Do you take notes while reading – either for your reviews or for yourself? How/where do you make these notes (on the page, post-its, scrap paper, notebooks etc)?
Musing Mondays is hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page. To participate please visit her blog and leave your link! (You are also welcome to leave your link for me too!)
This is something that I keep telling myself that I really need to do - especially if I want my reviews to get better. Like right now - I have 3 books that need to be reviewed and I will probably have to skim back through them for some of the character names! I also try to keep a list of words that are new to me - but usually end up losing the piece of paper that I was writing on. I do have a ton of little notebooks that would be perfect for either of these things, but I just haven't been very disciplined in doing it. Maybe I will try harder this week!
Any note takers out there?
Good answer.
Here's mine:
i have 3 or 4 notebooks that i keep notes in. Depends how many books I am reading at the moment. This way I can keep characters straight and write down quotes I might want to use in my review. Sometimes inspiration strikes and if I don't write down my thought I never remember it when I do my review. Also put in notes about other books by that author.
Right now, most of my notetaking is mental. This isn't too hard because I usually only read one book at a time and write the review immediately after finishing the book. In fact, sometimes I put up a bare bones outline post and beginning typing in notes as I read the book.
Post-its are a life saver!
I never used to take notes, and I still don't if I'm curled up reading in a chair. But I take notes when I read e-books on the computer - it makes writing the review so much easier.
I usually take notes in a notebook for review books, or stick little post it notes on particular passages that I think are important. I hate to actually write in books- I like to try and keep them in perfect condition- but I did write notes in pencil for one book just to try it out. It was very freeing, and I did enjoy it, but when I lent the book out the person was asking me all sorts of questions about the notes I had written in the margins! Think I will stick to preserving my books by using notebooks! I try to write down my reviews after reading any books that I don't take notes for because the details are fresh, but have to skim if I wait...
Great post!
I've found if I take notes while I'm reading, it's too much of a distraction. I may make a note after I've put my book down for the evening or after I've finished reading it.
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