Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Readathon Mini Challenge - drabbles

This challenge is being hosted by Kate at Midnight Book Girl - so to learn what a drabble is - you will need to go and visit her!

I am reading How Clarissa Burden Learned to Fly - and since I am not very far into it I am going to make something up based on the title.

"As Clarissa climbed the spiral staircase to the top of the lighthouse, she thought back to all the ships that had been saved as the light splashed out across the water in one of its neverending arcs.  The heat was intense up here, but with the coming nightfall, it would wane.  Jiggling the hatch on the glass door to the balcony, Clarissa stepped outside and felt some trepidation.  She scanned the horizon away from the water, looking for someone. Finally, she saw Peter. He appeared to be pulling his hot air balloon in a trailer behind him."

And just what did you think she was going to do?


Sheila Deeth said...

I love drabbles. Fun.


your doing great good going kai


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