunting for a job already, or maybe he was stretched out on his couch watching Oprah, enjoying the luxury of not having to report for duty. He could collect unemployment while he slowly perused for a new gig.

Unfortunately, there was no unemployment for freelancers.

The janitor swabbed the mop across the tile in straight brushstrokes like he was painting instead of cleaning it, taking pride in his work.

She understood. At one time she had been proud of her work too. There was nothing more exhilarating than flying off to a country rocked by tragedy and immersing herself into an event that most people only read about. She was onsite to see the trauma, feel the aftershocks, though she never allowed herself to get personally involved. It was her job to record the crisis so others could help with the recovery. All she needed to do her job was her camera equipment and laptop.

Because of all her travels, she hadn’t accumulated much stuff over the years. Her landlord had furnished her flat before she moved in, but for almost five years, the apartment and everything in it had felt like hers. It was the longest she’d lived in one place her entire life.

But tonight, her landlord was changing the locks. Her home had been rented by someone else.

The man pushed his mop by her, ignoring her. She couldn’t blame him for his indifference. This city was full of people who needed a job—he was probably trying as hard as he could to keep his.

She would mop floors if she had to. Or scrub toilets. It wouldn’t pay enough for her to make rent, but maybe it would keep her from having to call her mom and beg for cash. If she called, her mother would pass the phone to her latest boyfriend—a retired executive living outside Madrid. Camden would rather sleep in a shelter than grovel to him.

She hopped over the wet trail left by the mop and stepped into the elevator.

Her landlord said she had until five o’clock to pack her stuff and vacate the building. The little credit she had left on her card wouldn’t pay for a week in a Manhattan hotel. And the few friends she’d made when she wasn’t traveling were struggling as much as she was. One of them might let her sleep on a couch, but she’d be expected to help with rent.

The elevator doors shut, and she punched the button for the lobby.

Where was she supposed to go from here?

The basement of the town hall smelled like burnt coffee and tobacco. The navy carpet had faded to a dull gray, and the dais at the front of the room was scuffed with shoe marks. Five men and two women sat behind a table on the platform—the bimonthly summit of Etherton’s City Council.

As the town mayor, Louise Danner presided over the city council from the middle chair. Her hoop earrings jangled below the signature Bic pen she propped behind her left ear. Copper-colored bangs veiled her smudged eyebrows.

Three steps below Louise’s chair, Alex Yates drummed his fingers on a stack of proposals and tried to listen as Evan Harper begged the councilors to let him tear down the barn on his property and replace it with a guesthouse.

In the eight months since he’d moved to Etherton, he learned that Louise Danner was almost as permanent a fixture in Etherton as the town hall. Within days of him taking this job, she told him exactly how she became mayor over the eleven thousand people in their town.

She had been born in a small house off Main Street and reigned as valedictorian over Etherton High’s Class of ’67. Armed with a degree from Marietta, she returned home after graduation and worked in several businesses across town until she secured the job of hospital administrator. Louise served on almost every town committee for the next thirty years, from historical preservation to the garden club, but when she landed the mayorship almost eight years ago, she dropped anchor.

She’d spent a boatload of money to retain her position during the last election, and with the state of the town’s economy, she would be fighting to keep her job when voters went to the polls in five months.

Alex rechecked his watch. It was almost lunchtime, and Evan Harper was still pleading his case. Alex saw the dilapidated barn every morning on the short drive to his office. Guesthouse or no guesthouse, he agreed with Evan—someone needed to put the structure out of its misery. A hearty gust of wind would end its life if the council wouldn’t approve demolition.

Alex stifled a yawn as Evan named all the people who could stay in the guesthouse including his wife’s elderly parents and his daughter’s college friends. Apparently, no one had told the man he couldn’t filibuster city council. If the mayor didn’t curtail Evan’s speech, he’d probably pull out the local phone book and read until the councilors adjourned for lunch. And once they walked out of the room, they may not reconvene in time.

Alex couldn’t wait for approval. He needed an answer today.

For the past month, he’d been quietly courting the owner of the ten-acre property at the edge of town—part of the old Truman farm. If the council concurred, the owner was ready to sell the land and farmhouse for a pittance. The town could buy it and use the property to help with their plans to revitalize the local economy.

