Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Start the New Year out Right! Win a copy of Denise's Daily Dozen!

From Denise Austin comes the perfect health book for anyone who wants to live better but just can't seem to find the time. Much more than just another exercise book, Denise's Daily Dozen covers a whole range of health and diet related concepts yet manages it all in a no-stress, time-conscious program of 12's. At it's core, this book contains the minimum daily requirements to keep the reader flexible, strong and trim. Organized simply into seven chapters, which equal the seven days of the week, it covers a full week in daily allotments. Each day will have it's own focus from Monday being "fat burning day" to Sunday's "recharge and rejuvenate."

Denise has created a total body program, including a 7-day balanced meal plan that includes healthy recipes, and a workout that encompasses 12 exercises done in 12 minutes each day. Everyone can take just 12 minutes, at whatever time of the day works for them, and turn it over to these simple and fun exercises. Cardio, toning, yoga and breathing exercises...they're all here but in a way the maximizes effect while minimizing time.

Beyond a dozen exercises for each day of the week this book will include many other of Denise's dozens for each day.

About Denise:

A native of San Pedro, California, Denise started gymnastics at the age of 12 and earned an athletic scholarship to the University of Arizona, graduating in 1979 with an exercise physiology degree. She began her career teaching aerobic exercise classes in the Los Angeles area and went on to cohost the The Jack LaLanne Show, in 1981. (Denise considers Jack LaLanne one of her role models, and she is delighted to still speak regularly with the 94-year-old fitness legend.)

During more than 25 years promoting health and fitness, Denise has created 82 workout videos or DVDs. Her enormous number of sales led to her 2003 induction into the Video Hall of Fame.

Denise has been married for 25 years to Jeff Austin, a sports attorney and brother of tennis champ Tracy Austin. They share a home with their two teenage daughters, Kelly and Katie.

You can follow @DeniseAustin_ on Twitter or find her at her Facebook Fan Page.

I have five copies of this book to giveaway courtesy of Hachette Books. For your first entry (MUST DO THIS ONE FOR ANY OTHER ENTRIES TO COUNT) share a diet tip, favorite exercise, or what you do to try to stay in shape. Also leave your email address.

For additional entries you can sign up to follow (old followers let me know), Twitter or post it on your blog. Each entry must have it's own comment. (Four entries total.)

This giveaway if for U.S./Canada only - no PO boxes and will end Dec 29th! Good luck!


CrystalGB said...

I would love to read this book.


CrystalGB said...

I am a follower.


Unknown said...

I'm always looking for fun new exercises to stay in shape.

My diet tip is to use smaller plates, instead of huge dinner plates. You won't take large portions just to try to fill up the space.

I am a follower :)


Nise' said...

I have been exercising with Denise for years! Would love to read this new book.

If I am going to a party, I eat an apple or some vegis before leaving so as not to fill up on all the goodies.


ibeeeg said...

I like Denise Austins approach with quick exercises. It does help.

For me, drinking water is very important. If I do not drink enough in a day I can tell by either I am more hungry, feel dragged down, etc.


ibeeeg said...

Been following you through Google Reader. I just added myself to your Google Friends.


Melissa (Books R Us) said...

I enjoy walking on the treadmill and I am able to catch up on some reading by listening to Audiobooks.


Melissa (Books R Us) said...

I am an old follower


Melissa (Books R Us) said...

tweeted about the contest



ibeeeg said...

I placed a link to this giveaway on my blog's sidebar.


Anonymous said...

I love walking. It's my favourite exercise!! It's good for the entire body, you get to breathe in fresh air and it's free!!

Anonymous said...

I am an old follower.

Heidi V said...

I try to walk a couple blocks after I eat a meal and drink my eight glasses of water a day.

heidivargas [at] live dot com

rubynreba said...

Buy plenty of fresh fruits and veggies and keep them where you can see them when you open the frig so that is what you'll grab for if you are hungry.

rubynreba said...

I follow

Linda Henderson said...

I usually try and drink the recommended amount of water a day and have added whole grains to my diet. I also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

seriousreader at live dot com

Linda Henderson said...

