Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Touch of Scandal Blog Tour (Mar 25 - Apr 7) and Giveaway!

A Touch of Scandal
by Jennifer Haymore

The last thing Garrett, Duke of Calton, expects to find while tracking his sworn enemy is the delectable, mysterious Kate. This beautiful servant girl rouses a longing the battle-scarred ex-soldier had never hoped to feel again. But when she turns out to be the sister of the man he seeks, he's convinced he's been betrayed.

Kate knows her duty to her family, yet how can she ignore Garrett's powerful pull on her heart? Or the heady temptation of his stolen-and sizzling-kisses? Scandal has followed the duke since the war. Now the greatest shock of all is on its way-the one that can separate Garrett and Kate forever.
Five Fun Facts

1. The heroine from A Touch of Scandal, Kate, has a younger brother, Reginald. Reggie suffers from severe asthma—something I understand, having been through it as a child and now watching my own son fight it. It’s truly a painful and frightening illness. I can’t imagine what it was like for children before proper medications were available. The prescription the doctor in A Touch of Scandal orders—prussic acid—was a common remedy for asthma. But like many medicines of the time, prussic acid has since been proven to be very poisonous—even deadly. No wonder poor Reggie didn’t improve while he was taking it!

2. In the first drafts of A Touch of Scandal, there were three “villains.” I thought that was at least one too many, so I changed one character to soften her up a bit, even almost redeeming her at the end. She’s still not a very likeable character, but she’s no longer the equivalent of the Wicked Witch of the West! Can you guess who this is?

3. I’ve been to England several times, but I have not been to Kenilworth Castle. I researched it as thoroughly as I could while writing A Touch of Scandal, and it’s definitely on the itinerary for my next visit to the UK!

4. The James family seat, Calton House, is located in the Yorkshire dales. I feel especially bonded to this part of England—I think it’s because several of my ancestors immigrated to Canada from Yorkshire. I’ve driven through the county once, and I loved it. It’s a special place.

5. One of the main characters in A Touch of Scandal is Becky, the younger sister of the Duke of Calton. I have loved writing about her, because she is the one character whose growth you can really see from the beginning to the end of the series. She is immature and compulsive in A Hint of Wicked; she crashes back to reality in A Touch of Scandal; and in the third book, A Season of Seduction, she really comes into her own and finally finds the man that will lead her down the (very rocky!) road to a happily ever after.


I have five copies of this paperback book to giveaway courtesy of Hachette Books. For your first entry (MUST DO THIS ONE FOR ANY OTHER ENTRIES TO COUNT) - From the fun facts above, we learn that Reggie suffers from asthma - was there any childhood diseases that you or one of your siblings suffered from?  I had allergies so bad that I got an allergy shot once a week - by the time I was 14 I had learned to give them to myself - then by 17 they had all switched to foods, for which there was no shot - so after about 12 years of shots, I just got to stop them!  Be sure to leave an email address also!

For additional entries you can sign up to follow (old followers let me know), Twitter or post it on your blog. Each entry must have it's own comment. (Four entries total.)

This giveaway if for U.S./Canada only - no PO boxes and will end Apr 15!

Participating blogs:
Thoughts in Progress Feature, Giveaway, Guest Post 3/25/2010
Bibiliophilic Book Blog Feature, Review, Giveaway 3/25/2010
Book Soulmates Review, Giveaway, Q&As 3/25/2010
You Wanna Know What I Think? Review, Giveaway 3/25/2010
Just Another New Blog Giveaway 3/25/2010
Simply Stacie Giveaway 3/25/2010
Freda's Voice Giveaway 3/25/2010
A Journey of Books Review, Giveaway, Q&As 3/25/2010
Book Junkie Review, Giveaway, Q&As 3/25/2010
Long Live the Lit Feature, Guest Post 3/26/2010
Smexy Books Review, Giveaway 3/26/2010
The Book Girl Review, Giveaway 3/26/2010
Rundpinne Feature, Review 3/27/2010
Michelle and Leslie's Book Picks Review, Giveaway 3/29/2010
Who Has Time to Read Review, Giveaway 3/31/2010
My Guilty Pleasures Review, Giveaway 4/1/2010
Eclectic Book Lover Review 4/1/2010
Seductive Musings Feature, Review, Giveaway 4/1/2010
Books and Needlepoint Feature, Review, Giveaway 4/2/2010
Broken Teepee Review, Giveaway 4/3/2010
Savey Spender Review, Giveaway 4/4/2010
All About {n} Review, Giveaway 4/5/2010
Just Short of Crazy Review, Giveaway 4/5/2010
Marta's Meanderings Feature, Review 4/6/2010
My Book Addiction and More. . . Feature, Review, Giveaway 4/6/2010
Razlover's Book Blog Feature, Review, Giveaway 4/6/2010
Renee's Reads Review 4/7/2010
My Reading Addiction Review, Giveaway 4/7/2010


Katrina said...

When I was young I was mildly allergic to spandex....it took years for me to "grow out of it." The worst was finding a bathing suit!

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

LuAnn said...