Alex caught the mayor’s eye and tapped his watch.

“Thank you.” Louise interrupted Evan before he finished listing off every construction supply he’d purchased for the guesthouse. “I think that is all the information we need to make a decision.”

Evan plucked another piece of paper from his stack. “But I haven’t read the neighborhood petition.”

“We appreciate all the time and thought you’ve put into this, Evan.” Louise propped her chin up with her knuckles. “We’ll let you know if we have any other questions.”

Evan sat down on the wooden folding chair at the end of the row, and Alex leaned back as the council began discussing the hot issue of preservation versus progress.

Most of the councilors were successful business leaders and attorneys, passionate in either their pro-growth or anti-development stance. Today he needed to convince them that voting “yes” on his proposal would commemorate the town’s history and lay the foundation for their legacy while generating new revenue and development for the town.

Alex glanced at his watch and sighed. If it took the councilors forty minutes to decide the fate of a rickety barn, how long would it take them to make a decision on his proposal?

When he parted ways with corporate mania last year, he thought he’d left behind the constricting strands of red tape that kept him from doing his job, but he’d learned that Etherton’s residents, along with the city council, rode the high of debate until they were forced to vote. Sometimes the debate lasted weeks, or even months.

Edward Paxton led the charge against development. He didn’t want his town to change nor did he want Alex involved with any of the town’s business. Rumor had it that he wanted his grandson, Jake, to take the economic development position that Louise had created last spring to solicit new business. The only problem was that no one else on the council wanted Jake Paxton to be involved. Edward seemed to hold a personal vendetta against Alex for stealing his grandson’s job.

At least the mayor was on his team. She’d gambled when she hired him, but he assured her and the council that he’d deliver. On their terms.

After almost an hour of discussion, Louise called for a vote, and Evan smacked his knees when they approved his guesthouse with a 4–3 vote. He saluted the row of councilors as he rushed out, probably on his way to rent an excavator. Alex guessed the barn would be in a heap when he drove home tonight.

He sighed. If only getting the council to approve a project was always this easy . . .

Etherton needed the tax revenue from new businesses to fix its brick streets, increase the police force, and build a high school. The city’s officials expected Alex to find a way to merge their small town charm with big city business.

Blending these two ideals was no small feat. Not long after he moved to Etherton, he worked a deal to build a Wal-Mart Supercenter on a piece of farm property at the edge of town. Some towns didn’t want a Wal-Mart, but since their local economy had tanked, he thought most of the locals would welcome the store. After all, most of them drove forty-five minutes each week to visit the Wal-Mart in Mansfield, and this would bring discount clothes, groceries, car care, and—most importantly—jobs to their back door.

He was wrong.

When the council voted last December, residents of Etherton packed City Hall, a chorus of dissension over why their town couldn’t bear the weight of a conglomerate. The icy room turned hot as tempers flared. Small business owners threatened to overthrow the seats of every council member who supported the proposal.

In the end, the council rejected his plan. The town desperately needed the revenue and the jobs, but apparently not enough to put out the welcome mat for a mega store. A local farmer bought the field to plant corn, and Etherton missed out on the much-needed sales tax that would flood into Fredericktown when Wal-Mart opened its doors there this fall.

The council told him they wanted new business, but they wanted something quaint that would fit the town’s celebration of all things old. It was a hard task—but he’d found the perfect solution. If the residents were willing to risk a little, he was ready to deliver both quaint and classy . . . wrapped up in a pretty package and tied together with a sound financial bow.

Louise slid the pen out from behind her ear and tapped it on the table. She dismissed the few people in the audience, explaining that the rest of the meeting was a closed session, and then she pointed at him. “You’re up, Alex.”

He straightened his tie and stood to face the councilors. It was about to get hot again.

Read, Remember, Recommend created by Rachelle Rogers Knight (Book Review)

Title: Read, Remember, Recommend: A Reading Journal for Book Lovers
Created by: Rachelle Rogers Knight
Publisher: Sourcebooks

From the publisher: It is late at night and you have just finished another great book. What a feeling! The characters, themes and fascinating settings are still fresh in your imagination. Questions and thoughts swirl into your mind. Does this author have another book? Which member of my book club would enjoy this story? What am I going to read next!