I am a follower.

seriousreader at live dot com

KiraR said...

What I do to stay in shape is count calories and keep a daily food log - it's easy to underestimate how much you eat if you don't.

kiris089 at gmail dot com

KiraR said...

I follow.

kiris089 at gmail dot com

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Before I head off to boot camp (is that my exercise tip? Boot camp? Well, it's working for me. I'm stronger, if not skinnier), let me say there's no need to enter me. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail.

I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

I actually started my home work-out career with Denise Austin!

My diet tip is to exercise some every day - even if you break it into 3 10 minute walks it is something and it doesn't matter how fast you do it, just get out and do it. It does get easier.

I'm an old follower.


Benita said...

I do yoga to exercise, but I'd love to add another piece to my routine. Denise's routine sounds great.


Benita said...

I follow via blogger.


Anonymous said...

I'm an advocate of drinking plenty of water :)


Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber :)


Anonymous said...

I am a snacker so I have one diet tip that I'm constantly telling myself...NO SNACKING!!!

I would love to have this book!!
luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower =)

luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com

Reading said...

I love Denise Austin. Please count me in. My tip is to have healthy snacks on hand so you aren't reaching for the chips!

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Jane said...

Walking is my favorite exercise. I also try to take the stairs whenever I can.

janie1215 AT excite DOT com

Jane said...

I'm a follower of this blog.

janie1215 AT excite DOT com

Sue said...

I hate to eat less, so I exercise more. I have my husband's road bike on trainers in my basement. I watch my favorite TV shows that I've DVR'd while I ride and it keeps me on the bike.
Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Lifeofkaylen said...

I make myself get up and do housework (there is ALWAYS something to do) if I've been watching more than an hour of tv. I never want to sit for more than a full hour while at home because I sit all day at work.

mariag said...

I try not to eat after seven in the evening. I think it really helps when trying to lose weight.

I would love to win this book.
fmlj94 at yahoo dot com

mariag said...

I follow

throuthehaze said...

my tip is to drink lots of water
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

justpeachy36 said...


I do a lot of walking for exercise and some Yoga. I'm a diabetic and would give this tip to other diabetics... Check your blood sugar before exercise, at least once during strenuous exercise and after exercise. Better to be safe than sorry.

I am a follower.

traveler said...

Thanks for this great giveaway. I have a lifestyle that is important which means eating healthy, walking and exercising and no sugar ever. this is a lifestyle to maintain and continue for good health.

Lynne said...

My favorite exercise is walking and my tip is to have a buddy to walk with. It keeps you accountable and is alot more fun.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Janet said...

I need to loose maybe 6 times that much or more. lol Thanks.

Happy Holidays

Jo-Jo said...

I would love to win this book as I used to get up early and exercise with Denise when she had the show on Lifetime. When I am following my exercise program I try to exercise at least 3 times a week...I've been having a problem getting back into the groove though.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com

Angie said...

I follow Sylvester Stallones philosophy. Eat dessert early in the day- you won't feel like you are missing out on anything and you have all day to work it off!


holdenj said...

I know it sounds easy, but I always park farther out in the lot than I have to and walk to the store. They always say the little things add up. Would love to win this!

holdenj said...

I subscribe and follow your blog via google reader.

rbooth43 said...

Please enter me in your giveaway.

catss99 said...

I've been using my treadmill every other night and eating a lot of yogurt. I've lost 12 pounds in the past 4 months!

catss99 said...

im a current follower

catss99 said...


spynaert said...

I try to go to the gym 3 times a week and run at least 2 miles every time, up to 6 miles.

Renee G said...

Weigh yourself everyday. This accountability helps you keep your goals in mind throughout the day, and helps you lose weight.

Terri Dell said...

I eat very little fat, no mayo, no salad dressing (Balsamic vinegar is a great substitute) etc... it really helps keep the pounds off

Sunnymay said...

A place to record everything passing my lips keeps me in line. I can go back and see where the danger zones of temptation hit and plan something else healthy instead for those urges. Sometimes only chocolate will work. I last tracked eating for 3 months and then took a break for the holidays.


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