The Transformation Study BibleGeneral Editor: Dr. Warren W.
WiersbePublisher: David C. Cook
I am two weeks into a new Bible study that is called Cookies on the Lower Shelf.
This is a great study that is taking us through the Bible in the order it was written, concentrating on the main events for those without a lot of time - or having you dig
reallllly deep if you are Type A (as our teacher/author puts it) - but anyway, this Bible has been a wonderful edition for me to this study. It is the New Living Translation and so easy to read. I know I have had the problem in the past with getting bogged down with the language and not being able to enjoy the reading!
But on top of just being easier to understand - it has lots of additional features - I have shared some of my favorites below:
Introductions: The Transformation Study Bible features introductions for each book of the Bible to motivate readers to read and study the specific Bible book by helping them understand the background, vital themes, and other key information.
Book Outlines: Text that provides the key theme and key verse with other Scripture passages fitting into the flow of each book.
Book Overviews: A conversational overview for each book of the Bible with timeless and practical lessons from Dr. Warren
Catalyst Notes: This feature is the heartbeat of The Transformational Study Bible: Hundreds of Catalyst notes are included in which important biblical themes and character issues are discussed by Dr.
Wiersbe. These lengthier comments are intended to motivate readers to have their lives transformed as the Holy Spirit applies the Word of God. These insightful observations will also prepare readers' hearts and minds as they regularly study the Bible.
Be Transformed: Part of each Bible book introduction, these major notes direct the reader to the over-all life changing impact of that particular part of scripture.
This Bible also has the cross references, maps, dictionary-concordance and study notes that other Study Bibles have - but I love all the extras!
The Transformation Study Bible
Publisher: David C. Cook
ISBN: 978-1-4347-6527-7
2318 pages