Book lovers, also known as bibliophiles, are looking for a one stop shop to keep track of their reading and they can find it with Read, Remember, Recommend: A Reading Journal for Book Lovers (Sourcebooks, 9781402237188, April 2010) by Rachelle Rogers Knight. A self-published hit, RRR is the ultimate organizing resource for book lovers.

The journal features 60 cross-referenced lists of literary awards and notable picks, including Pulitzer, National Book Award, and 100 Best Books of the Century. RRR also offers more than 2,500 suggestions to help readers discover great literature and new authors. Users can record books read, jot down thoughts and ideas, and keep track of recommendations, books borrowed and loaned, and book club history.

Unlike anything on the market, Read, Remember, Recommend keeps readers coming back to bookstores to purchase recommended books and urges users to spread their joy to other book lovers.

Rachelle Rogers Knight is a passionate reader who has enjoyed books her entire life. Rachelle self-published Read, Remember, Recommend and Read, Remember, Recommend for Teens in 2007, and earned the Bronze Medal for “Independent Publisher of the Year” from Independent Publisher Online Magazine in 2008. Sourcebooks, Inc. is releasing new and improved editions of the self-published hit this April. She recently re-launched her website www.bibiliobabe.com, an amazing blog and resource for book lovers.

My thoughts: What a cool journal this is!  It is comprised of six sections - Awards and Notables Lists, To Read, Journal Pages, Recommendations, Loaner Lists, Resources.  My favorite section is the Awards and Notables Lists.  Packed full of every book award you can think of and all the winners.  There are even spaces for the next couple of years to write in the winners.  You also have columns to check if you own it or have read it as well as some others.

The Journal Pages are pretty cool also.  Here you can record the books you have read, what your thoughts were, if someone recommended it to you, if there are words that you need to define as well as a place to put quotes that you want to remember.

I don't think that I would ever use the Loaner Pages as I usually just give books away.  The Resource section contains links to everything book related that you can think of - from all the book award sites to blogs (I can see my feed reader exploding) to book exchange sites and online book clubs!  It is a bibliphile's heaven!

If there is a book lover in your life - you must buy them this journal - or better yet - buy one for yourself! 

~I received a copy of this book from Sourcebooks for review.~

Read, Remember, Recommend: A Reading Journal for Book Lovers
Publisher/Publication Date: Sourcebooks, April 1, 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4022-3718-8
312 pages

What's Happening Wednesday? (On Friday. . .)

Welcome to What's Happening Wednesdays?

I always have things going on during the week - or things going on with my kids - just stuff that I think I should post - but never seem to have anywhere to post it! I would love it if others would do posts about whatever is going on with them that they want to share - whether it be a gripe or good news - it will all be welcome here!

Well, I took an unplanned hiatus from blogging this week!  That is why we have WHW on Friday!  Wednesday, my husband and I went on a field trip with my son and his class to the zoo. 

This is on the bus ride up. I am not sure what they were looking at - but thought it was funny that I caught the same expression on both their faces!

We saw the lion first - he was after something that was under this log, but we couldn't see what it was.

The rhino's were my son's favorite.

I have always been partial to monkeys myself.  This one's name was Julie and she was celebrating her 28th birthday!

The peacocks were just roaming around the grounds.  This one came over and visited us while we were eating lunch.

Yesterday was our last MOPS meeting for this school year and so we always have a carnival for the kids.  There were all sorts of stuff going on.  One of Jake's favorites was the bounce house, but couldn't get a good picture of him in it. 

These pipes kept him busy for quite awhile. 
There was also a pebble (think sand) table with some bulldozers, some magnetic gears that you could hook together, and an air table where the kids could put balls and balloons and see them balance.

His next favorite activity was probably the play dough center.  It was the only place I could coax even a partial smile out of him for a picture!

To round out the last few days I did a shopping marathon Wednesday night with my middle daughter (5 hours!) to find some summer clothes.  Do they ever stop growing?  And I don't really like to shop.  Probably why I always try to do it all at once!

Thursday afternoon my little dog, Colby, returned to the eye specialist to get her stitches removed.  She is healing very well and no longer needs to where the e-collar.  Yay!

Watch for Thursday's Threads (on Saturday!)  and some book reviews and some new giveaways coming up.  If you have read this far - please go vote for Shelley (see sticky post).  She continues to be about 60 votes behind - but there is still 3 weeks left!

