Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme where we share new (to us) words that we’ve encountered in our reading. To join in the fun, post your words on your blog and then leave a message over at Bermudaonion's Blog!
My first words this week are from An Offer You Can't Refuse by Jill Mansell.
1. Salutary - Used like this: Mind you, it was a salutary experience dressing up like a rabbit.
Definition - Producing a beneficial effect.
2. Pantechnicon - Used like this: Gabe felt he was being more than generous; with all the stuff she'd strewn around his flat he'd need a pantechnicon.
Definition - Brit a large van used for furniture removals
3. Frisson - Used like this: And he had buckets of money ... why, why couldn't she look at him and feel a frisson of lust?
Definition - A moment of intense excitement; a shudder.
4. Harridan - Used like this: Sally's heart melted at the thought of this wonderful man wanting children and being cruelly denied them by his cold-hearted career-driven harridan of an ex.
Definition - A woman regarded as scolding and vicious.
The next words are from Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr.
5. Pastiche - Used like this: The outside was decorated in murals that ran the gamut from anime to abstract; beautiful and unexpected, they faded into one another like a collage that begged the viewer to make sense of images, to find an order behind the colorful pastiche.
Definition - a hodgepodge
6. Labret - Used like this: "You ready for a labret yet?"
Definition - An ornament inserted into a perforation in the lip.
7. Mien - Used like this: Despite their cadaverous mien, they were eerily beautiful to watch.
Definition - An appearance or aspect.
8. Liege - Used like this: "I am the Summer King's oldest advisor, and" - Tavish stopped himself, sighing as he realized that he was only underlining Niall's point - "try the boy's advice first, my liege."
Definition - A vassal or subject owing allegiance and services to a lord or sovereign under feudal law.
Have you learned any new words this week?
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You have a great blog!
I read An Offer You Can't Refuse and looked up a couple words from it. I didn't write down any of the words you've listed, yet I don't know them all. You have a great eye! Thanks for playing along.
Wow...great list; I learned four new words here! (salutary, pantechnicon, pastiche, and labret) Thanks for those, and have a wonderful week ahead (filled with wondrous words!!)
Pantechnicon is interesting - the definition isn't anything I would have guessed or suspected. Good find!
My words are here.
After years of reading romance novels, you'd think I would have known frisson. I must not be paying attention. You picked up some good words this week.
Great list of words.
Wow this is a great list! My words are here.
What a huge list! Here are mine.
Well, thanks to you I've just learned a bunch :D I love reading everyone's WW posts!
Whoo-hoo, I feel very smart this week; the only word I didn't know was pantechnicon (although I'd forgotten what labret meant). Great words!
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