Where I share my love of books with reviews, features, giveaways and memes. Family and needlepoint are thrown in from time to time.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Is it H1N1?

My son (who will be 5 in 12 days) started coughing yesterday and complained of a stomach ache off and on - then about 6pm last night started running a fever. I took him in to the doctor first thing this morning and left feeling worse than when I went in. He basically told me that the only flu's they are seeing right now are H1N1 as regular flu season hasn't hit yet. Since our state just got the H1N1 shot yesterday - he said it is already too late - that we are already in the middle of the epidemic and that shot takes about 4 weeks to reach its maximum effectiveness.

So - he did a nasal swab on him and they have sent it out - results should be back tomorrow. Unfortunately I now have to worry about him - and the possibility of my other 2 girls getting it - and then there is me. . .

I have a disease called Wegener's Granulomatosa. I was diagnosed about 15 years ago - and have been taken to the emergency room 3 times by ambulance - hospitalized 3 times (only once from the ambulance trip), have had blood clots, seizures, pneumonia, voice loss for years at a time (I'm not kidding), arthritis and even just stopped breathing once - they think my throat swelled or collapsed or something. . . Anyway - Wegener's affects nose, throat, lungs (so - respiratory) and kidneys. Thankfully I have never had kidney involvement. The treatment I am on is an immunosupressant drug called Methotrexate - So, in addition to being at high risk - I also have a lowered immune system. So - if my son has H1N1 - what are my chances of avoiding it? Anyone wanna make a bet?

And for the curious bunch out there - for more information on Wegener's.

Also - Bobbie at Book Reviews by Bobbie had a great post on H1N1 today..


Annette W. said...

So how are you feeling? I just prayed for you!

Annette W. said...

Let me clarify...I don't think just because I prayed you'll be wonderful, but I am wondering how you are doing and I also prayed for you. Make sense? I hope so.

bermudaonion said...

Oh my goodness! I hope you're all okay. Take care of yourself!

Lisa said...

My 4 year old has H1N1. He had a fever for a couple days, a headache and severe lethargy. He has puked a few times, but nothing on going. He is high risk because of asthma, but really it's been pretty mild.

I still hope you don't get it.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Kristi, So sorry your little guy isn't feeling well. I hope it's not H1N1. And I hope the rest of your family can avoid whatever he has. Wishing you all the best.

Renee said...

praying you stay healthy. A neighbor of ours (family of 7) only had a few kids sick - grownups avoided it

Cheryl Pitt said...

Oh dear, I hope you don't get it. But if you do, chances are that it won't be much worse than the regular flu.

And your doctor is partially right. I'm glad he swabbed him and that you'll get a true answer. But part of the reason are doctors are only seeing H1N1 is because the sneakin' CDC is encouraging doctors to say it's H1N1 without swabbing and testing. That way they can label ALL flu cases as H1N1, bump the numbers way up and spread more panic, which means more $$$ for the medical & vaccine industries.

kayerj said...

we've been passing swine flu through the ranks of our family since the last of September--no ones dead yet :) They say if your fifty or older (that's me) you probably won't get it. I hope it misses you.

Heidi V said...

Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that I have you both in my prayers. Be safe and well!!!


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