I had a severe case of chicken pox when I was little. In fact, I still have some of the scars.

reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com

LuAnn said...

I'm a follower.

reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com

Jane said...

I didn't have any allergies, but I was prone to ear infections.

janie1215 AT excite DOT com

booklover0226 said...

I had both allergies (cut grass, fur, flowers) and asthma. Each spring and summer, I was a hot mess! I received allergy shots every 6 weeks and had to take Actified twice a day; UGH!

Lucky for me, I outgrew both but now I seem to have developed some different allergies!

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

booklover0226 said...

I'm an old follower.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

booklover0226 said...

I posted on Twitter..


Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Simply Stacie said...

I had both mono and chicken pox as a child. I think measles too. Wow, what fun I was for my parents!

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Simply Stacie said...

I follow.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

chey said...

We both had chicken pox as children. We also started getting strep throat at least yearly as teens. 2 of my cousins had bad allergies, 1 of them also had asthma.

chey127 at hotmail dot com

chey said...

I follow by gfc.

chey127 at hotmail dot com

Elaine G said...

The only one of us that had something was my brother,he has asthma.

Elaine G said...

I am already a follower

Elaine G said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/11099957011


Darlene said...

I've got this posted at Win a Book for you :)

Benita said...

I was very lucky. I didn't suffer from any ailments as a child; just the usual one time mumps, measles and chicken pox.


Benita said...

I follow via GFC.


misskallie2000 said...

I had allergies all yr. Everyone thought I just had a cold. This was back in the 40's and until the 70's when I was actually told by dr I had allergies was believed. As I have gotten older they have actually gotten better (last 2 yrs). I was sick alot as a child and when family called they did not ask who was sick, it was what does she have this time.LOL..

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

misskallie2000 said...

I am old follower (not age) LOL

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

misskallie2000 said...

I follow via twitter(@misskallie2000)

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

misskallie2000 said...

I just tweeted(@misskallie2000)

Latest: kherbrand A Touch of Scandal Blog Tour (Mar 25 - Apr 7) and Giveaway! http://goo.gl/fb/ONcq #blogtour #atouchofscandal Retweeted by you 3 minutes ago

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Persephone said...

For the longest time I got nosebleeds for no apparent reason, they just happened. My family never thought about taking me to the doctor (which just occurred to me). I think I was around six or seven when it started, and I kept getting them periodically until I was around twelve. I remember waking up in the middle of the night with blood on my pillow. It got to the point were I could automatically wake up whenever my nose would begin to bleed. I recall getting a nosebleed during class and the teacher going crazy (she probably thought I was punched in the face). They were giving me frantic advice to stop the bleeding, but I was an old pro and just ignored it.

patronus89013 at yahoo dot cocm

Persephone said...

I'm an old GFC follower!

patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

Persephone said...

I tweeted

patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

baileythebookworm said...

My younger sister (now 14) has a form of OCD called scrupulosity -it became severe in the December of the year she was 11, and no one was able to diagnose it until July of the next year. She has been on medication and in therapy since then, and she now has her life mostly under control. She's a fantastically intelligent and well-adjusted teenager, but we had a very hard time understanding what was wrong for a while.

baileythebookworm at gmail dot com

baileythebookworm said...

I'm a new follower :)
baileythebookworm at gmail dot com

Carol L. said...

I was very luck in that I had nothing other than the usual childhood diseases. Chicken pox, measles and mumps.My children on the other hand had severe Asthma when they were younger (now adults they seem to have outgrown it) and croup and ear infections.They are all healthy adults now.
Carol L.

Carol L. said...

I am also a new follower.
Carol L.

Linda Kish said...

My son had chronic ear infections requiring tubes after 2 years of infections. when they fell out, he had a year of antibiotics. He finally outgrew them after about 10 years.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am allergic to bubble baths! It was horrible as a child. Who doesn't like to be up to their ears in bubbles?? I am also allergic to Tide...but I love the smell.

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am an old follower!

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

Sophia said...

Me or my sister never had any diseases. But I am convinced that I am allergic to cucumber! No kidding! Okay, first off, I'm really girly, so I love skirts and mascara and spa stuff (like manicures, massages, etc.) So my mom was giving me this thing where you put cucumber slices on your face. Then when I took the slices off, I had horrid red bumps all over my face! It was so terrible....

Anyway, thanks for the opportunity and I hope I win!


marian said...

when i was little i had some serious allergies


ossmcalc said...

I was blessed with overall good health when I was growing up except for really bad cramps every month.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said...

I tweeted about this giveaway http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/11813107003

Thank you,


Anita Yancey said...

We were lucky we had no childhood diseases in our family. Just the usual chicken pox and measles. The book sounds wonderful. Please enter me. Thanks!


Anita Yancey said...

Old Follower!


nel said...

I didn't have any allergies, but I was prone to ear infections and sore throats!!!!

dsublady at aol dot com

nel said...

blog follower

nel said...

follow on twitter


ChristyJan said...

I didn't suffer from any allergies or diseases, but I did have open-heart surgery when I was 10 years old.


ChristyJan said...




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