What's Happening with you this week?


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Win 2 Books or Amazon Gift Card - open Internationally!

Okay - thought I should do a formal post on this and clarify everything. I am having a giveaway for anyone who votes for my friend Shelley McCarthy. She is trying to win some money to go towards au pair expenses. She is the mother of twin boys and she lost her husband to cancer last year. She has returned to school and that is the reason for the au pair. You can vote DAILY here.

After you vote, come back here and just leave a comment - I am going to leave the sticky post at the top until the contest is over to remind everyone to vote DAILY!

This contest is open internationally! If the winner is from U.S. or Canada, they will get to pick 2 books from the list below - If the winner is not U.S./Canada - then they will win a $25 gift card to Amazon to choose their own book(s).

So What Are You Waiting For?   VOTE
(If you voted at the other post - those will be added in to the final count for the drawing.)

This giveaway ends June 15th so you could have a ton of entries by then! Please leave your email address with your comment.

  • Disrupting Grace: A Story of Relinquishment and Healing

  • A Touch of Scandal 

  • Here Burns My Candle: A Novel 

  • Obsession: An Erotic Tale 

  • A Black Tie Affair 

  • The One-Day Way: Today Is All the Time You Need to Lose All the Weight You Want 

  • The Travelers 

  • Angel and Apostle 

  • Thirsty: A Novel 

  • Countess of Scandal (The Daughters of Erin) 

  • Montana Legacy 

  • Catch of a Lifetime 

  • Tall, Dark & Fangsome (Immortality Bites, Book 5) 

  • One Scream Away 

  • Knight of Pleasure (All the King's Men)

  • Sins of the Flesh 

  • To Tempt the Wolf 

  • The Treasures of Venice: A passion they never expected and a danger they cannot escape 

  • A Highlander's Temptation 

  • Damas, Dramas, and Ana Ruiz: A Quinceañera Club Novel (Quinceanera Club) 

  • Show No Fear (Navy SEALs) 

  • Chosen by Desire (The Guardians of Destiny) 

  • Never Blame the Umpire 

  • Enduring Justice (Defenders of Hope Series #3) 

  • When Skateboards Will Be Free: A Memoir 

  • Unplanned Journey: A Triumph in Life and Death 

  • Surviving High Society - Lots of Love Trumps Lots of Money 

  • Messages to Myself: Overcoming a Distorted Self-Image 

  • Ginger High 

  • The Cost of Dreams 

  • Dominatrix-Online.com - Mistress Blackheart: Policeman's Prerogative 

  • Family Plots: Love, Death & Tax Evasion 

  • Daniel's Den 

  • Bo's Café: A Novel 

  • Searching for Tina Turner 

  • The Night Watchman (Ray Quinn Series, Book 1) 

  • Smart Girls Marry Money: How Women Have Been Duped Into the Romantic Dream--And How They're Paying For It 

  • The Unquiet Bones: The First Chronicle of Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon 

  • Dancing with Ana by Nicole Barker

  • 100 Answers to 100 Questions About Being a Great Dad 

  • The Lake That Stole Children: A Fable 

  • The Age of Orphans: A Novel 

  • Hot and Irresistible 

  • Abide with Me: A Photographic Journey Through Great British Hymns 

  • Gold of Kings: A Novel 

  • Jesse's Girl 

  • The Evolution of Shadows 

  • "You Wanna Go To Willard?" (Volume 1) 

  • Saint John of the Five Boroughs 

  • Abbeville 

  • Kids, Wealth, and Consequences: Ensuring a Responsible Financial Future for the Next Generation (Bloomberg) 

  • Comes a Horseman 

  • Love You to Death 

  • Jordan 

  • To Sin With a Scoundrel 

  • Dare to Surrender 

  • The Threadbare Heart 

  • How Do You Tuck in a Super Hero? 

  • Amigoland 

  • Swim the Fly 

  • The Light, the Dark, and Ember Between 

  • Kiss Me Again 

  • Night of Flames 

  • Hunter 

  • A Note From an Old Acquaintance 

  • The Fruit of Her Hands 

  • Veracity

  • Nothing But Trouble

  • The Poacher's Son

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